I'm 6wks Post Relaxer and Over Processed.....


Well-Known Member
because my hair is shedding and there is some breakage. I've been keeping a close eye on my since my last relaxer because he allowed it to sit on until I began to burn. I had scabs in my head and called him up to see if he had changed the strength of my relaxer this last time. He stated that since I had so much ng (14 wks) he left it on longer. Why, I do not know. I have even noticed short pieces of hair sticking straight up in the top of my head where the ng broke off from the relaxer. For some odd reason after he did my rinse ( Matrix Prizms Plus), my hair was very tangled. It never tangles at home like that, so I was surprised that it would be so tangled after a relaxer. I have done a couple of aphoghee treatments but I want to make sure that I'm doing everything possible to strengthen my hair. What do you ladies do for overprocessed hair? Please share some tips. My next relaxer is set for Nov 30th 12wks, but if my hair is not in tip top shape I will NOT be getting it. But on the other hand, if he had trouble relaxing me properly at 14 wks post I don't know if I should stretch longer.
Maybe you can try some silk protein - the peptide enters the hair shaft to help strenghten and the powder coats the hair shaft.

Maybe the problem is not the stretching; perhaps you can talk to the man who relaxes your hair before he does it the next time?
I think it is time for a new stylist and then you might do some protein treatments and a lot of DC and moisture aid some oils. I just made a mix last night where I mixed raw shea butter and EVOO and avacado oil and coconut oil and castor oil and vitamin E oil and put it on my scalp and hair itself put scarf on my hair woke up had no shedding NONE at all and my hair had a nice sheen and was not greasy.
It sounds like you need a new stylist. His logic about leaving it on longer seems faulty.

Ditto. And honestly, it may just be me, but if I were overprocessed (like I have been in the past) I would wait a long time before getting my next relaxer. If you have shorter pieces and weaker hair, you need to give it some time. The protein you've been adding sounds good. I recommend finding someone who will relax your newgrowth only, explain to them what happened, and watch the strength of the relaxer.
because my hair is shedding and there is some breakage. I've been keeping a close eye on my since my last relaxer because he allowed it to sit on until I began to burn. I had scabs in my head and called him up to see if he had changed the strength of my relaxer this last time. He stated that since I had so much ng (14 wks) he left it on longer. Why, I do not know. I have even noticed short pieces of hair sticking straight up in the top of my head where the ng broke off from the relaxer. For some odd reason after he did my rinse ( Matrix Prizms Plus), my hair was very tangled. It never tangles at home like that, so I was surprised that it would be so tangled after a relaxer. I have done a couple of aphoghee treatments but I want to make sure that I'm doing everything possible to strengthen my hair. What do you ladies do for overprocessed hair? Please share some tips. My next relaxer is set for Nov 30th 12wks, but if my hair is not in tip top shape I will NOT be getting it. But on the other hand, if he had trouble relaxing me properly at 14 wks post I don't know if I should stretch longer.

Maybe you should start looking for a stylist who knows better than to overprocess hair because of the amount of NG. This guy sounds like an idiot!:wallbash:
Thanks ladies for your responses. I'm going to incorporated that oil mix that someone suggested and definitely lay on the protein/moist cond wkly. The thing is, this guy is a master stylist and I have never had a problem. I have been going to him almost 3 yrs and his practices are generally healthy for the hair. I told DH that he will get ONE more chance. I plan to talk with in great detail and let him know that I was overprocess and experienced shedding and breaking. I also plan to take control of the time it's left on my hair to process and explain to him that I do not want overprocessed bone straight. On the surface my hair still looks healthy but as LHCFers we know when we have been hit. I'm going to keep doing my norm and then decide when I will relax based on the healthyness of my hair. I still have not tried Mizani Keraphuse and Hydrafuse, so I may use it this wkend.
Thanks ladies for your responses. I'm going to incorporated that oil mix that someone suggested and definitely lay on the protein/moist cond wkly. The thing is, this guy is a master stylist and I have never had a problem. I have been going to him almost 3 yrs and his practices are generally healthy for the hair. I told DH that he will get ONE more chance. I plan to talk with in great detail and let him know that I was overprocess and experienced shedding and breaking. I also plan to take control of the time it's left on my hair to process and explain to him that I do not want overprocessed bone straight. On the surface my hair still looks healthy but as LHCFers we know when we have been hit. I'm going to keep doing my norm and then decide when I will relax based on the healthyness of my hair. I still have not tried Mizani Keraphuse and Hydrafuse, so I may use it this wkend.

Sounds like a plan. Continue to stretch, just tell your stylist to work faster (instead of leaving the relaxer on LONGER :nono:)
Thanks ladies for your responses. I'm going to incorporated that oil mix that someone suggested and definitely lay on the protein/moist cond wkly. The thing is, this guy is a master stylist and I have never had a problem. I have been going to him almost 3 yrs and his practices are generally healthy for the hair. I told DH that he will get ONE more chance. I plan to talk with in great detail and let him know that I was overprocess and experienced shedding and breaking. I also plan to take control of the time it's left on my hair to process and explain to him that I do not want overprocessed bone straight. On the surface my hair still looks healthy but as LHCFers we know when we have been hit. I'm going to keep doing my norm and then decide when I will relax based on the healthyness of my hair. I still have not tried Mizani Keraphuse and Hydrafuse, so I may use it this wkend.

Hey girl......You are right, WE know when we have been hit. Keep your moisture levels up as well. Also try ors replenishing conditioner to help get your elasticty back
Hey girl......You are right, WE know when we have been hit. Keep your moisture levels up as well. Also try ors replenishing conditioner to help get your elasticty back

Gym, does Salley's sell the Ors. I'm going to run there today to pick up some more Keraphix as well.