
New Member
I am so frustrated:sad: I have been doing everything right for the past 6 months with my hair and my hair is still breaking on a daily basis. I have spent money on countless products and nothing works. I wash 2-3 times a week. I deep conditioner twice a week. I have tried Megatek, protein treatment(Apghooe), I have even tried the egg and olive mix and nothing works.

I wear my hair natural, I only wear twistouts, I haven't used heat on my hair in 6 months! I mositurize twice a day with UBH moisturizer yet my hair is constantly breaking off.

I am so tired. I feel like just going back to my old habits. What is the point of trying when you are not getting any results. Im just going to give up because nothing is working and I am tired of trying.:wallbash:
maybe you should try cornrows or a different protective style....that style may not work for you
Could it be that you're using far too much protein? That will cause breakage, especially for naturals who seem to need less of it than relaxed heads. Try laying off the protein for a while and see if that makes a difference.
i'm sorry that this has been such a frustrating experience so far BUT don't give up just yet. one of the things that stands out from reading your post is that you've used a lot of different products in a short period of time. perhaps, it would be helpful to find some products and stick to them for a few months to give them time to work and to see how your hair reacts. now, of course, if your hair is acting up the first time you use it, that's a sign BUT if you don't get a miracle the first time you use it, then keep using it for awhile at least a few months. i'm not natural, so i don't have any tips in regards to that but maybe identifying some products to try and i know when you are first starting out it's trial and error but give it some time. and, most importantly, don't give up. there are tons of resources on this board and people are more than willing to help. take care.
I know that wearing my hair out a lot makes it drier and harder to deal with. Like the previous poster said, try some protective styles with low manipulation. Don't give up yet!
how badly damaged was ur hair prior to joining? sometimes it can take up to 1-1.5 years for hair to make a complete turnaroud. hair that is badly damaged beyond repiar dont really respond to anything and products are a temporary fix. and it sounds like ur using wayyyyyy to many protein based prodcts in ur hair.
That's a lot of moisture too...You dc twice a week and moisturize twice a day? And maybe that's a lot of manipulation. If I washed my natural hair 3 times a week it would go psycho on me. Are you washing with conditioner or shampoo 3 times a week? A lot of members are abstaining from shampoo because for some it's more problems than it's worth. If I didn't live in a hardwater area I would be too...
Are you using too much protein?? That can be causing breakage too. I don't know if this would help but if you know of a stylist that good and honest, try going to them for a free consultation to find out what my be causing you hair to still break with all the TLC your giving it.

You can also do this on your own. Post your regimen and I'm sure us ladies will help the best way we can to see what may be the cause.
At first I was doing alot of co washing but it made my hair so mushy and it was breaking off bad. So figured I needed more protein but it still is breaking.

Before when my hair would break I would do a protein treatment and problem would be solved. It seems like these past 6 months I have expereince the most breakage I have every had. Every day even if I touch my hair it breaks. I just dont understand.
maybe too much protein, too much protein on hair can make it worse. I would leave those hard core protein treatments alone, and just stick to light protien conditioners and keep up with your moisterizing DC's.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad: oh, and maybe DC when your hair feels really, really dry, just use a regular moisterizing weekly treatment.
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That's a lot of moisture too...You dc twice a week and moisturize twice a day? And maybe that's a lot of manipulation. If I washed my natural hair 3 times a week it would go psycho on me. Are you washing with conditioner or shampoo 3 times a week? A lot of members are abstaining from shampoo because for some it's more problems than it's worth. If I didn't live in a hardwater area I would be too...

I only co wash now because the shampoo seem like it was drying out my hair. Maybe it is too much manipulation. I just dont know what to do.
maybe too much protein, too much protein on hair can make it worse. I would leave those hard core protein treatments alone, and just stick to light protien conditioners and keep up with your moisterizing DC's.:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

I only started using alot of protein because my hair was so soft and extremly mushy that is was still breaking off. I having trouble finding that moisture/protein balance.
i had this same problem. my hair is relaxed so this might be different, but i started doing less and my hair breakage has significantly slowed almost to a halt. i was so anxious to give my hair nutrients that i started washing/condition my hair every other day. well! my hair did not like that. I realized it and started to just wash/condition my hair every 4 days or so, or no more than twice a week. I layed off the protein and only moisturized/manipulated my hair twice a week, but I'd use a thick moisturizer. (I don't use water based moisturizers. I use balms and butters) With that thick moisturizer there was no need to manipulate it on non wash days because my hair was already moisturized.

