If u were startin over, what would u do differently?

I would have certainly NOT relaxed my hair. I would have BC sooner than I did. Purchased more all natural products, and I would have spent a lot less money on hair products that I didn't use.
Tiifa said:
I'm going to spend a semester in Sweden next yr and I wanna get into a good functional routine b4 iget there, cuz i think it'll be even harder when i get there!!!

Let me tell you from experience abroad DO NOT relax your hair until you get back home. I learned the hard way. I've been relaxed for years but when I came here to Peru I tried to get a relaxer here and it was a mess. the whole protein-moisture balance. :perplexed If I could have been natural coming down here I would have been. So please take my advice and don't relax until you get back. It would be much easier if you get a routine for your natural hair and then when you return get the relaxer. then you'll be at home and can figure out how to work your relaxed hair.
I would not have kept my "protective" sewn phony pony in so long and would have cared for my hair between visits to my stylist using the techniques and tips learned here.

My stylist used to stress the importance of moisture and gentle handling of my hair for years. I did not really hear him because my "voice" kept saying, "you're paying him to care for your hair, so let him earn his money." "WRONG!"

I realize it was a "partnership" and I should have done more...:ohwell:
Tiifa said:
Hi, i'm a newbie and this is my first post. I'm live in Yorkshire in England where there is a scarcity of good afro hairdressers:(, so i do my hair myself. I have a virgin afro hair but wanna go straight. My hair is about 6 inches short so i can't do crazy stuff with...

If u were starting afresh, what would u do now that u didn't think to/ didn't know about before? I'm going to spend a semester in Sweden next yr and I wanna get into a good functional routine b4 iget there, cuz i think it'll be even harder when i get there!!!
I am basically starting over and what I'm going to differently this time is to protect my ends even more and stay away from the scissors. I caused myself many setbacks in the past and my plan is to minimize my hastiness, foolhardiness..is there such a word..lol.
In the early 90s I was going to a stylist temporarily and she would do all of the hottest styles. Waterfalls, layers, hard stacks and I loved her. I moved away went to someone new then moved back. Went to her again and she informed me that she no longer did "Ghetto" hair. She refused to do styles that involved high heat and spritz at the same time. I got mad and never went back. Looking back, I was stupid. Soo..now I know that if I had stayed with her, I would probably know most of the stuff I am learning now. If I had it to do again, I would:

1.Listen to her
2.Not cut so much
3.Get rid of my Gold N hot curling iron
4.Not used so much dang spritz to save my styles
5.Not cut my hair for every cute Halle,Anita style
6.Use natural products nix the alcohol gasoline
Ayeshia said:
I wouldnt have done 4 huge trims after my intial BC :(....but back then when I first joined, there weren't as many naturals on the board as there are now. Most of the old heads who are natural now were in transition when I started and are nearly waist length while I am still at my damn schoulders for being so scissor happy :lol: a mess. It took me awhile to get off the frequent trimming bandwagon but once I saw members like Cichelle (never trims) and Chicoro (trims once a year), and Bublin and Midnitecurls ( S&d's/dustings) I knew that frequently cutting wasnt necessary and it never solved the single strand knot problems :nono:

What could solve the single strand knot problems? I have a bunch...
I definately would have been airdrying in the ponytails and sealing the moisture if I had of known back in the day and stayed away from the blow fryer.
First and foremost, I would have found LHCF aloooong time ago. Man where have you guys been all of my life:wallbash:

Seriously, I would have not relaxed my hair bone straight and not rely on my stylist to make my hair healthy as january noir mentioned
If I were starting over...

:) would do everything that I am doing NOW to care for my hair
:) moisturize twice a day
:) pay attention to my hair's changing needs and respond appropriately (moisture/condition vs. protein treatment)
:) wash and deep condition twice a week
:) prepare my hair for bed each night

:mad: would NOT overlap relaxers all the way down the strand!
:mad: would NOT relax every 5 to 6 weeks!
:mad: would NOT use direct heat every day, especially without protectant!
:mad: would NOT sleep on a cotton pillowcase!
:mad: would NOT tear through my delicate wet hair!

Whew!! I made myself mad just thinking about it. But we live and learn and pick ourselves up.

Thank God for his grace!!! ...for this forum and for the other things I have put into practice over the last four months! He is a God of second chances and His mercies are new everyday!
I would definitely moisturize my ends more. I just had to cut 1/2 in. off because I was neglecting my hair. No I'm showering it with love.
shocol said:
My 4a/4b hair is pretty strong, and has taken much abuse over the years. But the ONE thing that pretty much broke off all my hair is putting permanent color in while having a relaxer. Lesson learned:(

Oh yea! How could I have forgotten that??!!! I need to add that to my exhaustive list!
***I would have never chopped my hair off to a super twa once a year in the 4 years that I have been natural. I always would cut my hair whenever I get frustrated or see a damaged part. I would chop it all off and start over as I did last year. Imagine what type of length I would have had by now had I stopped big chopping every year in 4 years.

****I would not have been ashamed to wear my natural hair out and instead hid it under wigs and weaves which in turn damaged my hair thus reasons for the statements above.
I wish I would have started my hair care journey by not relaxing. My hair was already short enough to just start over and have natural hair. :(
The only thing I wouldve done differently is learned SOONER that you must comb through your hair in the shower when stretching your relaxer, I didnt know that so I would wash and just bun again until I one day realized that I had a GIANT matting problem in the back of my hair that I had to cut, so it was a setback but a major learning experience.
Welcome :newbie:

If I could do things differently I would have banned Infusium-23 from my hair. All of that protein is the reason for my short temple and nape hair. My hair is anti-protein and I learned that the hard way.
I would give my natural hair a try since I couldn't truly appreciate my hair texture when I was young.

I'd also stick to whatever works and maintain a consistent routine