If a man cheats, does he love you?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about some stuff today. This isnt my boyfriend but just a question.

Lets say a man has two girlfriends. One has his baby and they have been together 1.5 years. The other has no children and they have been together 4.5 years. He says to the one with the baby that he loves the other and doesnt love her. Does he really love the other?

If a man cheats, does he really love you?
I think a cheating man could genuinely have affection for both women, genuinely enjoy their company, etc. But all that means is that he gets something out of being with one or both of them. But of course he does, otherwise he wouldn't be with them. Love is more than that--it's about the good of the other person.
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i think of your question vs the scenario are very different.

cheating once, yes, i believe he can.

more than once? no.

re: the scenario. no. absolutely not.
i dont think he loves anyone truly. Love to the man is only a word, with no feelings attached to it.

What i wud say is that he probably likes things about them both and is too stupid and selfish to end it with either of them!
Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.
Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.
Would he feel the same way if his wife cheated on him or slept with a prostitute that she doesn't love?

You can't love someone if you're willing to put their lives in danger. Men who claim to love their wives yet cheat on them remind me of men who claim to love their wives/gf and beat them half to death. Anyone like that is selfish and incapable of loving another human being. The only thing they love is the way that person makes them feel.

A person that loves you would not push you into the middle of oncoming traffic on the freeway and hope you make it to the other side of the freeway alive and not hurt. That what these men are basically doing to their wives every time they cheat on them, they are putting their lives at risk.

What will they do when one of those outside women give them herpes and they pass it on to their wives?
I think a cheating man could genuinely have affection for both women, genuinely enjoy their company, etc. But all that means is that he gets something out of being with one or both of them. But of course he does, otherwise he wouldn't be with them. Love is more than that--it's about the good of the other person.

This. Honestly, I believe they "think" they love their wives. And no doubt they have affection for their wives, but sadly these men do not know what real love is. Real love is sacrificial, its about the wellbeing of the other person.
Selfish people cheat.

My husband knows if he cheats that I'm gone. My father, grandfather and step-father have all cheated and thier wives stayed. I am not the one.
Wow it just blows my mind I have heard this before and I still don't buy it. I wonder if his wife was doing this how would he feel. Not so good.

Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.
Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.

This is some of the craziest mess I have heard. :nono: I hope no one believes that foolishness, especially his wife. If he loved his wife he would leave the other women alone.
Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.

If a man is willing to risk his relationship and hurt his wife to the bone behind some new tail, then he loves new tail more than he loves her.
Men think totally different from women.

My brother (29) is married and he loves his wife dearly. I believe that. He would lose his mind if she left but.....

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why , he says that it's just sex.

"I'm just having sex...I don't want to be with her. "
I ask if his wife is doing something wrong...he tells me no.

He knows he has found his life partner, he couldn't find a better person.

I ask, why do you cheat? He says if I see a fine woman and she lets me, why not?

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y".

"I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

Most men cheat...that's a fact he says. His friends and I taked about it, they all agree.

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

I think it's more about a man loving himself more - being selfish.

That's got nothing to do with men thinking differently from women. That's all about a single man being trifiling and not valuing his wife or his vows enough to be faithful. How can you claim to love someone, and cheat on them? :nono:

Men think differently from women - yet another phrase we whip out to excuse the inexcusable from men. :nono:

If a man is willing to risk his relationship and hurt his wife to the bone behind some new tail, then he loves new tail more than he loves her.

Thank you! He loves his dick and some new puddy more than he loves his wife. I'm not trying to be third. :nono:

Urrah - so no. You cannot truly love someone and cheat on them. You can't truly love someone and beat them. And if you think you do, you've got a real farked up understanding of what love is.
I don't know. Is it possible for anyone who hurts you to love you? I tend to think so, but I guess that depends on your definition of love. I think you can even love things you think beneath you, on a broad definition of it. But a relationship is probably more than just love. It's also respect and consideration of the other person's feelings and well-being.
If a man cheats, does he really love you?

