Im confused about growth rate

So...prior to joining this forum...I read that there is nothing which can be done to speed up the rate your hair grows...Im encountering evidence that repudiates this claim? Is it true that you cant alter growth experts should know:-)
I'm no expert on anyone's hair but my own. And I can tell you this-- Biotin speeds up my growth rate. Summer heat speeds up my growth rate. MSM speeds up my growth rate. Sulfur speeds up my growth rate.

Find what works on your head and don't worry so much about what the 'experts' say.
Honestly, I dont think anyone has used growth aids long enough to say what they really do, in the grand scheme of things.

I mean i know there are products that can make you hair grow faster. I have used some.

But, I have never seen anyone report longterm use. Well, we have seen the reports - but where's the proof? :look:

I think growth aids are great from those with scalp problems and alopecia though.
I agree with zora, that your scalp has a resting stage and growth aids and such stimulate it, which would make it grow faster. hence growing for a longer period of time.
I really think what happens especially with taking supplements, is that you end up supplying your hair follicles with the nutrients it was lacking and therefore retarding your normal growth rate and keeping your hair from being as healthy as it can be. So you simply just bring your growth rate to the optimum (read: normal) rate. I try to eat well and have taken a potent multi since the beginning of the nineties plus my mom was anal about ensuring we had wholesome balanced meals growing up. So when I joined the forum and went on all the supplements that folks claim speed up growth, they made no difference to me. They were simply a waste of money since for instance my diet was already replete w/ biotin. I returned to my normal way of eating without all those and my hair growth rate did not slow down.

As for topical products, I also think they make a difference if they treat a skin condition you have. I am yet to see evidence of sped up growth that defies normal hair growth because of them.

But as someone said, do what feels true to you. Sometimes the proof is in the pudding.
I believe you can reach your full growth potential not that you can "speed" up hair growth. or at least i HONESTLY haven't seen proof of it on this forum regardless of the many threads stating otherwise.
Stimulating your scalp as with massage I believe increases circulation helping to bring nutrients and oxygen to your hair follicles with improved efficiency helping to keep them healthy for optimal hair growth.
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I'd agree with the optimal growth rate things. I think most people have the potential to grow hair at a certain rate but aren't doing it because of lack of nutrients and things like that. Once they start taking that biotin or using that BT/MT/MN, etc, they reach their optimal rate of growth. That, along with the incorporation of superior retention techniques, is probably why a lot of people start seeing the results they are getting once they join LHCF.