I'm cutting my hair


New Member
I\'m cutting my hair

I've decided to not grow my hair out. It's too frustrating and it looks like crap. Everyone says I look good with short hair plus I can dye it and all that bad stuff
. My personality is such that I love change and being unique. I'll still be around because I love this forum and after all the books I've read I have plenty of knowledge to contribute
Has anyone else decided to pass on the whole long hair thing?
Re: I\'m cutting my hair


I could've kept the hair, but I knew it wasn't in good shape, and plus I wanted to do something different and dramatic. No regrets so far.
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

I feel yarl I cut off about 4 inches of my hair to a shoulder length bob. I absolutely love it. I think long hair is not for everyone. Sometimes your hair looks alot healthier and better when it's shorter. I just hate to see people try to hold on to length and the ends be all thin and raggedy looking. I think I may keep my hair like this. My SO really likes it so that helps.
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

atlien said:
I just hate to see people try to hold on to length and the ends be all thin and raggedy looking.

[/ QUOTE ]

You ain't kidding.
But you're right, long hair is not for everyone. Plus, when I'm ready for some length, I have my packs of hair awaiting.
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

Congrats Neen!!! It's great to know what works for you and if long hair isn't your desire, I wish you the best in finding that killer cut!!!
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

I too have decided to pass on long hair. I've had long hair my whole life and i've decided I need something different. Also i've noticed that everytime my hair gets to a certain length I cut it anyways, so I said why am I wasting my time. Right now im deciding whether I want layers or just a cut to my shoulders. But i'll let everyone know what I decide.
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

the board will not only help you have long hair but HEALTHY hair. So short but healty hair is also the BOMB.. Hey it's summer time let's have it short...
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

Ok cool, Imma get myself a trim next touch-up with no fear, besides whenever I trim --can you say bounce!!! Yea baby!!!
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

Well I really understand. I had to cut off 3 1/2 inches of hair taking me away from b/s. But it was worth it; The bottom, back of my hair looked scraggly and and that is not length. I want the length back, but I want it to look nice and healthy first. So I agree with cutting it if it means that it looks healthy and shiny and well-taken-care-of...
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

Girl if you love your hair short, go for it. It's so much easier to have short hair and do funky things to it like coloring, a short cropped style, and if you want to have length for a day there is always extensions.

As long as you're happy, do your thang!
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

i cut off an inch of my own hair today on my right side. I thought whats the point of retaining this length if my hair is gonna look jakked up. I also trimmed the left side b/c of scraggly ends. so Im back to my late april hair lenght but its worth it for healthy hair
Re: I\'m cutting my hair

I got my hair cut!
It's really cute although I would like the tapered part to be shorter. I think it reflects my personality-open, daring, and unique
All I need now is some blonde dye and let the fun begin!

Dont be surprised if I post a plea for help in the next couple of months