I'm confused, which conditioner for my co-wash?

Which Conditioner for the Best Co-wash with Slip and Moisture?

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Well-Known Member
Ladies, I will be trying my first co-wash in about 3 weeks :drunk:, 1 week post and am torn. I've heard good reviews and I've heard bad reviews of sooooooo many conditioners. So, I have narrowed it down to 2 that I am possibly thinking about using. The 2 contioners are: Vo5 Moisture Milk (either Passion Fruit Smoothie or Strawberries and Creme) or Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship. Which one is better? I am relaxed and as I stated before, I will be 1 week post at that time. My hair is not damaged or anything and loves moisture. I ALWAYS have trouble detanglling, but that should not be a concern at 1 week post, but still want something to battle my tangles for 8+ weeks post. Oh, I plan to DC after my cowash using Joice MR Balm mixed with coconut oil, and then do a airdried braidout afterwards. Sooooooooo, which should I use for my first cowash and not be disappointed? Thanks in advance for your replies.
I voted V05 because it is a great conditioner especially for detangling, and I know you only asked for the vote between those two, but I heart AUSSIE MOIST :grin: for cowashing if you haven't tried it yet, just a suggestion.
Go for the cheapest one if you're going to co-wash. You'll be using lots of it. V05 or Suave may be your best bets.

Remember to every-so-often do a conventional wash to rid yourself of the wax build up. Wax buildup can cause unintentional dreds.
Definitely go with V05 for a co-wash, it gives wonderful slip and detangles beautifully. Sometimes I use it even after another conditioner just for the detangling benefit.
thanks for the suggestion. I'm sure I'll be switching up conditioners for my co-washes, so I'm putting this one on the list too :yep:.

I voted V05 because it is a great conditioner especially for detangling, and I know you only asked for the vote between those two, but I heart AUSSIE MOIST :grin: for cowashing if you haven't tried it yet, just a suggestion.
If you're planning on DCing after your cowash, why not just treat the DC as a cowash...no need to waste conditioner....or like Barbie83 said, just use the VO5 after you rinse out your DC to detangle.

To answer your original question, I'd say VO5 strawberries and creme, HE Hello Hydration (not LTR) or Aussie Moist.
you're so so right. I will do this and see how it works. No need to waste extra money on a 2nd conditioner if the one already works well for you.

If you're planning on DCing after your cowash, why not just treat the DC as a cowash...no need to waste conditioner....or like Barbie83 said, just use the VO5 after you rinse out your DC to detangle.

To answer your original question, I'd say VO5 strawberries and creme, HE Hello Hydration (not LTR) or Aussie Moist.
VO5 Strawberries and Cream!!! I use this everytime I co-wash! I may try some other ones soon though....just so I can compare.
definitely v05. it's great for regular cowashing, & especially for rinsing out henna.

herbal essences LTR is really good too, but it's got cones, and can cause scalp buildup if used to cowash for long periods of time. it smells yummy, though.

why not have the best of both worlds, and buy some vo5 (all their conditioners work similar to me, i.e., the moisture milk line, the silky experiences line, & the tea therapy line are all fabulous), and the HE LTR leave-in? :)
Well, bought my VO5 Strawberries and Creme MM conditioner and it smells heavenly :yep:. I dont think I can wait to use it. How would it work on some 4B hair, 8 weeks post and 1" of NG?
I voted V05 because it is a great conditioner especially for detangling, and I know you only asked for the vote between those two, but I heart AUSSIE MOIST :grin: for cowashing if you haven't tried it yet, just a suggestion.

I don't co wash but i use aussie after i dc sometimes for extra slip or to pre-poo and i too love it
I say HE HH, VO5 tangled my hair like heck. But lots of ppl like it just not me even though I wanted to.
The majority so far has spoken and I join them in their choice of v05 Moisture Milks as my cheapie conditioner of choice as well. I have fallen hopelessly in love with Ausie Moist conditioner as well but it is so expensive here in the Bahamas. I use the v05 MM more because of cost and save the AMC for those special deep cowashing dates:grin:.
I suggest the Moisture Milks for your 1st co wash. I tried all flavors:grin: of the milks, but for some reason the Strawberies & Cream worked the best. It gave me more slip than the others. Maybe because that one has soy protein........I dunno
My hair is coarse, dry, and relaxed. Hope this helps!!!
Thank you soooo much ladies, all of your responses have been very helpful. I've decided to do the VO5 Strawberries & Creme for my 1st co-wash. I also plan to buy the Aussie Moist later and alternate that and the VO5. So I take it that the VO5 is more runny and Aussie more thick? Either way, it sounds like both are good and gives good slip, just what I'm looking for :grin:.