I would NOT want to trade my 3c-4a hair for my sisters 3a hair ANY DAY!


Well-Known Member
My Sister has really gawgusss curly soft 3a hair which is trully nice when she wears it's in it's natural state "curly"!
I have always admired her hair and there were times when I really preffered her hair to mine. In the past there have been times when she would try to wear her hair straight but its unbelieveable her hair just wont get straight does not matter if she iron's, rollerets, blow drys or all of the above within five min its a puffy fuzzy mess!
Since I have started my LHCF journey, I have a new appreciation for my hair, sometimes we see pictures or people with beautiful hair and we never know what trials and tribulations they are going through with it!
So I would never want to trade my hair with anyone elses, yeah I said it!!!:grin:
My Sister has really gawgusss curly soft 3a hair which is trully nice when she wears it's in it's natural state "curly"!
I have always admired her hair and there were times when I really preffered her hair to mine. In the past there have been times when she would try to wear her hair straight but its unbelieveable her hair just wont get straight does not matter if she iron's, rollerets, blow drys or all of the above within five min its a puffy fuzzy mess!
Since I have started my LHCF journey, I have a new appreciation for my hair, sometimes we see pictures or people with beautiful hair and we never know what trials and tribulations they are going through with it!
So I would never want to trade my hair with anyone elses, yeah I said it!!!:grin:
I wonder why?
I know I prefer my 3c hair to my sister in law's hair who has 3a. The reason is that I have much more volume than she has.
My Sister has really gawgusss curly soft 3a hair which is trully nice when she wears it's in it's natural state "curly"!
I have always admired her hair and there were times when I really preffered her hair to mine. In the past there have been times when she would try to wear her hair straight but its unbelieveable her hair just wont get straight does not matter if she iron's, rollerets, blow drys or all of the above within five min its a puffy fuzzy mess!
Since I have started my LHCF journey, I have a new appreciation for my hair, sometimes we see pictures or people with beautiful hair and we never know what trials and tribulations they are going through with it!
So I would never want to trade my hair with anyone elses, yeah I said it!!!:grin:

Amen to the bolded!
I really don't know either.....A lot of people have tried proffesionals aswell but I think its mostly the humidity that makes it frizz !

Usually it's because the hair is not properly moisturized an it sucks in moisture from the air and gets poofy.
My 3c hair would never get really straight, even with a relaxer...I've remember other ladies with 3c hair say the same.
A good moisture block should do the trick though.

ETA: I wouldn't trade my hair for anyone's either!
I am not one to wish for what can never be. The more I learn to care for my hair the more I love it. I wore the protective style that CurlyNiki posted on her blog by natural Leslie yesterday to church. This morning I decided to do the same style. This morning in the car I was thinking I have cute hair.
I won't lie. I'd gladly trade the curls I have for a stronger, more moisture retentive looser pattern. I am natural and 3b-3c.
Usually it's because the hair is not properly moisturized an it sucks in moisture from the air and gets poofy.
My 3c hair would never get really straight, even with a relaxer...I've remember other ladies with 3c hair say the same.
A good moisture block should do the trick though.

ETA: I wouldn't trade my hair for anyone's either!

mmmmmmh yeah maybe!
My Sister has really gawgusss curly soft 3a hair which is trully nice when she wears it's in it's natural state "curly"!
I have always admired her hair and there were times when I really preffered her hair to mine. In the past there have been times when she would try to wear her hair straight but its unbelieveable her hair just wont get straight does not matter if she iron's, rollerets, blow drys or all of the above within five min its a puffy fuzzy mess!
Since I have started my LHCF journey, I have a new appreciation for my hair, sometimes we see pictures or people with beautiful hair and we never know what trials and tribulations they are going through with it!
So I would never want to trade my hair with anyone elses, yeah I said it!!!:grin:

my moms hair is the same way, it takes alot of patience to get her hair straight and even then, it just curls right back up on its self within hours so she prety much just wears it curly all the time. but she preferes my hair and I prefer hers i lover her curly hair
I have a mix of 3c-4a hair. I used to want just all one texture, but I'm starting to appreciate the diversity.......just a little
i hear that too! could it be that curlier hair has more protein bonds in them which makes it somehow easier to flat iron it or keep a rolletset?
That is funny! It does seem that looser curls are harder to keep straight. Personally, I'd go down to a 3b from my 3c/4a if it were an option. That would make my hair easier to wear curly since I don't straighten it anyway. My natural hair is mostly 3c, and the mess won't stay straight either so it's a wash in that area anyway!
I have also learned to care for my hair and using Mega Tek, aloe vera gel, castor oil has made a huge difference to my hair. I love and appreciate it.