At first I was doing alot of co washing but it made my hair so mushy and it was breaking off bad. So figured I needed more protein but it still is breaking.

Before when my hair would break I would do a protein treatment and problem would be solved. It seems like these past 6 months I have expereince the most breakage I have every had. Every day even if I touch my hair it breaks. I just dont understand.

Are you stressed out about something? Stress can jack up your hair in some of the worst ways.
Ok...You brought me out of hiding because I can totally relate.
Don't give up.
It took me a dreadful 4-1/2 years.
I had so much salon damage. I felt the "exact" same way.
There was no sympathy here then (from most), but I really understand where you're coming from. Also my hormones were way off.
My advice is to be as gentle with you hair as possible.
Try different things to see what works for "you".
Lurk the board...there's "great" tips and advice here and a lot of people with a world of's helped me.
Maybe even start with a natural reconstructor like "Giovanni" and natural products from Aubrey...that's what worked for me in the beginning.
And if I were you, I'd wash 1-2 times instead of 3 times per week.
I don't know your whole situation, but it sounds like you may have to try something for a month or so and see if it's right for "your hair".
Braids were not for me or anything of the like. My hair was simply too fragile "at that time". Perhaps this is the case?
I also would say (just my opinion) it's best to stay away from relaxing the hair (if that's what you are doing).
You will be alright. Just keep on searching for the answer and don't give up.
Believe me, my hair was a complete wack job and it took 4-1/2 years to get it in good condition.
I truly wish you the best of luck. :rosebud:
Man, I feel you. I have those kinda days too. The ladies here have given you great advice. Six months- girl you are just getting in good! :lol: This whole process takes time-- and it takes alot longer depending on where you are starting out. I know for me, I started off with a pretty bad head of overprocessed (colored and relaxed to death) hair. I think I've finally gotten the last strings of that mess off within the last year or so :lol:

First, Give yourself a little credit! :yep: I know sometimes we have little triumphs that we tend to overlook on our quest for something greater. I know you're battling breakage-- but has it gotten a bit thicker? Shining a little more on its own? Feeling a little nicer? You know, showing the early signs of progress? Once you find your stride, you'll be good to go! So sit back, relax and try to understand what your hair is telling you.

I'd be careful trying too many regimens and techniques all at once. Give your hair a chance to clearly respond to something. Take a method/product, give it a whirl-- if it doesn't work-- scrap it. I wouldnt' even get into mixing stuff up yet. There are lots of great gems and strategies on this forum, but if you combine every last strategy you will be starting more threads like this one. :giggle: They can't all work together. :giggle: Your breakage could be a response to a whole myriad of factors. Listening to your stats it does sound like a protein issue to me. Naturals typically don't need that much protein, and most newbies typically don't need so much protein in the beginning either. But, your breakage might simply be a matter of you keeping your hands in your hair too often-- or your water might be hard.

Slow it down, sista! This is supposed to be fun! :lol:
At first I was doing alot of co washing but it made my hair so mushy and it was breaking off bad. So figured I needed more protein but it still is breaking.

Before when my hair would break I would do a protein treatment and problem would be solved. It seems like these past 6 months I have expereince the most breakage I have every had. Every day even if I touch my hair it breaks. I just dont understand.

Fisrt I dont know what stage you are at...whether newbie or....but I remember when I first joined...there are so many things being thrown 5days a week, protein treatment, deep conditioning weekly, plus the indian powders(I am sure you get the idea).....but my point is that after getting on a few bandwagons and going through the same situation where whatever I did my hair was still falling out....

After trying a few things(who am i kidding a LOT of things:lachen:)...1. I agree with the ladies here; you have to give each product a chance! Calm down! Start enjoying this and do take your time because this is not just about growing long hair but also learning about what works for you and not only that, this can be time consuming so...
Anyway as a natural half of all these good things I have read about people having co-washes more than once in a week has never worked for my hair(or my university timetable:grin:)...too many treatments havent worked either....a minimal approach has done more than all the time consuming things I read other people were doing(if it worked for them...gr8!). SO in all that you have read here you will find things that work for YOU and this is what you stick with and tweek(sp) it very now and then...

Have fun and enjoy the learning curve....happpy hair growing!
At first I was doing alot of co washing but it made my hair so mushy and it was breaking off bad. So figured I needed more protein but it still is breaking.

Before when my hair would break I would do a protein treatment and problem would be solved. It seems like these past 6 months I have expereince the most breakage I have every had. Every day even if I touch my hair it breaks. I just dont understand.

Thanks for this thread because a piece of me was actually feeling like this a little bit, but I slowed down the manipulation. At first, I thought it sucked because to me, that meant taking longer to figure out what work. Also, I've come to the conclusion that nothing for my ends will work except for a good 'ol trim as much as I hate to say it. As you can see (my join date) to now, it makes exactly six months. I do experience breakage, but the fun part is that as i slow down, I get to pin-point some of the things that may be going wrong. Sometimes it may not even be the products. HTH.