I went to the gheeeettttooe


Well-Known Member
Please don't be offended.

This weekend I went to the ghetto and it always amazes me. The hairstyles, fashions, cars, and the creativity of the people. Whew.

But what I want to ask ya'll is can somebody find me a picture of this new hairstyle they are wearing, it looks like the hair is tucked under in layers sort of like a fingerwave but the hair is neatly folded under in layers.

anyone know what I am talking about?
gn1g said:
Please don't be offended.

This weekend I went to the ghetto and it always amazes me. The hairstyles, fashions, cars, and the creativity of the people. Whew.

But what I want to ask ya'll is can somebody find me a picture of this new hairstyle they are wearing, it looks like the hair is tucked under in layers sort of like a fingerwave but the hair is neatly folded under in layers.

anyone know what I am talking about?

Where was this particular ghetto located? Or do you think that one ghetto equals all ghettoes?

No clue what style you're describing, but someone from that area may be able to help out given that we represent a range of geographic locations.
gn1g said:
Please don't be offended.

This weekend I went to the ghetto and it always amazes me. The hairstyles, fashions, cars, and the creativity of the people. Whew.

But what I want to ask ya'll is can somebody find me a picture of this new hairstyle they are wearing, it looks like the hair is tucked under in layers sort of like a fingerwave but the hair is neatly folded under in layers.

anyone know what I am talking about?

a quick weave maybe?
gn1g said:
Please don't be offended.

This weekend I went to the ghetto and it always amazes me. The hairstyles, fashions, cars, and the creativity of the people. Whew.

But what I want to ask ya'll is can somebody find me a picture of this new hairstyle they are wearing, it looks like the hair is tucked under in layers sort of like a fingerwave but the hair is neatly folded under in layers.

anyone know what I am talking about?

Where were you That would help us better figure it out maybe..
Not that i'm ghetto or anything. :look: (lol, just kidding) but are you referring to the super short style that the young girls are wearing? It like all of their hair is maybe .5inch long or maybe 1 inch long, and the hair is cut and curled in horizontal rows. so all of the hair is curled in rows, layering one another. It doesn't look like curls though, it looks like feathered/layered perfect rows of hair. i've seen it a few times...it looks so perfect full & thick, i always assume that they have tracks..... but at any rate, no sorry i don't know much about the style, i've just seen it before.
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I believe I know what you're talking about. From everyone that I've seen with this style it "is a weave". It's done almost like fingerwaves, but instead of waving the hair, they just drag it lightly to the side (i.e. creating a small wave. Sorry I don't know the name of it:perplexed , but I know what you're talking about.
Mizani_Mrs said:
Not that i'm ghetto or anything. :look: (lol, just kidding) but are you referring to the super short style that the young girls are wearing? It like all of their hair is maybe .5inch long or maybe 1 inch long, and the hair is cut and curled in horizontal rows. so all of the hair is curled in rows, layering one another. It doesn't look like curls though, it looks like feathered/layered perfect rows of hair. i've seen it a few times...it looks so perfect full & thick, i always assume that they have tracks..... but at any rate, no sorry i don't know much about the style, i've just seen it before.
yes this describes it now if I could just find a picture

I am talking about the ghetto in Dallas, Texas
That still doesn't narrow it down enough - are you talking about an area where the projects are or just somewhere in Dallas where you saw a lot of African-Americans? You might not have been in the REAL GHETTO of Dallas!

If you really want to check out the hairstyles - go by one of the high schools around 4:15pm - you'd be amazed!

Something like this?
crlsweetie912 said:

Something like this?

Thats a pretty short do in the pic. Here in L.A. I have been seeing throwback styles from 1992 sans a shaved side w/designs and long on the other side. A young girl working in "Off the Wall" was rocking it:) . I said hey I remember that look I had it back in the day. :lachen:
Sounds like those horrible quick weaves. I see them all the time. I see them in natural colors and unnatural colors with a plume on top. Just ugly.
texasqt said:
That still doesn't narrow it down enough - are you talking about an area where the projects are or just somewhere in Dallas where you saw a lot of African-Americans? You might not have been in the REAL GHETTO of Dallas!

If you really want to check out the hairstyles - go by one of the high schools around 4:15pm - you'd be amazed!

Yep the hs students are extremely creative.

believe me I know the difference between a ghetto and a gathering.
lol yall a trip...I don't think the location matters because I'm pretty sure I know what she's talking about and I'm nowhere near Texas. If it's the same style I'm thinking of, I don't like it!!! and I believe it's a quick weave. I usually see it done on blond weave. Sorry no pictures.
LOL!!!! :lol: what the hell is that? Is it really 27 pieces? The weave world is so amazing. The creativity is out of this world.

MissBermuda said:
It sounds like a 27 piece weave.
shunta said:
Were you in Oak Cliff by any chance??? aka South Dallas?

