I'm back for real!! I come in peace with updates and a blog :-)


New Member
So I've always felt LHCF was one of those things where you either give your all or nothing. I've been CRAZY busy lately so now that things have settled down, I'm back!:grin: I can't wait to dig in to the boards!

Here is an update:

Currently 2 years natural

Shoulder length curly and completely dry. My goal is APL Curly

Between APL and Mid Back length when straight

Current Complaint:My hair is growing OUT and not DOOOOWN! It's been looking the same length for months, but it's much longer when I stretch it.

My new blog is at:

Here are some recent pics:


And where I started 2 years ago :grin::grin::grin::
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Hi, Brockstar! I'll definitely visit your blog, I used to love (stalking) looking at your fotki. You're one of my hair inspirations :yep:.
Beautiful hair. I used to always look at your fotki.
Nice start to your blog. Just one suggestion, can you please make the text size a little bigger.

I will be visiting your blog frequently.
Welcome back. I've always love love loved your hair.
I disagree though, LHCF can be done in spits and spurts...with no effort, or full...but you'll always find yourself coming back...no matter what...lol...