I'm Double Bleaching! Pics.


Well-Known Member
Ok y'all I'm doing bad things to my hair and she gonna be mad. I have never bleached my hair with bleach, but after not being able to achieve the red color I want in my bangs because of MANIC PANIC Shocking Blue I wanted to try something new.

I did my hair dark blue about 2 inches of hair ago:lachen:. Well it was so pretty and it was suppose to be temperary, but the color will not come out. I bleached yesterday with a 20 vol and the color lifted to a green brown color. I'm about to bleach it again today in like 5 minutes. I only left the bleach on yesterday for 20 minutes because I was scared.

It's just the bang section so if it start breaking I'll just trim me a nice little bang.:ohwell: Pictures.
I bleached and dyed my bangs with Manic Panic before. (pics in fotki) and, YES, the color does stick to your hair something serious just to be a rinse. I had to grow out the hair that was permanently a purple-brownish color. Everybody thought it was cute, but I grew sick of it. Can't wait for pics!
I'm getting them. This is the first bleaching. I will post after the second. I Also put a black rinse on the rest of my hair to make it pop. The only part I really dye is the front.
i like it! just condition like crazy and if it starts to fade, use a red rinse over it.

i just colored my hair too a light golden brownish color. i was scared at first, but it turned out good. and my hair isn't falling out!
I bleached and dyed my bangs with Manic Panic before. (pics in fotki) and, YES, the color does stick to your hair something serious just to be a rinse. I had to grow out the hair that was permanently a purple-brownish color. Everybody thought it was cute, but I grew sick of it. Can't wait for pics!

Girl U make me want purple, lol. That was pretty. I actually have Manic Panic in that purple and the teal color. MP has never washed completely out.
OP, this sounds like a BAD idea - but I guess you've already done it. Maybe you should throw a deep conditioner somewhere into the mix???
Love your color concept! Prettydimples01 does her "winter" hair like this! Now she doesn't use bleach at all. Here in her color vids, she says how she achieves her poppin red color in the front.

YouTube - Touch of Color

she's been doing this for quite a while, and seems to have minimal breakage in the maintenance process. Not that you don't know what you are doing or anything, it's just that bleach REALLY scares me and in the long term for many causes set backs. So I just figured that I would present a bleach alternative. :)
lol its just a little in the front and my front grows twice as fast as the rest of my hair. And of course I Dced. Yesterday I dced no heat 4 hours. Today after the second bleaching I will dc the bangs for an hour or so. Also I won't be using heat on this part of my hair. Will rollerset the bangs only. I'm not scared if it breaks. It's only a small section.
Tight :D
Whats the point of having hair if you're too scared to even enjoy it?? Amiright?

When I want to enjoy my hair I put it in a mohawk. I'm not messing with bleach. But if the op it confident in her decision then that's all that matters. But I'd be too scared to mess with that.
Imma have to cut the dark color out anyway. It was worth a try. I might just go a head and cut now out of frustration.
I wouldn't cut just yet. You have such lovely hair! :D I would just wait, do aphogee heavy protein tx, dc and in a month or so, do it again, or go to a salon, have them lift all the color out, then do the red you want.
I double processed before, not by choice but by a beautician who secretly did it without telling me what she was doing. I think you will be very sorry you did.
Well, I can't talk because I'm triple processed...but I did go to a professional and ya'll are right about living in deep conditioner...but for me, it was worth it.

OP, you are taking precautions by only dye-ing the bang, but I would wait to cut it...you might feel differently when you calm down!
oh girl baby that hair something fierce or you will lose it :/ I tripleprocessed my bangs too and they broke off so much that it was barely a bang lol. But for the time it was very cute. Enjoy the color! It's just hair, if it breaks off it'll grow back :)
I like it a lot. Hopefully you will be ok with some extra TLC.

I used to bleach my hair and dye it all sorts of colors and one day they would just be gone because it would all eventually break off. Of course I didn't know then what I know now about hair care. I <3 bold colors but I tell myself that I need to leave it alone or I'll be an old bald lady. Please keep sharing so I can live those pretty colors through you! :look:

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Ok I don't think I know the difference between bleaching and lightening. What I used was Salon Care Prism Lights and the Salon Care 20 developer. The orange color is Adore rinse in Paprika.