I'm Back!! Naturals who color (or anyone who colors)...please help me!!


Active Member
Hi ladies,

I've been off the boards for a while just because life got so crazy:blush:, but I would always check in every now and then and see what was going on.:drunk: Don't worry...I'm not one of those people who come back and don't post any progress pics. There are several below!

Dilema...this Saturday, I am getting my hair colored for the very first time EVER!! I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I'm getting it done light brown w/ highlights and lowlights. I was just wondering if you girls could give me some tips on what I should be doing leading up to the chemical treatment. I was thinking a protein treatment? A henna maybe? Should I deep condish for the last couple of days of the week? HHHEEELLLLPPPP!!!!!!!!!

The pics are from Oct/Nov last year. I did a big trim of about 2 inches in December, so it's prob about the same length now...maybe an inch or two longer. Instead of coming right above my bra strap, it's about in the middle of the strap....so no big difference.


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No henna! I thought henna and permanent color don't mix.

I usually wash my hair a couple of days before-hand and then stretch it out for those days before the visit. It's easier when my hair is nicely detangled and already stretched out.

A good DC or a protein treatment when you wash your hair can't hurt.

I always heard it's good to go in with hair that's a little dirty, well not freshly washed, to prevent your hair from processing too fast.
Ok no henna. I was planning to wash on Wednesday. I guess there would be no point in me putting heat on it to flat iron right? I will make sure it's not super clean. Still no nervuous (butterflies in my belly just thinking about it).
chill with the henna.
protein and DC is all you need then go about your business.
you're getting highlights, lowlights, and base color? Can I see your goal pic... maybe I can save you some money... I don't think you'll need alladat but its up to you.
chill with the henna.
protein and DC is all you need then go about your business.
you're getting highlights, lowlights, and base color? Can I see your goal pic... maybe I can save you some money... I don't think you'll need alladat but its up to you.

Ok here is the color I want but I want it to be more multi-dimensional...does that make sense?

I'm all about saving some money...what you got for me?!!


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Ms. Martina I would never write a post for advice without showing the results of your brilliant ideas!! Stay tuned...I'll post next weekend after its done!
Also...should I amp up my regimen after getting color? Moisturize more? I don't want to have one of those tragic set backs because of color!!
Also...should I amp up my regimen after getting color? Moisturize more? I don't want to have one of those tragic set backs because of color!!

My hair has been very VERY blonde. The best thing that I did was get a chagrin valley beer honey and egg shampoo bar... that thing did wonders!
I also use redken smoothdown mixed with a touch of neem and castor oil
Its a good deep treatment and you can leave it in.
Also though pay attention to your hair, because some moisture may weigh it down. I don't know your hair type, but I can't really bang with shea butter when my hair is colored for some reason. it just sits on my hair and does nothing. I usually end up using avocado butter mixed with castor oil and some other oils.
Also when I was wearing buns I would notice some breakage when I wore it the same way for weeks at a time, where when I used to do buns on virgin hair, that was not the case. Thats what I noticed, not sure if that will happen to you.
Also if I were you and I was trying to go that light, I would start with a brown (the lowlight/ base color)... with some highlights just on the top part of your head. The brown color will be less damaging than the bleach they will use for the blonde. And then you can adjust to the very light parts of your hair without losing length.

Then when you get your reggie down, you can possible throw some more highlights at your crown and maybe as far down as the nape, depending on what you like.

I would do it gradually though, there will be less of a shock.
Thanks for the response SummerSolstice!

Ok I'll try the shampoo bar and just kind of use trial and error with my moisturizing products. I stopped using shea butter a while back because of the heaviness. My hair is thick but the strands are fine and I think it weighed it down a lot (and I tried several mixtures). I've been meaning to try avacado butter...where do you get yours?
from what i know BAQ henna can be used with dyed hair but its might not be a good idea to henna first as it might affect how vibrant the dye color is on your hair.

