If you were stranded....


New Member
on a remote island and you could only bring ONE (NOT TWO OR THREE, BUT ONE:evil:) hair product or tool, what would it be and why?

To answer my own question, I would bring my denman, because I need something to prevent my hair from being a tangled matted mess. I don't have to worry about anything else, because the island I'm stranded on has all types of exotic fruits and plant that I can use as moisturizers and dc...I even see Aloe vera plants, so I'm good:lachen:

Be creative, you'd be surprised at what mother nature can provide:grin:
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I'd bring an extra large, silk or satin scarf. I may learn how to weave a scarf on the island after harvesting some silk worms, but in the meantime, I'd have my hair protected and smooth. :)

I started to say my Jilbere wide tooth comb for my 4b hair, but in a fix, I could probably do very well with my fingers. It would just take longer.
well if i was like tom hanks in castaway....i would probably say....jbco...b/c the island already provides moisture, and the rest of my neccessaties, ie..., my fingers for a comb, water to cleanse, tree sap to condition, i will sleep pretty to protect my hair, and i know i can use something from trees to get some protein, and make infusions for rinses. not to mention i'll turn my bottle of jbco into a friend...i'll pretend she's my best friend..i'll even makee her some clothes and hair out of leaves...ya'll if i was stranded!

okay i jus actually read everyones answers :blush: guess we all have the same concepts....:grin:
I'd have the conditioner from plants and berries, and I have a makeshift comb in my fingers, so all I'd need is something to protect my hair-- a satin scarf. I'd even cut a strip off to make a bootleg ponytail holder :grin:
on a remote island and you could only bring ONE (NOT TWO OR THREE, BUT ONE:evil:) hair product or tool, what would it be and why?

To answer my own question, I would bring my denman, because I need something to prevent my hair from being a tangled matted mess. I don't have to worry about anything else, because the island I'm stranded on has all types of exotic fruits and plant that I can use as moisturizers and dc...I even see Aloe vera plants, so I'm good:lachen:

Be creative, you'd be surprised at what mother nature can provide:grin:

Yup, that would be me, too - my trusty Denman, and I'm rolling on! My fingers wouldn't stop my hair from dreading, because I wouldn't be able to get ALL the shed hair out.... :yep:
Aloe vera gel for strength, moisture and detangling...I could then finger comb because AV is such a great detangler. With the island's humidity, I imagine my hair would thrive.
a widetoothed comb or my denman that i will be recieving on saturday. if i were on a deserted island i could get all my unrefined butters and oils for free:love4::woohoo:
wow that's a tough one! :look:

let's say a gigantic bottle of V05 conditioner... like the size of a small car. i went overseas to buy it, and ironically it's the only thing that washed up on shore with me after the shipwreck. i will find myself a sharp rock on the island and carve myself a bone comb or something if need be, and put my hair in box braids so i won't have to deal with it (cuz ya know, i will be busy hunting/fishing and fighting off wild animals that wanna attack me). when the bottle gets low enough i will cut off the top with my sharp rock, turn it into a small boat and sail my happy butt home :lachen:
wow that's a tough one! :look:

let's say a gigantic bottle of V05 conditioner... like the size of a small car. i went overseas to buy it, and ironically it's the only thing that washed up on shore with me after the shipwreck. i will find myself a sharp rock on the island and carve myself a bone comb or something if need be, and put my hair in box braids so i won't have to deal with it (cuz ya know, i will be busy hunting/fishing and fighting off wild animals that wanna attack me). when the bottle gets low enough i will cut off the top with my sharp rock, turn it into a small boat and sail my happy butt home :lachen:


That's a good one.
on a remote island and you could only bring ONE (NOT TWO OR THREE, BUT ONE:evil:) hair product or tool, what would it be and why?

To answer my own question, I would bring my denman, because I need something to prevent my hair from being a tangled matted mess. I don't have to worry about anything else, because the island I'm stranded on has all types of exotic fruits and plant that I can use as moisturizers and dc...I even see Aloe vera plants, so I'm good:lachen:

Be creative, you'd be surprised at what mother nature can provide:grin:

Yes, I agree about the Denman. The moisturizers and protein conditioners I could always make from natural fruits and things from the island. The power to detangle and extract shed hairs at will ... I need my Denman for that. My fingers ain't gonna get 'er done. :grin:
Does it have to be a hair tool? because I'd bring this:

one of these great Swiss army knifes of course! :lol: I can cut and smooth me a wide-tooth comb out of some wood or something, but I'll smooth it out with the knife until Im positive it wont snag. I may have to use my army knife to kill a poor little porcupine and then I'll use the scissors to clip off needles. I'll have to use fire(heat) and some natural made glue so I can create a small bristle brush out the porcupine needles--of couse they can't be to sharp so i'll have to cut the pointy tips off with the scissors and smooth it down. I can use that cork screw or the knife to punch a hole in the coconuts to use for my co-washes. I can also seal in moisture with aloe gel from plants and with oil from those beautiful avocados on the trees over yonder. To get rid of coconut milk build-up, I'll just use the citrus juice of the fresh oranges hangin on some of the other trees. I dont need a scarf: When I sleep on my stomach, most of my hair will lay on my smooth back (in a long braid at night of course :grin:).

