I Will Wait For You By Janette

I posted this in the singles thread. It’s is definitely on point
My fav part was when she said ‘he didn’t even sound or shine like your sun/son’. So dope
I liked it but I always chuckle when people quote the dysfunctional relationships of the bible as something to aspire to. Abraham literally pimped Sarai/Sarah. Sarah told Abraham to sleep with Hagar to have a baby then that outside baby ate her up with jealousy once she Sarah was finally able to get pregnant with the child she always wanted but didn't think she would ever have. Then Abraham abandoned Ishmael when Sarah wanted him to get rid of Ishmael and Hagar! Did I mention Sarah was Abraham's half sister before she was his wife? The story is is a page turner but ain't nobody trying to be Sarah to Abraham. Nobody who knows any better and realizes the difference between that and how the way Christ loves the church correlates to a how a Godsent husband loves a wife. I digress, I found the overall poem cute and I relate to the bottom line of waiting for the best characteristics in a man within the husband that God has for you. I also relate to trying to hone the characteristics of the best attributes of some of the female figures in the bible, but I liked those examples best when she was specific to the actually good things the examples did.
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I liked the poem. Some things were inconsistent and somethings just don't apply to me, and that's okay. But overall I agree with the message and waiting for the right person.

At any rate I was struck by this:
I will no longer get weighted down from so called friends and family talks,
about their concern for my biological clock,
when I serve the author of time.

Mike drop. I love the way she talks about ticking clock because that is so imposed on women all the time. LOVED that sentence. It was worth the whole poem's weight in gold.

Thanks for posting OP