I color my hair(copper) and sometimes i henna if i want a deep red tone, so far i have not experienced any damage at all.
What works for me is a protein treatment beforehand followed by a moisturizing DC. After the process I do another protein treatment (I should have mentioned that the PT I do before the color is a light one. I do a more intense one following the color. My hair likes protein) and a moisturizing treatment. For maintenence I PT every 3 weeks and DC once a week.
I color 2-4 times a year, with no issues. I think the key is having healthy hair to begin with. Prior to a color session I do an overnight DC and then leave my hair alone for at least a day or two. My reggie consists of protein treatments monthly (roughly) and I cowash daily, alternating with a mild protein condish (think Mane n Tail) and a moisturizing condish. Listen to your hair, it'll tell you what it needs.
I am a natural who just started coloring so you know I had to add my 2 cents. Lol... A few days before you color you should do a protein treatment followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner. After your hair is colored you should do monthly protein treatments followed by moisturizing DCs. You will also need to amp up your moisturizing reggie. I mean you need to be on top of your daily moisturizing, weekly moisturizing DCs, and oils (if you use them). Be gentle with your hair and limit heat usage as much as possible.

It sounds like your hair will turn out gorgeously! I'm so excited for you so please post pics! This is a hair forum after all.

p.s. I posted pics of my hair color in my fotki if you wanna take a look. Good luck!
Thanks Caribeandiva!! Nice color! I washed last night and deep condititioned. I will do a protein treatment tonight and deep condition again and then leave braided until my appointment on Saturday. (I'll be wearing my half wig).
Ladies you are the best! Thanks for all the advice! Braunsugar I love your color!! It looks healthy and shiny!! I've got my fingers crossed and hoping for the best possible outcome. I am nervous though. I actually think that I'll just keep hair well conditioned until appointment date and not do a protein treatment before hand.

I used a protein treatment in my deep conditioner last night so I will wait until afterwards and do a heavy one. When my hair is out I usually wash, deep condition, and straighten once every 10 days and I do a protein treatment every 4-6 weeks depending on condition of my hair.

I will make sure that I stay on top of my game with conditioning. I don't want to lose progress. (I have a friend who that happened to...she went from BSL to NL...sad times).
Do you normally wear your hair straight? Are you worried about how the highlights and lowlights will look on straight hair?

You should apply the color on whatever style you normally wear. In your case, I'd probably lightly apply some heat after a DC. Unless your hair stretches pretty easily with braiding/twisting/etc.
Oh that's a good point Prettyinpurple. Yes I normally wear it straght or weaved up. Not really worried about how it will look on straight hair, just wasn't sure if I should straigten before appointment or not.

When I straighten, there are alot of products on my hair including: leave-in protein and moisturing conditioners (aphogee green tea/silicon mix and knot today), heat protectant, Sabino Moisture Block, and Chi silk infusion.

I mean my hair stretches ok...it's of course not bone straight but I can never really acheive that afro look because its not that tightly coiled. Here is a picture of my hair soaking wet right after a wash:

Any thoughts?!!!! :dazed:


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To be more specific, my hair is currently in braids like this (see attached pic). It is in 8 braids, 4 on each side.

I'd love to know whether you guys think I should go ahead and straighten before appointment or just maybe a light blow dry or what. I have to catch a flight tomorrow and I really hate traveling with my wig on....I'm afraid that I'll sit near a cute guy on the plane and fall asleep (because I always fall asleep). And when I wake up the wig will be crooked or tangled. Yall know how ridiculous it looks to comb a wig while its on your head...:perplexed


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I think your hair will be fine after stretching in those braids.

You could do a light blowdry and just use your hands to pull the hair lightly for more stretch. Don't use all those products. Definitely no need for the products that repel moisture.

Or the stylist could do the light blowdry for you. After being in those braids, it prob only needs 5 mins or less to get more stretch since you're not worried about it being completely straight.
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...I actually think that I'll just keep hair well conditioned until appointment date and not do a protein treatment before hand.

I used a protein treatment in my deep conditioner last night so I will wait until afterwards and do a heavy one. When my hair is out I usually wash, deep condition, and straighten once every 10 days and I do a protein treatment every 4-6 weeks depending on condition of my hair.

I will make sure that I stay on top of my game with conditioning. I don't want to lose progress. (I have a friend who that happened to...she went from BSL to NL...sad times).
Stick to this plan and you'll be fine. :yep: As for straightening your hair pre-appointment, I don't know. I went with my hair already straight when I got my color done. Ask your stylist what he or she prefers.
Ok great. I guess me and my wig will hang tight until Saturday! Thanks so much ladies! I'll be checking the forum up until the day of the appointment so if u have anything to add, i'm happy to listen!!