Idea to help our International Members...

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Gas IS expensive... no, but seriously though, you need to also buy the stuff to ship it in and also, I would hope, insurance on the package. Also, are they paying the person before they buy the product or after? No one would want to be out of their money...

Well yea I think. BTW I'm not a shopper:spinning: unless you want to buy some hot weather:rolleyes:.
I thought that was only if you had a seller account or had transactions over a certain dollar amount a month? :look: Could be wrong, though.

Well I sent someone something that totalled to $15 and when I got my money it was either $13 and change or $14 and change. I don't have a seller account.

...............maybe it was because I had received money more times than the limit for that month:ohwell:.
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Brilliant Idea!!! I want curlformers!! I sent a family member to get me some and she got me sponge rollers:ohwell: It's the thought that counts i guess...

SO any willing shoppers please let me know I REALLY need those curlformers! And maybe some Miss Keys 10 en 1... :drunk:
London massive... I frequent London from time to time (Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam too, among other places...) I MIGHT be willing to "bring" stuff with me, but hmmmm.... I gotta simmer on it. I'll be in London on Monday... not sure if I'll have time to shop before going though. I just got back from Paris. Perhaps I can let people know when I'll be in their country and they could meet me and get their stuff? I dunno... I'm babbling... like I said.. I just got back from Paris. When I return from London, I leave for Brussels the very next day....
Yes, this is a brilliant idea! Quality products are so hard to find here! I´d love to participate!

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Oooo, this is a good idea, I'll be a buyer of course.
I'm going to use up some stuff I have first, and then get some good stuff.
It's funny, I've been trying to set this up for UK ladies for ages and no-one ever seems interested. I remember reading once when maxi glides were the rage and some ladies were moaning about not being able to get one. A couple weeks later I was in the States and made a post who wants me to bring over some maxuglides... All those moans? I got one reply! I go to the States about twice a month and live in walmart/cvs/duane reade. I wasn't even trying to take payment, and there was no postage charges.....
This is an awesome idea, being from Norway (the armpit of the world lol) I know how extremely frustrating it can be not getting hold of the products you desire.

Great thread! I'll be more than happy to help out.
It's funny, I've been trying to set this up for UK ladies for ages and no-one ever seems interested. I remember reading once when maxi glides were the rage and some ladies were moaning about not being able to get one. A couple weeks later I was in the States and made a post who wants me to bring over some maxuglides... All those moans? I got one reply! I go to the States about twice a month and live in walmart/cvs/duane reade. I wasn't even trying to take payment, and there was no postage charges.....
I remember that. :yep:
We should organize our brainstorming into a concise set of rules, requirements, and regulations.

I automatically thought of JR, Whips, glamazon, SnB, and a couple other PJ's/Fashionistas/Shopaholics because I knew we'd have a nice little starting team of dedicated and reliable shoppers.
I wan to be a shopper, I practically live in Target and anywhere else that has good deals...I think this is a good idea.
wow that is a great idea!!, the last time i was charged double by this website the price was supposed to be £70 (cause US$2 is equal to a £1) i, but i was charged £150 :nono:

so i'd absolutely welcome this!! Im in the UK
Suerte you could very well be my hero. I am dying to try the kenra moisturising conditioner in particular:lovedrool:.
I think that the buyer should be paid in advance too via paypal as on ebay. I think initially people should be sensible and buy low cost items until seller builds a reputation.

Suerte, this is a good and caring idea! Kudos to you!
I agree with issidoll about building a reputation starting out with lower-cost items sort of like eBay.:yep: I don't have the time to commit to this, but I would be happy to buy for our international sisters and send to them from time to time.
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I am in WalMart and Target at least 3-5 times per week. I could totally help and I would get the rush of buying haircare products without the guilt! Put me on the promise list!
what an awesome idea! I'll volunteer too. I have eyed some items from the UK that I want but they do not ship to the US so this would be perfect. Currently, I am a SAHM so shopping would be great for me.