if you had to choose between these 3 relaxers - which one?

if you had to choose between these three relaxers and you had a very sensative scalp?

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Re: if you had to choose between these 3 relaxers - I made the choice!!!

ok ladies!
I did it! i self relaxed friday with Mizani for sensative scalps!!!
i decided to give this a try again, since i believe that my stylist used this on me years ago with good results.
I relaxed my hair in two parts(thanks to a tecnique i read here) - 16 minutes on one side - 13 minutes on the other - the 2nd side was way more sensative and began to burn so i washed it out.
i am very happy with the results - once it was out, no scabbing, no soar scalp, my head feels as if it wasnt permed!! i am in love and i absolutely love this place and you ladies who have been so helpful to me!
I used sistaslicks tecnique for putting in the conditioner before neatralizing and i neutralized with profectives neutralizing foam shampoo(read that someone here liked that)
my hair has NEVER LOOKED OR FELT THIS GREAT AFTER A RELAXER!!! i am in awe - i cant keep my hands out of my hair. It's thin and uneven in places but i love it! it's got body, shine and swang!!! ok - i think you guys get the picture. i owe LHCF and the ladies here a great debt of gratitude. i'll keep you guys posted as the weeks go by - cuz we all know the real test of a successful relaxer is in about one month! oh and i should say that my hair no longer seems to be breaking!!! i comb and nothing in the comb but a hair maybe two, of shedded hair. thats it!!! i have not seen an empty comb in years. especially after a relaxer - and i shed VERY little hair during the relaxer process. the least ever.
Re: if you had to choose between these 3 relaxers - I made the choice!!!

ok ladies!
I did it! i self relaxed friday with Mizani for sensative scalps!!!
i decided to give this a try again, since i believe that my stylist used this on me years ago with good results.
I relaxed my hair in two parts(thanks to a tecnique i read here) - 16 minutes on one side - 13 minutes on the other - the 2nd side was way more sensative and began to burn so i washed it out.
i am very happy with the results - once it was out, no scabbing, no soar scalp, my head feels as if it wasnt permed!! i am in love and i absolutely love this place and you ladies who have been so helpful to me!
I used sistaslicks tecnique for putting in the conditioner before neatralizing and i neutralized with profectives neutralizing foam shampoo(read that someone here liked that)
my hair has NEVER LOOKED OR FELT THIS GREAT AFTER A RELAXER!!! i am in awe - i cant keep my hands out of my hair. It's thin and uneven in places but i love it! it's got body, shine and swang!!! ok - i think you guys get the picture. i owe LHCF and the ladies here a great debt of gratitude. i'll keep you guys posted as the weeks go by - cuz we all know the real test of a successful relaxer is in about one month! oh and i should say that my hair no longer seems to be breaking!!! i comb and nothing in the comb but a hair maybe two, of shedded hair. thats it!!! i have not seen an empty comb in years. especially after a relaxer - and i shed VERY little hair during the relaxer process. the least ever.

I'm glad it worked out for you. I love Mizani. I don't plan on using anything else for a long time.
My scalp is sensative as well and I also didn't have any scabs afterwards. Isn't the softness wonderful? :yep: