If you use Coconut Oil I need your help

I love love love coconut oil, and it has to be virgin organic for me. When I was holidaying in FL with the humidity I had no need for moisturiser. After cowashes it was wonderful!

It always delivers a smoothness to my strands and amazing shine without weighing the hair down. My last blowout (after hendingo) the stylist used only Fantasia heat protectant and my EVCO. (Last 2 pics in my signature and April 09 fotki folder).

Doubles up as a skin moisturiser every day for me too. :yep:
I use it to seal after using my water based leave-in. Coconut oil has a protien effect so it balances out the moisture from the leave-in.
I use it as a moisturizer. I'm not even sure what a "sealant" is. That's something that just arrived to the board in the past couple years anyway. (I'm an oooold member who just became active again)
Thanks Darlingdiva and Eisani, and shtow!!! I had no idea that I could moisturize with it. Now I can cut down on a lot of products.

^^^Yes, but the question is: will you?:smirk:

LOL!! yes I will........try!

:nono: We don't believe you. :giggle:

:yep: Its the best product ever!!! I use it to moisturize my hair, skin, feet (works wonders), take off my make up, moisturize my face over night, it even eliminated my cats flea and tick problem she picked up being around another cat. Coconut oil is heaven sent!!!
:yep: I use it literally head to toe.
Thanks so much for this. I guess I'll have to stick with coconut oil. I can't handle the greasiness of olive oil, so I guess avacado oil will be too heavy too. I'm glad you mentioned this before I went out and bought some.

Denise11, I don't think avocado oil is as greasy as olive oil. I don't have food grade though. I have a small bottle that I picked up at vitamin shoppe. I like it a lot.
I looooove coconut oil!!! It is the one thing that has single-handedly changed my hair life. I use it as a sealant, to moisturize, my body, you name it!
Is Sweet Almond oil a moisturizer? Does it penetrate the strands?

From what I've read coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil are the only oils that can penetrate the strand.

Now, that doesn't mean that the other oils don't have nutritive or other values. For example, oils in general coat the strands making it easier for them to slide against each other without getting tangled up, which is great for naturals with coily kinky hair.

I think if you're looking for something to nourish your hair, stick with coconut/olive/avocado. Everything else you'll have to try out and see how it works for you and whether it meets your needs. For example, I use castor oil daily to help keep my moisture in for longer and it leaves my hair soft. But other people don't like it at all.
I'm trying to cut down on the amount of products I own. I was thinking, I could moisturize and seal with the same oil, and I won't have to have these lotions and sprays.
I'm trying to cut down on the amount of products I own. I was thinking, I could moisturize and seal with the same oil, and I won't have to have these lotions and sprays.

I can definitely understand that. One of the reasons I love coconut oil is because I can use it as a conditioner, detangler, and moisturizer. Right now I use it as a conditioner, overnight on damp hair and then rinse it out in the morning.

But anyway, if you can simplify your products and your hair still thrives then great! I think if you used coconut oil on damp or wet hair then you'd be moisturizing and sealing at the same time. Or you could use it on dry hair after you straighten. Try it and see what works.
Thanks so much msa!!!

I can definitely understand that. One of the reasons I love coconut oil is because I can use it as a conditioner, detangler, and moisturizer. Right now I use it as a conditioner, overnight on damp hair and then rinse it out in the morning.

But anyway, if you can simplify your products and your hair still thrives then great! I think if you used coconut oil on damp or wet hair then you'd be moisturizing and sealing at the same time. Or you could use it on dry hair after you straighten. Try it and see what works.