I'm Back and I'm Staking My Claim on SL! //Pics//


New Member
After a short hiatus, I'm returning to the forum with big news! Well, it's big for me anyway. :grin:

For the first time in my life, my hair is SL. It took me a year and a half to get here, but I finally made it, even if it's just barely!

And now, my humble beginnings...


Last year I decided to go natural, and on 1-25-10, I BC'd down to about .5" of hair. :)

At that time, I really had some mixed feelings about whether or not I could grow my hair longer. I'd tried and failed many times before, but was determined to do my best. This time, my efforts paid off!

For my 18 month BC-versary, I decided to blow out and flat iron my hair.








Around this forum, I know SL isn't much, but for me this is a HUGE accomplishment! My hair has never been this long before, not to mention how healthy it is now! Yeah, I'd hoped my hair would be longer at my year and a half mark, but I think I've still made some pretty good progress! And you ladies have been a great source of encouragement along the way! Thanks so much! :grouphug3:

Also, I realize that some of you will disagree that my hair is actually SL right now. While you are fully entitled to your opinion, please understand that I do not require your validation of my claim! :grin:
Ha!!!! I love it!!!!!!!! Congratulations! I have to use that disclaimer concerning the opinion and validation of others!!!!
I'm so proud of you! So many of us give up without ever trying, or we tried many times before and decide not to try again.

My hair is now the longest it's ever been (as far as I can remember anyway, my mom might disagree). No, it's not long by LHCF standards but... who cares?! ;) I was/am elated and I hope you are too.

You've passed a huge hair milestone and now you know the sky is the limit.


ETA: I think your growth seems right on time; good growth/retention for 18 months! Just fyi, I was around the same place at 18 months. For some reason I felt like I stayed there for-ev-er and I started to worry a bit. Then all of a sudden at 26 months I could really see that it hadn't and was glad I didn't give up. So, if you go through that stage, know that a lot of us do and keep on doing whatever it is you're doing now.

Welcome to SL!

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Congratulations, Sianna! Breaking through new barriers is what this forum is all about. I'm happy for you! :waytogo: Can't wait to see where your hair goes from here!
It's all about finding what works, sticking to it and patience and as you can see for yourself, it pays off!!

Congrats girl and HHG!!!
You Go Sianna! You are doing such a marvelous job on your retention! I love your positive attitude too! Congrats on SL.

Good for you, you inspire me!!! I bc'd on 3/9/11, been relaxer free since 8/30/10.

Looking forward to many more updates.
Looks like a lot of growth to me! Just think at that rate where your hair will be next year! Congrats :)
Congrats!!! I was JUST thinking about you the other day and wondering where you were in the SL thread! I was gonna give u til the end of the month to call you out for an update!

I know it must feel awesome to reach such a milestone. I don't blame you, when my hair reaches longer than its ever been, I'ma be so pumped and do a thread too, I don't care if it has one view (me), lol!
So I have a question. with sl, what point of your hair do u measure, side top or back? its always hard to determine that length for me. I was always told all of your hair had to reach the shoulder to be considered sl. I don't think that's true.
Awww congrats, and welcome back. And SL is a big deal especially considering this is your first time being where you are.....Claim it girl!!
Congrats, Sianna!

So I have a question. with sl, what point of your hair do u measure, side top or back? its always hard to determine that length for me. I was always told all of your hair had to reach the shoulder to be considered sl. I don't think that's true.

@Beautytalk69 Most people on LHCF are only concerned with the nape length. If you look at all photos showing length--except for a handful of folks--you'll see most length checks involve finding out where the hair in the back reaches. For folks who get a blunt cut, where the hair in the back falls to the same level as the front (meaning the back is cut way shorter than the front), SL may be when all the hair reaches shoulder, but for a lot of people, the hair from the area of the head that is lowest reaches further down the body than hair from other parts of their heads and that's all folks focus on.

Sianna's hair is at SL when viewed from the back even though the sides may not be. For a lot of naturals, since our hair doesn't fall/hang, having hair all fall to one level so that one would say it's SL only when all the hair reaches shoulders, doesn't really apply. All strands are usually the same length and the ones at the crown will not reach where the ones at the nape reach. So if we were to wait till the front reached SL, the back might be at BSL...And when hair is straightened and all combed back, it'd blend in and so all you'd see BSL. So yeah, we just care about where the back reaches. Most of us anyway. Not just one hair but most, or all of the hair in the back. Sianna is at SL. When her hair reaches her collarbone (She'd have to turn her head to see if most strands are touching it) then she'll be at Full SL. :yep: But she is at SL now...and as a PP said, SL seems to take forever because shoulders slant. So SL starts at the point where the neck joins shoulders...and one is still at SL when the hair's at the clavicle. But it doesn't have to be a drag or frustrating, coz there's a lot you can do with your hair at SL.
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My Friend You betta know it!! I've been juicing it up pretty good lately, and I think that really has helped with my retention!

StephElise Thanks lady!!

Imani :bighug: You have been so encouraging! I certainly didn't forget that I promised you an update this month! I was just waiting for my official 18 month BC-versary! Oh, and you better know that when you reach your next milestone, I'll be right there to cheer you on! :grin:

Nonie, I simply adore you, but I think you already know that! :lol:

You always give the best explanations and information! I was going to answer Beautytalk69's question but you beat me to it and gave a very clear and easy to understand answer.

Beautytalk69 I claimed SL at this point because I was ready to, not because anyone else thought I should. I mean really, I do value the input and feedback from many of the members here, but at the same time, I'm not prepared to surrender my personal joy to those who disagree with my claim.
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