Coconut Oil & Acne.. Help!


My regi -
Wash with gentle pore unclogging, exfoliating scrub
Wash with grandpa's sulfur soap
Wipe face with Witch Hazel followed by ACV
Light application of evco
Light application of Cerave for sun UV protection

My process takes about 5 mins but my face loves it so I will continue to dedicate these 5 minutes faithfully. I learned all this in the makeup forum. Good luck.

I greatly appreciate you help =)
oil along with detoxing and changing my diet has almost completely cured my acne.....its a must that any oils you use on your hair are organic, expeller pressed, extra virgin, virgin or unrefined. i use jojoba and have a facial mositurizer with coconut oil and milk and they have been a godsend in my reggie.oils can make your skin purge toxins like retin-a or tazorac initially then it calms down, please pm me so i can direct you to some links about order to keep clear your skin has to have a gpood blance of oil and moisture and you diet needs to be on point.....this effects hormones too.

my reggie changes sometimes from day to day but this is basically what i do:
cleanse with chagrin valley soap
tone w/ floral hydrosols, thayer witch hazel or home made toner from purified water/ acv or red wine vinegar
i use a serum, then oil or lotion, then spf 30

pleae be sure to change your pillowcases 2-3 times a week ( or flip them over) and wash your scarf/ bonnet often too:yep:
i make a clay mask and use it 1-2 times a week. i do exfo with aha pads, 10% mandeic or 5% salacylic acid 3-4 times a week

my skin was a wreck the end of last summer, i did a cleanse, i switched skincare the end of september. i started to see a huge improvement and people noticing it in november/december.....jooba oil doesn't clog pores and is like the skins own natural sebum, it is alos great for hair. what is your diet like? are you using the bathroom regularly, do you smoke or have other health should stop by the makeup-skincare forum.

i'm a carnivore - anemic - I don't smoke - I drink nothing but water & tea.. I don't really have any other health issues besides the fact that I have sickle cell sc disease but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

It's crazy because I had the perfect skin before I started taking care of my own hair. Sigh.. But it looks like I may have to give up on the vatika oil that I use weekly now and buy EVCO or unrefined coconut oil.. which sucks because I bought enough that would have lasted me for the next 2 years :whyme: