If a woman initiates the first kiss...

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
...is she giving a man the wrong impression of her? Especially if she doesn't intend to necessarily initiate, uh, other things? :look:

Been in a few dates with a nice guy who is flirtatious over text but pretty shy/reserved in real-life. (He is also divorced so I think he might be a little gun shy.)
I don't know... I think I would find a man a little odd if he never tried to kiss me during one of the first dates. Perhaps not THE first date, but after a while of seeing each other.

I wouldn't initiate a kiss, I would like to see when he does it and how he does it. If he never does it, then oh well. He's probably not that interested?
What are you guys doing for your dates? Where do the dates usually end? I don't think you need to initiate if you don't feel comfortable, but maybe change up the environment a bit to something more intimate and see where that goes.
A movie date should get him close enough to you. All that leaning in and whispering in each others ears!!!
A movie's not bad, but you don't really flirt at movies.

What about a lounge? You'll have a few drinks, the music means you have to sit close, lean in, maybe dance a bit. Wear something low-cut, do the Bambi eye thing, touch him a little.....I don't care how shy he is...it'll be a wrap.

BTW -- Does he drive you home? If so, another opportunity.
If he likes her it doesn't matter ,we women think and analyse things too much .just go with the flow,if you feel comfortable kissing him then do it .
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At the end of the next date I'd kiss him on the cheek, depending on his response I'd kiss his forehead, then gently on his lips. Say thanks for a great night and let him take it from there. But that's just me :). Also, if you kiss him don't do it to help him or encourage him, do it because you find him sexy and you feel like it.
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Nope not at all. If a woman makes the initial move to kiss, its just indicates a kiss. Just because he appears too shy would not indicate he may be slow to get mixed signals. Just be up front you are looking to go on a slower pace
NOPE! Let a gentleman be a gentleman. It will eventually happen if he feels the desire. Let's get back to being the lady. Let him chase us. mmmmm and when it does...girl submit like a MF.
A movie's not bad, but you don't really flirt at movies.

What about a lounge? You'll have a few drinks, the music means you have to sit close, lean in, maybe dance a bit. Wear something low-cut, do the Bambi eye thing, touch him a little.....I don't care how shy he is...it'll be a wrap.

BTW -- Does he drive you home? If so, another opportunity.

lol I'm mad I know what you're talking about. You do that too? That's totally my thing. It definitely works.

Or you could innocently touch yourself, sometimes I'll just run my fingers back and forth along my collar bone or the collar of my shirt. Kinda absent minded like I'm daydreaming or something. It drives them crazy

I've also held his hand and gently rubbed it up and down. That sends the message very clearly.
lol I'm mad I know what you're talking about. You do that too? That's totally my thing. It definitely works.

Or you could innocently touch yourself, sometimes I'll just run my fingers back and forth along my collar bone or the collar of my shirt. Kinda absent minded like I'm daydreaming or something. It drives them crazy

I've also held his hand and gently rubbed it up and down. That sends the message very clearly.

:lol: I do all the exact same things! Especially the collarbone. I am a big fan of my collarbones though, but I also know what effect they have.

Has anyone here been kissed on the collarbone before? Let me tell you: WOAH :look:

I unfortunately don't have a good track record of kissing men first (it only happened once, so I don't know if track record is the right phrase, even:lol:) but I wouldn't 100% shy away from it in the future.

I really like hopeful's suggestion, very sensual indeed:giggle: especially the suggestion that you're doing it for you.
Silly boy. After two dates he resorts to only texting? Hopefully he will stop and get with the program.