I'm Comin' Out!


New Member
Hi Ladies!! :)
I've belonged to this forum for a while now...and I've just been reading and absorbing all of the information and advice. Thank you all so much! My hair is in great shape now, and I've been doing it myself for a couple months. I do have a couple of questions for you all...I have been wet-wrapping my hair and I love love love the results...but I am afraid that it may not be the best thing for my hair, although I have learned to do it with minimal manipulation. What do you ladies think? And also...I started taking Freeda Biotin (10mg) about 3 weeks ago...and I was wondering when I should expect results?? Thanks in Advance!
Yeaaa! Glad to see you posting! :)

For me personally, wet wrapping works best when I have a fresh relaxer. In the weeks and months following it becomes more difficult for me to detangle the roots, smooth, and comb without added manipulation. Also, I personally experienced breakage from regular wrapping, but several ladies here swear by it with no adverse effects. If you do continue to do it, make sure that you are manipulation your hair as little as possible, and keep in mind that wet hair can be very fragile. Also, make sure there is little stress on your hairline from whatever you wrap your hair in. If you see any problems from wet wrapping, def. switch to another method of doing your hair. Just a suggestion, why not alternate between wet wrapping and another style, just to give your hair a break every now and then?