I was thinking Oak Cliff too!:grin:

Quick story: When we first moved to Texas and got our first place, we looked at an apartment complex in Oak Cliff. Now me, originating from Philly assumed that since they had a pool, it had to be nice ('cause up North Apartments with pools are high class!:lachen: ) Even still I was a bit nervous. I actually saw a bullet shell on the ground:confused: but ignored it because hey, they had a pool! Well, we got the apartment. When I got a paper route and told my co workers where I lived they were like "Dang! You ain't been robbed yet have you?":confused:

I became nervous within a few days of living there because our next door neighbors door was openening and closing 24/7. It really started bothing me when everytime I came home there was someone leaning on my door obviously high. Keep in mind I was pregnant at the time and my daughter was 4. I grew up in Philly and my neighbors son was shot in front of our house from a drug deal gone bad so I didn't want to be in that environment!

Not to mention my kitchen always smelled like weed because of the smell coming through the vents from their apartments.:ohwell: Long story short we broke our contract and gotthe heck out of there! While we were moving the police actually raided the apartment next door. Aparently they were part of some drug ring!:eek:

Then we moved to a little bit better area...."The Wood":eek: The cool thing was everyone knew my MIL and literally her house was one of 3 that didn't get robbed!:cool:

We live in Carrollton now! We moved on up!:lachen: My husband is so funny, he was like "It seems like the sun is brighter up here" (It really seems to be for some reason...we probably get less smog than south Dallas.

Now you would think that my husband being white would be terrified right? NOPE! I was the big chicken (probably cause I know better!) That man ain't scared of nothing! He's my protector!:lol:

Well this turned into a long story! I have one I'll tell another time about how we went to the "Car Wash" that's really not a car wash!:lachen: Or the gas station with all the bars on the doors and the prositutes out front!:eek: All this drama and I still can't get the man to see the need for a CELL PHONE!!!:lachen:
kbragg said:
I was thinking Oak Cliff too!:grin:

Quick story: When we first moved to Texas and got our first place, we looked at an apartment complex in Oak Cliff. Now me, originating from Philly assumed that since they had a pool, it had to be nice ('cause up North Apartments with pools are high class!:lachen: ) Even still I was a bit nervous. I actually saw a bullet shell on the ground:confused: but ignored it because hey, they had a pool! Well, we got the apartment. When I got a paper route and told my co workers where I lived they were like "Dang! You ain't been robbed yet have you?":confused:

I became nervous within a few days of living there because our next door neighbors door was openening and closing 24/7. It really started bothing me when everytime I came home there was someone leaning on my door obviously high. Keep in mind I was pregnant at the time and my daughter was 4. I grew up in Philly and my neighbors son was shot in front of our house from a drug deal gone bad so I didn't want to be in that environment!

Not to mention my kitchen always smelled like weed because of the smell coming through the vents from their apartments.:ohwell: Long story short we broke our contract and gotthe heck out of there! While we were moving the police actually raided the apartment next door. Aparently they were part of some drug ring!:eek:

Then we moved to a little bit better area...."The Wood":eek: The cool thing was everyone knew my MIL and literally her house was one of 3 that didn't get robbed!:cool:

We live in Carrollton now! We moved on up!:lachen: My husband is so funny, he was like "It seems like the sun is brighter up here" (It really seems to be for some reason...we probably get less smog than south Dallas.

Now you would think that my husband being white would be terrified right? NOPE! I was the big chicken (probably cause I know better!) That man ain't scared of nothing! He's my protector!:lol:

Well this turned into a long story! I have one I'll tell another time about how we went to the "Car Wash" that's really not a car wash!:lachen: Or the gas station with all the bars on the doors and the prositutes out front!:eek: All this drama and I still can't get the man to see the need for a CELL PHONE!!!:lachen:

That's probably it :lol:
This is a funny story chica :lol:
Honi said:
LOL!!!! :lol: what the hell is that? Is it really 27 pieces? The weave world is so amazing. The creativity is out of this world.

I know! I know! :lachen: :lol: I'm sitting here thinking the same thing :lol:

Wheeeew!!! 27 tracks of lovely! :lol: :lol: :lachen:
ArizonaBeauty said:
This thread screams of ignorance.

Not offended but...I'm really, I mean I'm really, really, really trying to stay out of this and understand that this is just a thread about a hairstyle but the more I read beyond the initial posting I'm like - that's rather rude, and that is too, and that's offensive and so on and so forth. So I must say this.

I know that there aren't any direct insults being thrown out but I'm from Oakcliff, Dallas, Texas - born and raised - and I have beautiful, non-ghetto, family members there and in Pleasant Grove. Even if they were ghetto - you still got to love them and not insinuate that their culture (yes, culture) or way of living, or way of wearing their (creative) hairstyles, is beneath anything or anyone. How do you define the ghetto anyway?

It's already been stated that this particular hairstyle has been seen in places other than the PG so as we are talking about a hairstyle, I ask that you speak softly about stereotypes cause in the end, we are all the same color and other colors in the same state will classify you with the same ghetto colors. And if that ain't enough, all the other colors in other countries classify all the colors of America the same. Let me know if I need to clarify that.

And FYI...there are crackhouses in Carrollton too.
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