I'm coming out..


New Member
I\'m coming out..

of lurk mode!
I am kinda new to this group, although I joined a couple of months ago,this is the first time that I am posting. i really felt the need to share my hair story with you ladies. Since I found the hair boards about a year and a half ago, I have finally been taking proper care of my hair. For a long time I believed that the only way I could style my hair was by using heat. I used the flat iron/curling iron EVERYDAY! Needless to say my hair was thin and never progressed past shoulder length. Well to cut a long and sad story short, I got a touchup this weekend after a summer of protective styling, airdrying and above all NO heat! Well my hair now reaches my underarm in the back. It took me a while to get there due to the previously damaged hair that I had to gradually trim away over the past year. This was my first aim so I am so happy, as this gives me the confidence to continue with this hair journey. My ultimate aim is bra strap length and I only have 3 inches to go!

I just wanted to express my gratitude to all the inspirational and knowledgable people on this board for the helpful advice that you share. This board is amazing!

I have one little question; I do my touchups at home and everything has turned out fine so far. The only thing is that after this recent touchup I noticed a small section in my crown area that is slightly underprocessed.

Does anyone have an opinion as to whether I should 'go over' that area again in a couple of weeks or so to even things out or should I just leave it alone until the next touch-up? I don't relax my hair bone straight but I dont want any breakage from combing the two slightly different textures. I use Dark & Lovely regular relaxer.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...
Re: I\'m coming out..

Hi Babyj...Welcome to the posting world of LHCF!

Congratulations on your accomplishments!

I haven't yet started doing my own relaxers so I will look forward to the answer you get. Being able to do your own relaxers is a good thing.
You go girl!
Re: I\'m coming out..

Welcome to the forum!! It is nice to have you here.

The crown section is underprocessed? How big is the section? If you can tame it without re-relaxing it do so. But if it is really bothering you and you don't believe that it will hurt the hair, go for it. I always start applying my relaxer in the crown area because that section of my head grows the fastest and is the most resistant to relaing.
Re: I\'m coming out..

I'm natural so I don't have any advice on the underprocessed question but just wanted to join in on your coming out party.
Re: I\'m coming out..

welcome to the board baby, its esp nice to see more british ppl joinin the forum enjoy and happy hair growin!!
Re: I\'m coming out..

Babyj, welcome!

Well to cut a long and sad story short, I got a touchup this weekend after a summer of protective styling, airdrying and above all NO heat! Well my hair now reaches my underarm in the back. It took me a while to get there due to the previously damaged hair that I had to gradually trim away over the past year. This was my first aim so I am so happy, as this gives me the confidence to continue with this hair journey. My ultimate aim is bra strap length and I only have 3 inches to go!

[/ QUOTE ]

Success stories keep me inspired.

As for the underprocessed hair, I don't relax my hair but quite a few of the ladies here do. Hopefully, you will get more suggestions on this. Otherwise, if you do a search, you should find threads discussing underprocessing and suggestions/solutions/what didn't work in them.

Good luck!
Re: I\'m coming out..

Thanks Ladies!
you really know how to welcome a sister!

Karezone: The underprocessed section is not very big so I guess I will just leave it alone as it is still managable. I started applying the relaxer from the back of my head, I think this is why it was underprocessed in the front section. I will definitely take on board your suggestion of beginning the application at the front.

I look forward to posting more often on this board and keeping you all updated.
Re: I\'m coming out..

Welcome Babyj
and congratulations on your progress!
And...I agree with Karezone.