If you don't dry your rollerset all the way will it make hair hard?


New Member
I noticed when I rollerset my hair and then flat iron it is always nice and moist after the rollers are out but as soon as I start flat ironing it brittle again.. I also realize that I am impatient and my hair is about 98% dry ( I don't have a pibbs ) but there are some areas that are not dry on the roller. Could this be the problem? Anyone else have this issue?
I always make sure my hair is completely dry before flat ironing it. It's possible that using the flat iron while your hair is still dry could lead to "bubble hair" which could be dryness? I am not sure if that's it but I would definitely make sure your hair is completely dry before flat ironing. If you don't want to go back under the dryer, just take a regular blow dryer and finish it up.

Also, are you using a serum or heat protectant prior to flat ironing? That could help seal in the moisture.
Make sure your hair is 100% dry and only flat iron the roots if possible, that way, the silky texure from the rollerset remains on the rest of the hair...