If you've been a member for a while...


Well-Known Member
have u reached your goals? How long did it take?

What is the longest your hair has ever been?

How long have u been a member?

I wonder if there is anyone out there who has been a member for years and still can't get their hair to grow past their shoulders.
Hey! I have just reached my 1st hair goal, 4 weeks ago (APL)!!!!
I 'found' my way to this website in Jan '05 and i joined sometime around April '05.
I have always been shoulderlength (almost collarbone) and I have finally reached APL for the first time in my life!!! YAY! I am hoping to be BSL (final goal) maybe in 7months (assuming that i have approx 3 inches to go). My wedding is in April, which is 5months away so hopefully i'll be like 2 inches away and i will dust then.
All of these tips on this site have taught me how to have HEALTHY hair, but it's up to me to RETAIN the hair which means I do not cut/trim/dust. I used to dust maybe every 3 months. Now i decided that I will dust as i reach my mini-goals. I dusted maybe 1/4in when i reached collarbone and another 1/4in when i just hit APL.
My definition of dusting is I will trim my hair enough to cut the stray/straggly ends and eliminate the thin ends, but i'm not cutting off enough to have a blunt cut, which is what a hair stylist would cut off. I've decided that for these 28years i've been trying to grow 'evenly trimmed blunt-cut' hair and it just DOES NOT WORK. PERIOD. Afterall who says that the first year you reach your goal that your hair will be in it's healthiest perfectest state. After i reach brastrap, it will take me about 4-6 months to have thick ends and possibly 1year to have super thick lush hair..... But it's better than toggling with trimming my hair and trying to play catch-up and struggling and being super frustrated because i am not seeing any growth. Of course, the rule of thumb is straggly or see-thru ends is a No-No. But naturally layered hair that doesn't have a razorcut, looks good to me...it makes my hair appear more fuller... (sorry to ramble...) :look:
I've been a member here for almost three years. I was on the board a lot when I first joined, took about a year-long break, and now I'm back. Unfortunately I haven't reached any of my goals yet. A few months after I joined I did the big chop. I'm glad that I did, but now I'm back on the long hair thing and my ultimate goal is 1/2 way between bra strap and waist length.

ETA: Actually, I have probably reached my first goal, which is shoulder length. I'll know for sure when I take my braids out next month!
Have u reached your goals?
Not yet but I am very close.

How long did it take?
I discovered this website in Dec 03 while looking online for hair care tips for relaxed hair. I started my healthy hair journey in October 2003 so I will say honestly that 2 years seems like a long time but it really wasn't.

What is the longest your hair has ever been?
My hair has always been thick but never this healthy at this legnth.

How long have u been a member?
I joined Jan 04.

Let me add that I had my share of ups and downs. I was the victim of an aggressive cut when I asked for a trim, I had a no lye relaxer applied when I specifically asked for a lye, terrible shedding issues, etc. I surprise myself with my current length. Be encouraged. You will get there. Focus on having healthy hair and the legnth will come. :)
Lovelylocs said:
have u reached your goals? How long did it take?
No, I haven't reached all of my goals yet.

What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Little past shoulder-length, which is what it is now.

How long have u been a member?
Since March 2003

I wonder if there is anyone out there who has been a member for years and still can't get their hair to grow past their shoulders.

I'm sure there are others that have just had setbacks, like I have. Our goals will come with time and patience.

i've reached my first goal, which was Brastrap, late July

my hair has been midback, just a couple inches longer than it is right now, but that was before i relaxed. Since then, everything's gone downhill.

I've only been here since March 2005. So that's 8 months. I'm really looking forward to a year of health care to see just how much I've grown and retained. So far, so good. If it weren't for LHCF, my hair would have probably been only 2" more or just about the same from when I started b/c of heat styling, and SHS. So far, since I started I have retained about 5", will know for sure at my touch-up :) I hope by then i'll be at my second goal of midback, and in 2006, get close to waistlength :grin:
have u reached your goals? How long did it take?

I had 3 goals... reached 2 so far

1) Healthier relaxed hair...........................reached in 6 mths
2) Transition from Relaxed to Natural...... reached after 18 mth transition
3) BSL natural hair................................. still working toward

What is the longest your hair has ever been?

- Waist length (as a child)
- a few inches shy of waist length (as an adult)

How long have u been a member?

- since Oct, 2002
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Lovelylocs said:
have u reached your goals? How long did it take?

What is the longest your hair has ever been?

How long have u been a member?

I wonder if there is anyone out there who has been a member for years and still can't get their hair to grow past their shoulders.

I have been a member for almost 3 years.

The longest my hair has been is about 2" under bra strap.

I have reached 2 goals: Bra strap and Bottom bra strap. I'd say it took about 1.5 years for bs and 2 for bottom bs.
First goal: have healthy hair and learn to handle it if I suffered any damage. Goal Achieved.

2nd goal: Bra-length hair, achieved! And earlier than expected due to MTG! Yes!

3rd goal: Midback length, I think I will be there by Summer.

Final goal: Waistlength, probably get there by Jan of 07.

I've been a member for about 2 years! The longest my hair has ever been would be APL and now with what I've learned I know that I will be waistlength. It took 2 years for me to reach this length from shoulder length because I did major cuts ( I went from relaxed to textured without cutting off all my straight ends), I trimmed about 6 inches during that time, now I'm gradually trimming my ends.
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simplycee said:

Let me add that I had my share of ups and downs. I was the victim of an aggressive cut when I asked for a trim, I had a no lye relaxer applied when I specifically asked for a lye, terrible shedding issues, etc. I surprise myself with my current length. Be encouraged. You will get there. Focus on having healthy hair and the legnth will come. :)

Thanks for saying this, a great reminder. Your hair is so inspiring.:)
Lovelylocs said:
have u reached your goals? How long did it take?

What is the longest your hair has ever been?

How long have u been a member?

I've reached my firsl goal of BSL today 12/17/05!! :dance7:
I started with shoulder length earlier this year, so it took about 10 1/2 months to reach my goal.
The longest my hair has been is Mid Back Length when I was younger.
I've been a member since Oct.04

have u reached your goals? How long did it take?

I've finally reached brastrap and it took 1 year and 6 months go get there.

What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Longest my hair has every been was waist length when I was younger

How long have u been a member?
Since Aug 2003
My only goal since I first joined in July, 2003 was for healthy hair at any length. My hair was severely damaged, burned and breaking all over the place because I didn't know what I was doing.

I did reach my goal and continue to use what I learned here to keep my hair thriving. It is a process and I can't believe this much time has gone by since I came to LHCF (seems like just a few months ago!). I am very satisfied with my hair and my hair length (below brastrap, I haven't measured) and will always be learning and sharing new tips and ideas.

This is the longest my hair has been. Caring for my hair is still very exciting to me. I most certainly agree with Simplycee about focusing on having healthy hair.
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have u reached your goals? How long did it take?
Yes I've reached my "first" goal. It took 10 months. My ultimate goal is to maintain healthy hair.

What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Below my breasts.....I don't know where that is in the back.

How long have u been a member?
Since March '04