Since you just used protein my advice is to not use it again for another 6 weeks. You have enough in there. In the meantime just wash/DC 1-2x/week. It also sounds like you may be suffering from too much daily manipulation as well as too much protein.
Don't give up! Here is what I think. Like the ladies have suggested, you have tried a lot in a short period of time. If the hair was breaking and is breaking guess is it may be too damaged to nurse. I would do a really good trim and start with basics:

1.Wash once a week with an organic shampoo like Aubrey Organics
2.Select a moisturizer (just one) and an oil to seal (start with one). Moisturize once before bed (add mornings if the ends are dry, otherwise start with once before bed).
3. Choose a low manipulation style (maybe your twists....but just don't handle them everyday).
4. Stay consistent with one regimen for at least two months.
5. Buy some cute earrings and just WAIT.

I think you will see a turn around if you have a little more patience.:yep:

Good luck chica!
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You may also want to start taking a garlic supplement as well. I take a garlic supplement and it helps maintain. Of course, it will take awhile to get in your system, but garlic helps with breakage.
I am so frustrated:sad: I have been doing everything right for the past 6 months with my hair and my hair is still breaking on a daily basis. I have spent money on countless products and nothing works. I wash 2-3 times a week. I deep conditioner twice a week. I have tried Megatek, protein treatment(Apghooe), I have even tried the egg and olive mix and nothing works.

I wear my hair natural, I only wear twistouts, I haven't used heat on my hair in 6 months! I mositurize twice a day with UBH moisturizer yet my hair is constantly breaking off.

I am so tired. I feel like just going back to my old habits. What is the point of trying when you are not getting any results. Im just going to give up because nothing is working and I am tired of trying.:wallbash:

Deep Breath!!!

What's giving up going to solve?


What are you DCing with? You mentioned a lot of proteiny things, are you using any moisturizing DCs? Maybe you're over proteinified :)

Try buns or cornrows or other styles besides twistouts. Maybe do twists and pin them up in cute styles to keep your ends protected?

Maybe try different products and different amounts of products. Are you babying your hair? It seems with twistouts and 3x weekly washing that you're manipulating it often.
i'm sorry that this has been such a frustrating experience so far BUT don't give up just yet. one of the things that stands out from reading your post is that you've used a lot of different products in a short period of time. perhaps, it would be helpful to find some products and stick to them for a few months to give them time to work and to see how your hair reacts. now, of course, if your hair is acting up the first time you use it, that's a sign BUT if you don't get a miracle the first time you use it, then keep using it for awhile at least a few months. i'm not natural, so i don't have any tips in regards to that but maybe identifying some products to try and i know when you are first starting out it's trial and error but give it some time. and, most importantly, don't give up. there are tons of resources on this board and people are more than willing to help. take care.

I totally agree! I made the mistake of switching up products all the time and it took me a looooooong time to wise up, go for what works, and stick with it. I just wanted to try everything. Once I decided to stick with the same products week after week, my hair started thriving. :yep:
OMG- I totally feel you... but I've been doing this for two YEARS. I decided recently to just go natural - I seriously can't deal with the breakage, shedding and dryness. I would say stop doing anything to it. Literally.

What I've adopted is DC'ing every week, blowdrying (i know) and spray (mist) in leave-in during the week. Sometimes I look crazy bc my edges are obviously curled up from the misting... i'm getting braids soon.. (that may not be an option for you)
I am so frustrated:sad: I have been doing everything right for the past 6 months with my hair and my hair is still breaking on a daily basis. I have spent money on countless products and nothing works. I wash 2-3 times a week. I deep conditioner twice a week. I have tried Megatek, protein treatment(Apghooe), I have even tried the egg and olive mix and nothing works.

I wear my hair natural, I only wear twistouts, I haven't used heat on my hair in 6 months! I mositurize twice a day with UBH moisturizer yet my hair is constantly breaking off.

I am so tired. I feel like just going back to my old habits. What is the point of trying when you are not getting any results. Im just going to give up because nothing is working and I am tired of trying.:wallbash:

a lot of times less is more.

perhaps you're doing too much for YOUR hair.

although 6 months seems like a long time it really isn't.
Don't give up. My first six months were a disaster as well but it will get better. Keep your regimen simple and use protective styles and I'm sure you will start seeing the results you desire.
When I was natural, I had to keep my hair cornrowed or braided, you don't have to use extensions. With my hair type, I would get mad crazy tangles if I just rocked it plain. Everyone's hair is different though
I felt like giving up a few months ago, and then I crossed over to an Ayurvedic regimen...I contemplated it for a while and read a few threads. You can PM me if you're interested and don't feel like reading all those threads.
Hey is definately not the time to quit....:yep:

i have been at this for nearly a year and i havent seen drastic growth like a lot of ladies here...


