If you are not married then you are single.

I agree. I think it's chuckle-headed to be sleeping with somebody, doing their laundry, cooking and cleaning "for them" like it's something they can actually expect you to do as a person they are dating. I don't care how long ppl have been dating. If they're not engaged or married, they're dating.
Something similar to this was posted in the OT forum, but it's still true.
Until there are papers you are single. I really hate when people call someone their "fiance" to make it sound more official. Until it's legal, it's nothing!
So true so true. But based on arguements I've seen on this board from the women who are unmarried, shacking and happy, I'm sure they won't like this one.
I called my exhusband my boyfriend up until the day we were married. I never used the term "fiance'". Some folks use that word too freely, calling a dude that six months after being bf\gf. Oh, please.
I think people should be able to title their relationship however they want to. Its just not that serious to me whether you have been married for two days or together for 2 decades... once black couples are happy and in love and can have a healthy and happy relationship more power to them. Who cares..seriously LHCF takes this married non married thing a little too personally .. and this is coming from someone that yes has shack and yes IS married:lachen:

why so eager to label and correct someone single if they choose to consider themselves otherwise :ohwell:
I think that with titles we create limitations and boundaries in our relationships which in turn creates unnecessary (or necessary) pressure. I've long noticed that a lot of women tend to label themselves the fiance' just because they've moved in with someone. And there are men who label their women "wifey" with no sign in sight that she'll actually get a ring anytime soon.

I personally believe a lot of women sell themselves short in relationships but that's another conversation for a different thread.

The bottom line for me; My expectations of my husband are higher than that of when he was just my boyfriend.
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I agree. If you aren't married, then you are single. You may not be "single" in the dating sense, i.e. having a boyfriend or fiance', but until there is a marriage license, you are considered legally single. That includes all the common law people. Its such a variable term that people take it too far. I too hate to see women doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, etc. for men who aren't their husbands, or who haven't at least put a ring on it.

The sad thing is that if they do get married, the men often get very slack and are inept to meet the woman's expectations. They're like, "Well, you didn't want that before we was married, so what now?" Unless you are 95% sure you are going to marry a person, I believe in keeping it strictly a dating relationship. No living together, no joint accounts, no babies (<-if possible, lol). I am not trying to upset those who are unmarried and doing those things, that's just how I run my life. I don't judge anyone. If that's your thing, do you. But ain't no man getting any of that from me nowadays...I've been through too much. No milking the cow 'til you buy it, or at least put in a bid to buy, (and that means putting a ring on it), LOL.

I saw this lady yesterday from back in high school who mentioned something about her "fiance'." I was like, Oh girl, you have to show me the ring. She said she "doesn't wear them usually." I didn't think about it until later, but it was more apparent to me after the fact that she is likely calling him the fiance' just cuz they live together. True, you don't have to have a ring to be engaged, I'm just using this as an example of people using relationship terms incorrectly and too loosely.
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