He may love you (in his own special way), but not enough NOT to cheat on you. Then you have to decide if his love is enough . . .

He has cheated on her. When I ask him why, he says that it's just sex.

"There is nothing better than p***y, but some new p***y". "I use protection, I don't call or contact these women...it's all sex. I love my wife."

WOW, how immature and stupid of him. Why does he think that sex should be shared between and other women that are not his wife?

"Sex is not love." They say " if I come home to you....have kids with you...provide for you. Then I love you....I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

So,he won't let the other woman disrespect his wife, but it's okay for him too. :hmm:

Men think differently from women - yet another phrase we whip out to excuse the inexcusable from men. :nono:

So true, so true. :yep: This isn't a man/woman way of thinking issue. It's just a triflin' cheater situation. I pray that his wife does find out about him, and while I know that you don't want to get into his business Cutiepiebabygirl, I pray that you don't encourage her to stay when she does find out.
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"I will never let one of these outside women disrespect you, call the house, or even know where I live."

That's probably what Joey Buttafucco used to say, right before his side piece showed up at the house packing heat.
Women needs to come to grips with the fact that love and sex are very different beasts all together. Also we need to understand that monogamy within a relationship not a given but a choice.

Bearing this in mind, proceed with your relationship :yep:
I still feel that sex should be an expression of love, but in this case, it's the blatant lack of respect that is front and center here. Not respecting your cheatin' self is one thing, but not considering your partner's mental and physical health is unacceptable. Back to the original post, if they guy really cared about his sidepiece, he would have left his wife so that they could raise the kids she got pregnant by him together. (I still can't get over that abortion thing from the other thread). :(
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Not as much as he loves himself. You can not disrepect me, betray me and endanger my health AND claim that you love me or care anything about our relationship.
I think they can believe they love you and try to express it, and may do a good job at it, but I think cheating and loving someone cant truely go hand in hand.

I think cheating is wrong or a sin, and that lots of people who dont care do it to satisfy there own self. Lots of things that or wrong are fun. IMO they just dont care, and thats the worst part. I dont think a person should be offended by it though, because they are thinking about themselves only, not you at all its the way they want to live.
Or that they are a person that doesnt go out for it, but when the opportunity arises they arent strong enough to resist, I think sex is somewhat of a desire like eating that you need to controll it.

Another reason IMO is because people dont feel appreciated and are bitter because of it.

When they dont tell you about it, I think its either because they respect you and dont want to loose you, or just havent because they feel it doesnt involve you and they havent got cought/can get away with it or they think its normal.
Wow...I forgot all about this thread!

My posts have never got so many repsonses. LOL

While I do not excuse my brother's behavior, and as I stated, I think he loves himself more han his wife or the other women.

If his wife cheated on him, he would leave her, point blank and period.
Most men can dish it...but they can't take it...

I'm not saying what he is doing is right in any way shape or form.

The question posed was...if a man cheats on you, does he love you and I think that some men feel like cheating (have sex with another woman) has nothing to do with the love.

If she left him, I would not encourage her to stay or leave...it's not really my place...but I do encourage my brother to stop and try and do the right thing.
So tonight, I met with an old friend of mine who is a prostitute and she told me that it is in men's nature to cheat. Men are not wired to be monogamous and that's a very difficult thing for women to accept, she said. She has many, many married clients. They are good men, she said. In fact, most, if not all of them are married or have girlfriends. They tell her that they love their wives but simply cannot be with one woman for the rest of their lives. She said that they struggle with this, some men even cry on her shoulder and need someone to talk to. She said that they tell her that it's *not* their wives fault. Many of them don't blame their wives, they just cannot commit physically to one person. They say that they love their wives and would never leave them. And yet they simply crave something different and exciting. It has absolutely nothing to do with love.

The question for me is that if she is right and that most men can never be monogamous, is this something that women can accept? Even for those of us who wish to be married, could we accept the possibility that there's a chance that our husbands may not always remain faithful?