I wish ORS Replinishing didn't smell like Oranges


New Member
I smelled the bottle of this stuff and it had an orangey smell. I don't know if I like it. I like smelling like flowers and rosemary or other perfumy yummy stuff, but oranges? I don't know it was kindof overwhelming and I hear this forum rave about it. Anyone else put off by the smell?
Back when I used it, I liked the smell. But it rinsed completely out so it shouldn't bother you afterward.

If you don't like the smell it may not be worth using it at all. All I can say is try it and see.
I like how it smells. Like msa said it rinses out and the scent does not linger. It is definitely worth a try, it's a winner.
I thought it smelled like Orange Glo. :lachen: But yeah, when you rinse it out, it doesn't smell. :)
I'm not crazy about the smell either and mix it with a better smelling deep condish (making sure the smells blend). Otherwise, I like it enough for what it is--a very inexpensive product that performs well.
I like it....it seems live everything else smells the same...this is the only thing that smells different and actually smells good...(IMO)
I just started using the ORS pak recently, and the smell is strong, but like others say, it rinses out.

The results are worth it. Besides, considering how other products like Aphoghee Hardcore smell--this one I can deal with.
I dont care what that stuff smells like, it is one of the top DC's out there! And the price..........oranges please!
The bottle? Really?

Now I know for sure that the packs smell like grapefruit, but I found that the bottle didn't smell that strong.

Try mixing more olive oil with it. I use the bottle 1/4 of the way down, then I fill 1/2 of that with olive oil and 3-4 table spoons of honey. No smell!
I use it as a pre-poo deep condition on my dry hair. That way I don't smell it on my hair at all.
I actually like the citrus smell! And even if it stuck, it works SOOO well that I would deal with the horrid smell for the 30 min deep condition for the results I get! (qualifier - if it stunk and the smell lingered then that is a different story...) :perplexed
I love the smell...but like others have said it does not last. As a matter of fact the last time I used it I mixed it with another conditioner, and the next day I smelled the other conditioner on my hair...The other conditioner drowned out the ors...
I totally agree with everyone else. It smells like oranges b/c it acutally has natural orange oil and limonene in it. But the smell does not last at all. And the results, well I think all the responses speak for themselves. Try it, you won't be disappointed.
That's funny. I'm exactly the opposite and hate hair stuff that smells floral or perfumey. That's why I hated Herbal Essences LTR. I was just was too strong smelling. I like the smell of ORS Replenishing.
No problem, I love the orange scent, I enjoy it. Thanks for reminding me I have not used it in months....will do it tonight.
WOW you girls REALLY love this stuff! These "results" you all speak of. Are you all using it the same as naturals or is there anyone who actually blowdries and straightens afterward? I'm really excited to try this now if you all say the scent doesn't linger. Hmmmm. I went to go smell it because the AMAZING SouthernStunner was generous enough to send me a bottle of it in the mail I'm just waiting for it to come so I can try it. How does everyone use it?
I'm sure someone said this already but just buy one of the packs from Walmart or Sally's for $1.25 and try it. If you don't like it don't buy the bottle.
I like the smell of all things citrus so I really like the way it smells. It does wear off so thats a good thing for you. Bad thing for me because I would prefer if it lingered.
When I used it I didn't notice the smell. I did use the pak though and not the bottle.

All I know is that it was THE BOMB! I could care less what it smelled like I've never gotten results like that from a conditioner since I went natural. I have some amazing detangling conditioners that work excellently, but this conditioner just moisturized my hair and left it soft and detangled. I am going to buy the bottle at Sally's sometime this week.

I'm DC right now on dry hair with AO HSR. It's good for moisture.