If you don't like the Siggy Pics I think You can...


New Member
Turn them off that way you don't have to see them, that way if you don't like it you have the option to not look at it or if you feel it is to inappropriate, That way others who don't mind it can look at it, Me personally I don't care either way, but try this and see if it works I got this from Dlewis in another Thread and thought to post it, That way everyone can be happy:)

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Duly noted

People also put fotki updates in their siggys.

It sucks to have to lose access to hair related information to avoid ginormous pictures.
JCoily said:
Duly noted

People also put fotki updates in their siggys.

It sucks to have to lose access to hair related information to avoid ginormous pictures.

True, I understand what you are saying:) I had thought about that too. But I guess since we now have rules on the siggies they won't be as big, I love looking at Fotkis! I was just trying to help:) I know some siggys could get out of hand:)
It's all gravy.:)

The siggy thing comes up periodically.

Nikos rolls up and starts slapping sistas on the ass :whip: :spank: (since we cousin's and all that seems a little pervy, but I digress)

Everybody minds their p's & q's for a couple of months

Then here comes some new members and the pics get bigger and typically more explicit.

Then somebody asks who is Nikos

And just like Candyman, if you say his name more than 3 times, the Crazy Greek rises from the abyss and starts robocropping pics and dicktating ...haha... and such.

Then we find ourselves right back to where we are now. It's a cycle.
^^ LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I disabled siggy's at least a year ago. I think it's a shame that it has to get to that point. Some members have beautiful pictures that I'd like to see, and I miss everyone's fotki updates as a result. But I gotta do what I gotta do.
JCoily said:
It's all gravy.:)

The siggy thing comes up periodically.

Nikos rolls up and starts slapping sistas on the ass :whip: :spank: (since we cousin's and all that seems a little pervy, but I digress)

Everybody minds their p's & q's for a couple of months

Then here comes some new members and the pics get bigger and typically more explicit.

Then somebody asks who is Nikos

And just like Candyman, if you say his name more than 3 times, the Crazy Greek rises from the abyss and starts robocropping pics and dicktating ...haha... and such.

Then we find ourselves right back to where we are now. It's a cycle.

Sounds about right :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
JCoily said:
It's all gravy.:)

The siggy thing comes up periodically.

Nikos rolls up and starts slapping sistas on the ass :whip: :spank: (since we cousin's and all that seems a little pervy, but I digress)

Everybody minds their p's & q's for a couple of months

Then here comes some new members and the pics get bigger and typically more explicit.

Then somebody asks who is Nikos

And just like Candyman, if you say his name more than 3 times, the Crazy Greek rises from the abyss and starts robocropping pics and dicktating ...haha... and such.

Then we find ourselves right back to where we are now. It's a cycle.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Since Nikos enforced these siggy rules, I've cut my siggies back on. But there's this one siggy in particular that is really irking my nerves and I'm reallyyy sick of seeing it...but everyone else's siggy is fine.

Is there anyway for me to just block just that person's SIGGY?
JCoily said:
It's all gravy.:)

The siggy thing comes up periodically.

Nikos rolls up and starts slapping sistas on the ass :whip: :spank: (since we cousin's and all that seems a little pervy, but I digress)

Everybody minds their p's & q's for a couple of months

Then here comes some new members and the pics get bigger and typically more explicit.

Then somebody asks who is Nikos

And just like Candyman, if you say his name more than 3 times, the Crazy Greek rises from the abyss and starts robocropping pics and dicktating ...haha... and such.

Then we find ourselves right back to where we are now. It's a cycle.

:lachen: @ the bolded: I just choked on my lemonade!