I'm back - Texturized Again! Album's Open...


New Member

My first go'round texturized was fun until I accidently overprocessed and damaged my hair coloring it Beyonce-blonde. But I waited a year, chopped it off, and now I'm back - this time around - I think I've got it. I'm gonna be super extra careful with my hair now. If you're considering texturizing, check out my album.
Very pretty, do you have any before pics of your natural texture. I think your texture/curl pattern might be similar to mine. Just curious to see what a text might do if I ever go for it.
OMG - Thanks Everyone! :grin:

To answer your questions:

The silk protein - I bought a small bottle of Hydrolyzed Silk Protein from some little soapmaking supply store on the 'Net - don't remember which one . My intention was to purchase from FNWL but they were out of stock. I don't remember if this is it, but they have it:


As for natural pics, I don't think I have any...NO wait - I found one, added it to my album. Of course everyone has different results with their texturizers.
Oh - and for the relaxer - I actually had a mix of two because I was given two half jars - it was Hawaiian Silky Mild Lye and Designer Touch Texturizing Relaxer Mild - I mixed it up in a big tub with the conditioner, SP, and olive oil. Was a little worried about diluting mild relaxers down, but at least it gave me some time to work without overprocessing.