my hair is DEFiNATELY the best its been.....

the one thing i've learnt is to not do too much to my hair and put so many products in it........

try to find a few products that will do the job....i dont think we try out a product long enough to see the benefits.....people try a product ONCE and throw it out :nono:

i also think the less you manipulate (comb, brush, touch hair,shampoo shampoo shampoo) the less you will see breakage....sometimes seeing it everyday doesnt help.....give yourself and your hair a rest (1,2, 5 days???)

and protein shouldnt be used constantly...........but whenever you do use it make sure to add protein conditioner then a moisturising deep con.......
I can relate. Don't give up. sounds like to much moisture to me. If you use protein thinking you going to have strong hair and then use moisture you can actually cancel each other out. (thanks gymfreak) I would do a protein treatment then DC with moisture and end up with weak hair all over again. Only when I stopped the follow up with moisture the problem corrected itself. I just used emergencee and didn't follow up with nothing. I detangled and used NTM and olive oil as a moisturizer. Havent' moisturized since and that was sunday. My protein treatments allows my hair to hold moisture in. I wrote a thread on my frustrations too, but I have discovered that I can't moisturize daily. If I do my hair would be a mushy mess by wash day
I am so frustrated:sad: I have been doing everything right for the past 6 months with my hair and my hair is still breaking on a daily basis. I have spent money on countless products and nothing works. I wash 2-3 times a week. I deep conditioner twice a week. I have tried Megatek, protein treatment(Apghooe), I have even tried the egg and olive mix and nothing works.

I wear my hair natural, I only wear twistouts, I haven't used heat on my hair in 6 months! I mositurize twice a day with UBH moisturizer yet my hair is constantly breaking off.

I am so tired. I feel like just going back to my old habits. What is the point of trying when you are not getting any results. Im just going to give up because nothing is working and I am tired of trying.:wallbash:

Sorry you're down about your progress. Maybe your diet has something to do with it:superbanana:. Do you eat alot of veggies? Supplement with vitamins? The more you stress about your hair:crying3:, you could inhibit your growth. Have you had a doctor checkup lately? Could be something to do with your thyroid? Lots of reasons could be the cause of your breakage. Hope this helps!!!! Just a word of encouragement, my hair was breaking off alot, I had SL in some relaxed areas and only 1 inch in other areas that were natural. I BC'd and went natural and my hair is thriving. I'm on vitamins too!!!

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i had this same problem. my hair is relaxed so this might be different, but i started doing less and my hair breakage has significantly slowed almost to a halt. i was so anxious to give my hair nutrients that i started washing/condition my hair every other day. well! my hair did not like that. I realized it and started to just wash/condition my hair every 4 days or so, or no more than twice a week. I layed off the protein and only moisturized/manipulated my hair twice a week, but I'd use a thick moisturizer. (I don't use water based moisturizers. I use balms and butters) With that thick moisturizer there was no need to manipulate it on non wash days because my hair was already moisturized.


I never thought about using thick moisturizer conditioners before....That is a really good idea because those water based conditioners tend to make my hair so mushy if i used them all the time. Thanks.
Don't give up! Here is what I think. Like the ladies have suggested, you have tried a lot in a short period of time. If the hair was breaking and is breaking guess is it may be too damaged to nurse. I would do a really good trim and start with basics:

1.Wash once a week with an organic shampoo like Aubrey Organics
2.Select a moisturizer (just one) and an oil to seal (start with one). Moisturize once before bed (add mornings if the ends are dry, otherwise start with once before bed).
3. Choose a low manipulation style (maybe your twists....but just don't handle them everyday).
4. Saty consistent with one regimen for at least two months.
5. Buy some cute earrings and just WAIT.

I think you will see a turn around if youu have a little more patience.:yep:

Good luck chica!

Thank you so much. I am going to try this.
Hey is definately not the time to quit....:yep:

i have been at this for nearly a year and i havent seen drastic growth like a lot of ladies here...


my hair is DEFiNATELY the best its been.....

the one thing i've learnt is to not do too much to my hair and put so many products in it........

try to find a few products that will do the job....i dont think we try out a product long enough to see the benefits.....people try a product ONCE and throw it out :nono:

i also think the less you manipulate (comb, brush, touch hair,shampoo shampoo shampoo) the less you will see breakage....sometimes seeing it everyday doesnt help.....give yourself and your hair a rest (1,2, 5 days???)

and protein shouldnt be used constantly...........but whenever you do use it make sure to add protein conditioner then a moisturising deep con.......

I guess I wasnt really giving the products a fair chance. Im am going to just where twists once a week