
Well-Known Member
Ok so i finally decided to try henna. the problem is that there are so many different recipes and things that people add i don't know how to do it.

all ya'll out there that henna, please tell me your process and your dos and don'ts

I know there are threads out there that have this information but i'm not trying to read through tons of pages trying to figure out the right process.:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
My rule of thumb with for 1st time henna users: Keep It Simple
- just use water and henna, see how your hair takes to it. then add extras the next go around - oils, condish, other herbs, etc.
- rinse, rinse, rinse and rinse some more....
- be sure to use a moisturizing DC afterwards
I henna 2-3x per month and keep it simple.

For each 100g box of henna , I add 3/4 cup warm water and 3 tbsp acv and mix. I apply it to my hair in quadrants and leave it on overnight with a showercap. I co wash it out and let it airdry.
I have APL hair and used 150g of henna and maybe 25g of Amla powder. I henna and indigo'd today and I love the results.

My Henna Mix:
Jamila Henna BAQ
Amla Powder
Chamomile Tea
Stirred to yogurt consistency
Let sit overnight (this is optional, you get still get a little dye and conditioning without letting dye release)

My Indigo Mix:
Sea Salt (Helps stain darker)

Rule of Thumb:
DO NOT USE SHAMPOO TO GET IT OUT. USE CONDITIONER! This process can be drying on the hair. Shampoo will make it drier and create tangles. Buy a cheap $1 V05 Conditioner and this works great. My hair feels soft now.

I let each sit in my hair for 40mins under a under hooded dryer. I dont have time to wait hours for results.

My rule of thumb with for 1st time henna users: Keep It Simple
- just use water and henna, see how your hair takes to it. then add extras the next go around - oils, condish, other herbs, etc.
- rinse, rinse, rinse and rinse some more....
- be sure to use a moisturizing DC afterwards

ITA with JLove on keeping the whole process as simple as possible, then you can start adding other conditioning powders slowly into it, for example, you may start to add a tablespoon of amla powder, then shikakai, etc.

You may also later add a couple ounces of cheapie conditioner to your henna and make a henna gloss, I like Tresemme remoisture conditioner with B5 for this. Then later add some oils like coconut or bhringraj or amla oil etc, to it.

I would really stay away from adding acids to your henna, like lemon juice, ACV, too much amla powder, etc, (if you have dry hair) as they are very drying when added to henna for use on African American hair. Our hair simply cannot handle the acids as well as oily haired folks. The acids are only needed to help the henna color release faster but if you mix the henna overnight for about 10 - 12 hours, this is just as effective as putting acids in your henna which enables you to apply it to your hair in half the time. Even Kadija, owner of Henna Sooq admits that she does not use lemon juice in her henna mixes because of the dryness.

I always mix my henna the night before I henna my hair and I henna now every 3-4 weeks. I did use indigo after my last henna and you can actually see the difference in coloring in my siggy pics:yep:. Hope this helps a little.

ETA: As PrettyFace indicated, do not wash out your henna with shampoo. Use some cheapie conditioner for washing, then deep condition your hair as normal with a moisturizing deep conditioner. You will have to rinse it at least a good 15 minutes and co-wash it for 8-10 times perhaps as well before most to all of it comes out.

Take your time when rinsing it out. Do not tug and pull at your hair, just allow the water from your shower to loosen it up a little first, be as gentle as you can with your hair at this point and when most of the henna is out then start moving it a little to allow the water to wash it out further.
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Okay...My first HENNA experiece was HORRIBLE.

I mixed with water..And didn't add enough oils to the mix or my hair. So it took FOREVER to get all that grit out of my hair. If it wasn't for people really feeling my irritation and telling me how to improve, I would never have hennaed again.

So now here is what 'I" do.

I use 100gram henna and mix with coffee or ACV and have it sit over night.

Next day I add YOGURT (makes it smooth), glycerin, EVOO, coconut oil, jojoba/hempseed oil, and a little lime and coconut milk. This make a really smooth/creamy consistency.

I then apply a generous amt of condish mixed w/ coconut, castor, shea oils and coat my dry hair. I then apply my henna mix.

With this process, I have found that the henna rinses out of my hair w/ ease and I am still left with the results that I desire.