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Does it have to be a hair tool? because I'd bring this:

one of these great Swiss army knifes of course! :lol: I can cut and smooth me a wide-tooth comb out of some wood or something, but I'll smooth it out with the knife until Im positive it wont snag. I may have to use my army knife to kill a poor little porcupine and then I'll use the scissors to clip off needles. I'll have to use fire(heat) and some natural made glue so I can create a small bristle brush out the porcupine needles--of couse they can't be to sharp so i'll have to cut the pointy tips off with the scissors and smooth it down. I can use that cork screw or the knife to punch a hole in the coconuts to use for my co-washes. I can also seal in moisture with aloe gel from plants and with oil from those beautiful avocados on the trees over yonder. To get rid of coconut milk build-up, I'll just use the citrus juice of the fresh oranges hangin on some of the other trees. I dont need a scarf: When I sleep on my stomach, most of my hair will lay on my smooth back (in a long braid at night of course :grin:).


LOL you need to be my "stranded" buddy... maybe we'll start out on opposite sides of the island and evenutally find each other one day while out searching for food. yay, now we're not lonely anymore and we can build our ship to get off this mosquito-infested island :lachen:
This is what I wanted to bring too Christa438 LOL!!!!! A handy pocket knife.
B/c if the coconut milk wasn't doing it and my newgrowth was growing in I have no choice but to go natural. So I would have to just cut it all off. :lachen:Plus the knife can help me, gut a fish, cut wood, cut down leaves to sleep on or under, protection, etc. LOL!!

Does it have to be a hair tool? because I'd bring this:

one of these great Swiss army knifes of course! :lol: I can cut and smooth me a wide-tooth comb out of some wood or something, but I'll smooth it out with the knife until Im positive it wont snag. I may have to use my army knife to kill a poor little porcupine and then I'll use the scissors to clip off needles. I'll have to use fire(heat) and some natural made glue so I can create a small bristle brush out the porcupine needles--of couse they can't be to sharp so i'll have to cut the pointy tips off with the scissors and smooth it down. I can use that cork screw or the knife to punch a hole in the coconuts to use for my co-washes. I can also seal in moisture with aloe gel from plants and with oil from those beautiful avocados on the trees over yonder. To get rid of coconut milk build-up, I'll just use the citrus juice of the fresh oranges hangin on some of the other trees. I dont need a scarf: When I sleep on my stomach, most of my hair will lay on my smooth back (in a long braid at night of course :grin:).

LOL you need to be my "stranded" buddy... maybe we'll start out on opposite sides of the island and evenutally find each other one day while out searching for food. yay, now we're not lonely anymore and we can build our ship to get off this mosquito-infested island :lachen:

Mosquito Infested?!!! OH NO... I dont do mosquitos. I hate them thangs. I sure will be building a ship, canoe, surf board, whateva it'll be just to get away. I want to get stranded on one of those nice islands that you see on the movies like in hawaii, paradise island, or VIs-- something like that.
hmmmm prob a detangling comb of some sort

sidebar- the salt water from the sea can calrify my hair

the coconut water i would use for various moisturizing uses
and i would take the tree leaves hopefully they had some aloe trees and create some make-shift rollers on that damn island

a sistah aint gonna look bad when they come and find my ***---
I don't know which one, but some type of deep conditioner. I'm sure that I would be able to find something to get my scalp clean, even if it's some type of material (burlap like) to scrub my scalp with fruit water, but I need protection on the strands.
a big hat.. to protect my face and hair from the harshness of the sun.

like other posters stated... I could use my fingers to comb and detangle... the saltwater for cleansing my hair and the fruits to condition and nourish my hair!!
Mosquito Infested?!!! OH NO... I dont do mosquitos. I hate them thangs. I sure will be building a ship, canoe, surf board, whateva it'll be just to get away. I want to get stranded on one of those nice islands that you see on the movies like in hawaii, paradise island, or VIs-- something like that.

well hey if it's like that don't call me stranded, call me relocated! :lachen:
there's fresh spring water on a lot of islands (you need it to drink) so you won't need a filter. and banana leaves are very smooth and satin like so I could sleep on that and not need a scarf
...so i guess I'd take a brush.
Pantene Pro-V Mosturizing Hydrater Essential Hydrating Rinse. It makes my hair finger-combable(well it's a word now:grin:) so I wouldn't need anything else. I'd use it as my co-wash and leave-in:yep:.