I'm facing my 20th week of stretching.....


New Member
And Im about to give in.. I just dont know if I can keep doing it, honeslty I dont know how long I want to stretch im just kinda trying to keep going..

Yesterday i bought a relaxer kit, I was going to texlax but then I got lazy, and just washed my hair..

What do you guys think I should do.. Keep stretching till it nearly kills me? or just get it out of the way, and start a new stretch??
How long did you originally intend to stretch for?

What is the longest stretch you've had?

I find that if you go 12, then 14, then 16, etc.. it gets easier to stetch, cause you're more experienced and your hair is trained and longer to handle it.

Is your hair breaking? Thriving? Or you just sick of the bushiness?
Is your goal to transition to natural? Or just have a long stretch to obtain strong healthy new growth to relax?
honeslty I think I kinda got over the worst part, my hair was breaking and shedding alot for a while, but I guess that was just the cold weather IDK..

Right now I can easilly comb through my newgrowth I'm quiet surprised at how easy it is now..

originally I was going to stretch for 6 months, so that I only relaxed once a year..I guess I could try to still keep going..

Does the relaxer kit I got expire if you havent mixed in the activator??
Is your goal to transition to natural? Or just have a long stretch to obtain strong healthy new growth to relax?

im confused about this myself, sometimes I want to go natural, other times I really like being texlaxed.. My husband really wants me to go natural, but it's not his hair.

if I was to go natural, I would do it without the BC, I was thinking maybe I could grow my hair to WL, its not AP, and then slowly cut of the texlaxed hair..

Im very confused, transitioners how did you make the decision to go natural????
Saidia, can u put me on your buddy list? I would love to see your hair. You are almost at your goal.:clap:
Wow! 20 wks is a great stretch. I'm 13wks, but as Lady Es stated, I think I'm tired on the bushy hair and is ready for straight hair. I could probably go longer but I would have to wear the curly look for it to look decent and it's so time consuming to put 50 little rollers in your hair. Hey hang in there if you can!