I'll Be Hair Happy When...

I'm same as you. I wanna rinse in the shower like I do now, maybe apply some product and just go. But the catch is when I straighten I want it to be TBL :spinning: with bangs that somehow never grow out.

And a million dollars. :look:

I guess for now, APL stretched (beating my lifelong terminal length) will do. Once I know it's possible, I'll go for TBL.
SL unstretched. I want some hang time so it looks like a curly bob. In the meantime, it would also be nice for the front to get to bang length. I still have a tapered fro & I’m getting bored with it. Progress seems incredibly slow because of shrinkage and I’m tired of my wash n go. It would be nice to be at a length where other styles look good.
This is hard to answer NOW.

I said once that I would be happy having hair that I can just throw up in "roll, tuck and pins" well I past that goal a while ago.

Then I said "Hands down I will be happy at WL stretched" well i past that too. It's thick and long so I guess I'm content and happy where I am. Until tomorrow....

I think I will be done growing it once I get to tail length in a year. So I guess I'll be happierrR maintaining tail length.

Eta: in fact, I'd be really happy when all this long hair is embraced by some strong man hands. That's when I'll be HH:abducted:Nuff said..
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