I wore my hair down today and I felt


Well-Known Member
VERY DEPRESSED!! last time I washed was on Sunday afternoon and my hair felt VERY moisturized all week so far, but then on Wednesday, my scalp was itching really bad and I wanted to do a conditioner wash but I had practice till 6pm and I had a band concert today, and I need to have my hair straight etc, so I decided not to wash. So I flat-ironed my hair, first time in AT LEAST a year, and I attempted to wrap my hair... next morning hair looked alright and I let it down or whatever...

BUT throughout the day, I ran my fingers through it a lot and it just felt D-R-Y! I was so worried b/c i didnt not want to mess up the straight look for that night, and I had left my clip in the locker, so I was like Ugh i'll just have to bear it... it's like, since I started this hair care thing, i'm EXTRA sensitive about my hair and how it behaves... i think it got this dry because I flat ironed it and i'm SO WORRIED. I was going to wash tonight but I got home at 10pm from the concert and tomorrow morning, I have an interview at school, so I have to wait till tomorrow night to wash it and condition it.

There goes me planning to enjoy my hair! UGH! i hate heat...

am i the only one who can't stop thinking/worrying about their hair when it's down? I'm afraid about the stickiness, dirt/grime in Miami getting in my hair and making it either greasy or dry and my ends... :(
Awwwwwww mama! :kiss: It's ok...with all the TLC you give your hair, I'll bet it's fine.

I used to have this same anxiety, but I decided that since I am so diligent with my hair care there's no reason for me to stress.

Like yesterday, when I got my relaxer, the stylist did a Dominican blowout and the blowdryer was SO hot...I was nervous b/c I NEVER put direct heat on my hair. But then I rationally analyzed it...I deep condition my hair every week, sometimes twice a week. I did light protein 2 consecutive weeks before the relaxer so I knew my hair was strong.

Turns out, my hair is fine. I haven't had any shedding or breaking, and my hair is super soft.

So I would imagine that you have a similar situation, hair twin. Just keep doin what you're doin. You work hard on taking care of your hair so that you can wear it with pride. ;)

Don't fret lady, wear that hair! :Rose:
Carlita...., It is my understanding that you should never flat iron your hair if it is dirty. You should only curl/iron freshly washed hair. The fact that you waited until Wednesday to do it will is not good because you are flat ironing the dirt, etc., into the hair. The dirt in the hair is a direct result of it being so dry.

CarLiTa said:
VERY DEPRESSED!! last time I washed was on Sunday afternoon and my hair felt VERY moisturized all week so far, but then on Wednesday, my scalp was itching really bad and I wanted to do a conditioner wash but I had practice till 6pm and I had a band concert today, and I need to have my hair straight etc, so I decided not to wash. So I flat-ironed my hair, first time in AT LEAST a year, and I attempted to wrap my hair... next morning hair looked alright and I let it down or whatever...

BUT throughout the day, I ran my fingers through it a lot and it just felt D-R-Y! I was so worried b/c i didnt not want to mess up the straight look for that night, and I had left my clip in the locker, so I was like Ugh i'll just have to bear it... it's like, since I started this hair care thing, i'm EXTRA sensitive about my hair and how it behaves... i think it got this dry because I flat ironed it and i'm SO WORRIED. I was going to wash tonight but I got home at 10pm from the concert and tomorrow morning, I have an interview at school, so I have to wait till tomorrow night to wash it and condition it.

There goes me planning to enjoy my hair! UGH! i hate heat...

am i the only one who can't stop thinking/worrying about their hair when it's down? I'm afraid about the stickiness, dirt/grime in Miami getting in my hair and making it either greasy or dry and my ends... :(
thank you so much for your replies... i cant wait till tomorrow night.. i'm still up doing homework and tomorrow i have some induction ceremony to go to, but the minute i get home, i'm going to wash, or i might do an overnight treatment and wash Saturday morning so that my hair can be EXTRA EXTRA moisturized.

Thanx Ivanay... I had completely forgotten about not flatironing when the hair is dirty... i just havent done it in such a long time, and I really need to have my hair straight... now that i think about it, why didn't I just do a braidout?! :mad: that would have saved me all the worries today!!! and having my kitchen feel like it was hay or something... ugh it was just too nerve-wracking... my hair looked nice but still, i think it looked terribly dry