"If you want the same rights as married couples, then get married!"

If cohabitants get the same legal rights, they will be just as legally tied together as married couples. They will also loose that get out of jail free card if it falls apart. The will still have to go through the court system if the relationship fails. After all that, you might as well have been married.
If cohabitants get the same legal rights, they will be just as legally tied together as married couples. They will also loose that get out of jail free card if it falls apart. The will still have to go through the court system if the relationship fails. After all that, you might as well have been married.

I totally agree.
In my country cohabitants and married people have more and more similar rights/legal status each year. So I think some parts of the world are moving towards this and I think it is a good thing for all those men who don't want to get married, but want to live with a woman for all the benefits. There shouldn't be any escape from doing the right thing.

Yeah, in Belgium too.