
Well-Known Member
I am looking for fellow new transitioners and ladies rocking TWAs, so that we can stick together and transition/grow together. If anyone is interested please join me.

It's simple anything goes. Do what you have to do to help transition/grow and please share what is working for you.
We can do this ladies, come join me!!!!:grin::grin:

ETA: I have decided to BC. (I guess that means I am not transitioning anymore???, Well the thread must go on so I will still see you guys).


Baby Girl
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Sounds good to me! I have been transitioning for 12 weeks. Things started off slowly, then all of a sudden I woke up one day with a ton of new growth. I guess it's because I had been using the ponytail method of rollersetting my hair, which lays down your new growth. When I washed and didn't folow this method, I could see my true progress.

My ng is 1 1/2 inches. I have never had this much ng in my life. I am trying to imagine how I'm going to get through the next year dealing with both textures, but so far it hasn't been extremely difficult. I am finding myself having to wash more frequently though. Twice a week is working out a bit better for me.

Mandy, have you set a BC date? I'm just going to play it by ear, but I'd like shoulder length unstretched (might settle for stretched) ng before chopping. Sounds like a long transition to me. We'll see how that goes, lol!!
i'm transitioning. i am 4 or 5 months post relaxer but i just decided to transition a month ago. i have no idea what my hair type is. because i have never been (as long as i can remember) natural. but what i can say is that my new growth is still straight and very easy to comb through. my mother has extreeeeeemly coarse hair while my father has very silk soft curly hair. i cant wait to see my hair fully natural
oh and by the way i am NOT going to bc. if my hair sheds like crazy then i have to deal with it but cutting my hair is sooooo far out of the question i dont even know why i'm typing this
Sounds good to me! I have been transitioning for 12 weeks. Things started off slowly, then all of a sudden I woke up one day with a ton of new growth. I guess it's because I had been using the ponytail method of rollersetting my hair, which lays down your new growth. When I washed and didn't folow this method, I could see my true progress.

My ng is 1 1/2 inches. I have never had this much ng in my life. I am trying to imagine how I'm going to get through the next year dealing with both textures, but so far it hasn't been extremely difficult. I am finding myself having to wash more frequently though. Twice a week is working out a bit better for me.

Mandy, have you set a BC date? I'm just going to play it by ear, but I'd like shoulder length unstretched (might settle for stretched) ng before chopping. Sounds like a long transition to me. We'll see how that goes, lol!!
Hey Girl, I already cut off a few inches tonight. I have not set a date for the real thing:look:. I guess we will see. I plan to cut off a little more later. I am 10wks post.
I am looking for fellow new transitioners so that we can stick together and transition together. If anyone is interested please join me.

It's simple anything goes. Do what you have to do to help transition and please share what is working for you. The only rule is that you have to have started your transition in the last three months.
We can do this ladies, come join me!!!!:grin::grin:



This is my first month of transitioning. I think my hair will be healthier natural.
I'm thinking about transitioning.... Right now it's just a thought. I should make up my mine soon cause I need a relaxer...
I'm 13 weeks post and transitioning. My hair has gotten thinner over the years, so I think this will help me with thickness and health. I haven't changed my regimen much...yet. I have started washing/conditioning in sections, which works a lot better for me. It takes a little longer, but I lose less hair. I wish I would've started doing this a long time ago.

I definitely recommend reading the Transitioners Support Thread. I read all 144 pages (it's 146 now), and it's so inspiring and extremely helpful. I'm not bc'ing either, so I know I'll need extra support. Good luck ladies!
I am a lurker turned newbie thanks to this thread. I am 6 weeks post and definitely trying to transition .. sign me up !! :drunk: Let's get get get it !!!
Im in too. My last relaxer was Dec 6 2007. Intersted to see what my natural hair looks like. I know it wont be easy, but Im willing to try.
I'm in too!!! This is such an awesome idea! I've been hanging on the fence about transitioning since January. This month will be my 4th month post relaxer. I have already noticed that my new growth is much thicker and healthier compared to my relaxed strands...but I still can't truly figure out what my texture is :ohwell:. To be honest and quite frank, I have to say texture is what I fear the most...oh well!!!:look:
I have decided to transition. My last relaxer was DEC 07. I am so excited about this journey. Have created an new album in my fotki where I will chart my progress. I have been told that my hair type is 3c. I want to get away from chemicals for a more healthier lifestyle (for me personally). So am signing up to this challenge. (Am 3 days over...can I still join?:look:)

Thanks Mandy
I would like to join. My last relaxer was on 11/26/07. I'm in love with my new texture and I am doing well handling the NG.
I've been transitioning for about 15 months now by wearing tree braids. When I'm not wearing braids I usually wear my curly half-wig (with my hair braided underneath and hair pins/scarf to attach). I suggest this to anyone who is not ready to wear their hair out yet - great protective style. You can wash and condition, mtg and re-braid as often as you like without the hassle of constant styling and such. I think this is key for me to get to my goal length.

I'd like to join you ladies as well. My last relaxer was the end of January and I'm 6 weeks post. I have decided for right now anyway, :drunk: to transition for 10 months and then big chop. I'd like to learn to take care of my natural hair while it's short and learn as I go. :yep:

Thanks for the thread!! I was just thinking this morning that I needed to find a transition buddy. :grin:
I am now 20 weeks post and still debating. I will know for sure in 4 more weeks, will it be too late to join then? Or can I join now with "probationary status"?
I am now 20 weeks post and still debating. I will know for sure in 4 more weeks, will it be too late to join then? Or can I join now with "probationary status"?
You sure can girl!!!

Ladies to be Honest this is not something you can know 100%, that you won't change your mind. It is ok to change you mind, do not feel trapped.:grin::grin:. Heck I am not even 100% sure that I will stick with this. If some of us happen to change our minds, thats fine. we will still love each other right?
I'm transitioning out of relaxed strait hair. I'm just not sure where I'll end up.:lachen: I am 11 weeks post and mostly do flat twists as a protective style.
I am looking for fellow new transitioners so that we can stick together and transition together. If anyone is interested please join me.

It's simple anything goes. Do what you have to do to help transition and please share what is working for you. The only rule is that you have to have started your transition in the last three months.
We can do this ladies, come join me!!!!:grin::grin:

ETA:Ladies to be Honest this is not something you can know 100%, that you won't change your mind. It is ok to change your mind, do not feel trapped.. Heck I am not even 100% sure that I will stick with this. If some of us happen to change our minds, thats fine. we will still love each other, right?


Baby Girl

I'm in and I'm scared to death. I need all the help I can get. Please stay with me ladies!!!!!:look:
oh and by the way i am NOT going to bc. if my hair sheds like crazy then i have to deal with it but cutting my hair is sooooo far out of the question i dont even know why i'm typing this

I'm with you girl. I'm not planning to BC either. SouthernTease didn't and her hair looks good. Why don't we try to go without BCing and see what happens.:yep:
I'm thinking about transitioning.... Right now it's just a thought. I should make up my mine soon cause I need a relaxer...

This is me too. Because right now I'm 10 weeks post and my NG is so thick. I said I was going to wait until 6 months until I either relaxed or BC'd... but the way it's going, I might go back to the relaxer at 12 weeks. It's harder than I thought and I don't want to be a small-head-bald-head and BC right now :nono: Going from MBL to a TWA won't fly around my house. DH aint havin' that.
Just wondering what is everyone doing so far?

Right now I have in a partial sew and I tame my new growth in the front with a little bit of Fantasia Hair Polisher Solid Pomade.
That's about it ... I can't think of anything else to do while waiting for my new growth to become untameable
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