Find what works for you...Just don't be SHOCKED if your first experience isn't all that great....
Thats the black I am trying to achieve. Your hair looks beautiful.

Okay...My first HENNA experiece was HORRIBLE.

I mixed with water..And didn't add enough oils to the mix or my hair. So it took FOREVER to get all that grit out of my hair. If it wasn't for people really feeling my irritation and telling me how to improve, I would never have hennaed again.

So now here is what 'I" do.

I use 100gram henna and mix with coffee or ACV and have it sit over night.

Next day I add YOGURT (makes it smooth), glycerin, EVOO, coconut oil, jojoba/hempseed oil, and a little lime and coconut milk. This make a really smooth/creamy consistency.

I then apply a generous amt of condish mixed w/ coconut, castor, shea oils and coat my dry hair. I then apply my henna mix.

With this process, I have found that the henna rinses out of my hair w/ ease and I am still left with the results that I desire.

Find what works for you...Just don't be SHOCKED if your first experience isn't all that great....
Ok so i finally decided to try henna. the problem is that there are so many different recipes and things that people add i don't know how to do it.

all ya'll out there that henna, please tell me your process and your dos and don'ts

I know there are threads out there that have this information but i'm not trying to read through tons of pages trying to figure out the right process.:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance
you go girl!!! I'm right behind you, can't wait to do my 1st

Henna is not as difficult as it seems as I quickly learned:

The first time I used Henna + Lemon Juice = DRY HAIR

Second Time I used Henna + Water = DRY GRITTY HAIR

Third time was a charm

Henna + Small amount of Acidic Juice (Lemon, Orange, ACV) + One or More Moisturizing Ingredients (Conditioner, Glycerin, Oils, Egg Yolk) + Water to form a paste = Soft Strong Hair

I use about 150g Henna

Add a little lemon juice (or any acidic ingredient) for the dye release. (1oz) I don't measure.

Then add as many moisturizing ingredients as you like.

I add Cheapie Conditioner, Oil (EVOO or Jojoba or Coconut), Egg Yolk, Glycerin, Peppermint Oil (for the tingle)

Then I add Enough Distilled water to make a thick paste (It will be lumpy)

Let it sit for a few hours to overnignt

Stir well to remove lumps (It should be very smooth) then apply and cover with saran wrap for 2-8 hours.

It sounds more difficult than it really is. I don't brew coffee, tea, add other powders or anything like that. Just add a little acid (Lemon, Orange Juice, ACV) and throw in whatever else you want. The more moisturizing the better. I tried a few different mixes and this formula (Acid + Moisturizing Ingredients + Distilled Water) NEVER gives me dryness. It leaves my hair soft and strong.
Thank ya'll for your input.

So i'm gonna do the mix tonight and apply tommorrow. I'm so nervous!!!! So far I came to the conclusion just to add warm water and some glycerin. Does this sound good?

Also I read somewhere that it helps to apply the henna to hair that has been freshly dc'd and is damp. Anyone ever try this?
Thank ya'll for your input.

So i'm gonna do the mix tonight and apply tommorrow. I'm so nervous!!!! So far I came to the conclusion just to add warm water and some glycerin. Does this sound good?

Also I read somewhere that it helps to apply the henna to hair that has been freshly dc'd and is damp. Anyone ever try this?

Actually it's best to apply to freshly clarified hair. You may dampen your hair a little if you wish but it's not absolutely necessary. I apply my henna to slightly damp hair though.
My rule of thumb with for 1st time henna users: Keep It Simple
- just use water and henna, see how your hair takes to it. then add extras the next go around - oils, condish, other herbs, etc.
- rinse, rinse, rinse and rinse some more....
- be sure to use a moisturizing DC afterwards
Don't like your 1st time user advice
Definately sounds like the best advice, just not what I wanted to hear. I'm doing my 1st soon, and I was going to use Ayurvedic powders along with it. Your post leaves me hesitate to do that. Thank you

P.S I love Christian Louboutin
I have APL hair and used 150g of henna and maybe 25g of Amla powder. I henna and indigo'd today and I love the results.

