If you texturize you hair it will break off


Well-Known Member
HUH?! My friend texts me telling me this is what a hairdresser told her about her virgin course 4a/b (L/O for lois system) hair. Why? Her hair is not killer damaged, just pretty dry but otherwise fine, though its fragile. I really do not see why a texturizer alone would break it off. Foolishness. Some black hairdressers need to stop being so lazy, but I'd rather they left her hair alone then just put it in, tell her nothing and let it break off... TLC goes a long way!
That's why we need to become educated on our hair so we are in a better position to teach these so called hairdressers a thing or two. These people will say whatever - some do not particularly care about much except getting paid. Since it's our hair and we are the ones paying, we call the shots. Hairdressers are a dime a dozen, lol!

P.S. BTW, if my hair was fragile and dry, I wouldn't texturizer it just yet.
Oh the closeminded... but they just don't know better.

I really need for these cosmetology programs to make a special kinky/curly hair course that's actually factual