My Henna Mix:
Jamila Henna BAQ
Amla Powder
Chamomile Tea
Stirred to yogurt consistency
Let sit overnight (this is optional, you get still get a little dye and conditioning without letting dye release)

My Indigo Mix:
Sea Salt (Helps stain darker)

Rule of Thumb:
DO NOT USE SHAMPOO TO GET IT OUT. USE CONDITIONER! This process can be drying on the hair. Shampoo will make it drier and create tangles. Buy a cheap $1 V05 Conditioner and this works great. My hair feels soft now.

I let each sit in my hair for 40mins under a under hooded dryer. I dont have time to wait hours for results.

What is ACV?
I just mixed the henna up and but some on the hair from my brush. is this a good way to see how the hair on my head will react to the henna?
I just mixed the henna up and but some on the hair from my brush. is this a good way to see how the hair on my head will react to the henna?

yes, this is the best way. leave it on the harvested hair for the same amount of time you plan on leaving on when you apply to your whole head so you can see how the color takes,
Don't like your 1st time user advice
Definately sounds like the best advice, just not what I wanted to hear. I'm doing my 1st soon, and I was going to use Ayurvedic powders along with it. Your post leaves me hesitate to do that. Thank you

P.S I love Christian Louboutin

Don't be hesitant, just cautious. Henna can be very drying for some. So if you start off simple, you can see what needs to be added, rather than starting off with different oils, powders, etc. because you won't really know what to take away if you hair feels out of sorts.
yes, this is the best way. leave it on the harvested hair for the same amount of time you plan on leaving on when you apply to your whole head so you can see how the color takes,

is it okay if i didn't let the mix sit for hours? I got really excited about doing this and i kind of just mixed the henna and threw the hair in there without thinking about letting the dyes release.:look:
is it okay if i didn't let the mix sit for hours? I got really excited about doing this and i kind of just mixed the henna and threw the hair in there without thinking about letting the dyes release.:look:

depending on the brand, the color may release in as little as 3 hours. But if you just want to use it for conditioning purposes you can just mix and apply. If you want the color benefits, as well, you need to let the henna release.
depending on the brand, the color may release in as little as 3 hours. But if you just want to use it for conditioning purposes you can just mix and apply. If you want the color benefits, as well, you need to let the henna release.

well i guess for this time i'll leave the harvested hair in the mix over night and see if it colors the hair. next time i'll let the mix sit over night and then add some harvested hair to see if there is a difference in color.
so my harvested hair turned out a pretty red/burgundy color. i have the henna mix on my head now and will let ya'll know how it came out.
My rule of thumb with for 1st time henna users: Keep It Simple
- just use water and henna, see how your hair takes to it. then add extras the next go around - oils, condish, other herbs, etc.
- rinse, rinse, rinse and rinse some more....
- be sure to use a moisturizing DC afterwards

ITA, keep it simple to begin with. Once you know how your hair is affected by the henna then it's easier to gage what you might need to add to get the desired effect next time.
So I just washed it out and I like the results. I didin't let the mix sit long enough so the color didn't release. I'm gonna do it again next weekend and let it sit longer.

Also I need to add some type of fragrance because the smell was horrible!!! I mean I literaly was almost ready to rinse it out early because of the smell. Any suggestions?
So I just washed it out and I like the results. I didin't let the mix sit long enough so the color didn't release. I'm gonna do it again next weekend and let it sit longer.

Also I need to add some type of fragrance because the smell was horrible!!! I mean I literaly was almost ready to rinse it out early because of the smell. Any suggestions?

I use ginger root powder and essential oils. The peppermint essential oil is great for henna scent.
I love henna also and I usually will put it with a cheapie condish, cinnamon powder for the scent, and a little EVOO. I also get soft manageable results. I have read horror stories about the henna and water only concoction so I was scared of hard, tangled hair.

Glad you loved your results!
okay so now that my hair is dry it does feel a little dried out. Its soft, it just feels dry. AnY suggustions on what to do next time so that my hair is more moisturized?
okay so now that my hair is dry it does feel a little dried out. Its soft, it just feels dry. AnY suggustions on what to do next time so that my hair is more moisturized?

some people pre-poo with some oil or condish or add oil to their DC. What did you use to DC? And did you add anything to your mix besides water and henna?
some people pre-poo with some oil or condish or add oil to their DC. What did you use to DC? And did you add anything to your mix besides water and henna?

I didn't do a DC:perplexed. I just cowashed my hair twice with suave. I also added glycerin to my henna mix. the dryness is probably from me not DC.