i went to COS, and met Cathy Howse


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I went to the circle of sisters expo yesterday in nyc and went to her booth. I heard so many people on this board have their own opinion on her and her hair, but I left all of my preconceived notions to the side. She said she's been natural now for 6 yrs and cut all her relaxed ends off 3 yrs ago.

To me, he hair looked like a big bush in the forest with next relaxed and natural hair. And she looks like she is a little past BSL. I should've asked her if she has cut her hair since she transitioned 3 yrs ago, but forgot. I asked her and I think the other lady at the booth is her sister if I should pre-poo her DC, they both didn't know what I was talking about which really surprised me.

So I tried her DC last night on dry hair and left it in overnight. I washed it out about an hour ago and its a light protein/moisture mix.

I took pictures of her hair, don't know if they are clear enough.
I wish I had known about this event! Her book is still the foundation for my hair care and I recently donated my copy to my 13 year old sister.

I would've really liked to have met her.
So did she anything new that you didn't know?
Were there alot of people there from LHCF?

She said she stop relaxing her hair 6 yrs ago, and that she still actively uses all over her products. But yesterday her hair was so dry looking and untaned. She even stretched her hair to me in the front and back and it looks like she almost MBL. I really though her hair would've looked the bomb, which got me a little disppointed

I wish I had known about this event! Her book is still the foundation for my hair care and I recently donated my copy to my 13 year old sister.

I would've really liked to have met her.

She was selling an updated copy of her book yesterday along with her hair products. I brought the trial size of her DC and leave-in. She will be there today as well.
I am beginning to think her "dry" looking hair is just her hair color. I have the same problem. My hair can be moist and soft to the touch but I always get the comment that my hair looks dry and I need to put something on it. I have even had people touch my hair just to prove that it wasn't dry. Funny thing is when I dye my hair black it always "looks" more moisturized even though it can be dry as the desert. Some of us with that in between black brown hair color will never have hair that doesn't appear dry.
I am beginning to think her "dry" looking hair is just her hair color. I have the same problem. My hair can be moist and soft to the touch but I always get the comment that my hair looks dry and I need to put something on it. I have even had people touch my hair just to prove that it wasn't dry. Funny thing is when I dye my hair black it always "looks" more moisturized even though it can be dry as the desert. Some of us with that in between black brown hair color will never have hair that doesn't appear dry.

:yep: My daughter's hair is like that. It always looks dry no matter what I do to it. Her hair is a sandy dark brown.
I wish I had known about this event! Her book is still the foundation for my hair care and I recently donated my copy to my 13 year old sister.

I would've really liked to have met her.

Her book started me on my hair care journey as well. But I did hear that she is kind of abrasive in person.
I have been using Cathy's conditioner as my DC for years now, and I love it every time! Now I have to admit, there ahd been a time where I have ordered her Conditioner and it was thin, runny -- but as per her site...if you send back the unused amount, she will send you another bottle.

Her site stated that at one time they had altered the ingredients and it didn't quite measure up. She understands about the consistency change and was willing to exchange out the products.

I have also used her moisturizer for my son's hair, but it didn't quite provide the moisture that his hair needed, so I have stopped ordering that for approximately 2 years now.

Overall, I myself like Cathy products and it gave me great growth results! Not to mention, put my hair back in the healthy state that it needed after have a beautician damage my hair to no end. I went from APL to 1/2" of hair in 1 shot of seeing this person, and had a very hard time getting my hair healthy again until I was told about Cathy and LHCF.

Now, I am loving my hair again! Thick like a horse's tail and growing. I did my BC back in May '09 from CBL to TWA and it is 5 months and I can achieve a ponytail already. Yeahhhhh! me...lol
See, as someone who does not not wash as often as she used to and may have dry looking here at some point in time, her dry hair wouldn't bother me. Having Broken hairs and overprocessed hair would not impress me. I love the full bush...

What didn't she know about though? the pre-poo terminology? Or did she not get the concept of putting DC on dry hair?
I am beginning to think her "dry" looking hair is just her hair color. I have the same problem. My hair can be moist and soft to the touch but I always get the comment that my hair looks dry and I need to put something on it. I have even had people touch my hair just to prove that it wasn't dry. Funny thing is when I dye my hair black it always "looks" more moisturized even though it can be dry as the desert. Some of us with that in between black brown hair color will never have hair that doesn't appear dry.

This is something I have realized about my relaxed hair. It changes to a reddish-brown hue. Used to think it was the henna but it is from the relaxer. My hennaed hair is just more red lol. TO me a lot of times my hair may look dry or course. But I too think it is just the hair color.

IDK, for her to be a natural on the kinkier side, I can completely understand that her hair looks like that. I guess it isn't good for business in terms of how polished it is for the sistas, but it is thick and lucious...looks a lot healthier than her relaxed hair is. Maybe it looked diff. in person? But I'm actually more impressed, she has a lion mane going on there lol. Maybe she just needs to find the right products to keep it straight and if she uses her own products exclusively, that could explain why the poof look? IDK
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I used her DC on dry hair as a pre-poo and to me it really wasn't much of a WOW factor. It's more on the protein side but I have used other products for protein such as AO GBP which worked better. I'm so glad I got the small $3 bottle because I won't be buying it again.

I used her moisturizer too, it's okay no major WOW factor either, but I do like that better than her DC. I think me using my butter mix is better. So save yourself the s&h and just make you own moisturizer like she did.
she probably does not straighten her hair bone straight to avoid heat damage. my hair is just as big. it is what it is
she probably does not straighten her hair bone straight to avoid heat damage. my hair is just as big. it is what it is

Thats a possibility. I can see why someone would do that.

I saw her at circle of sisters too this month. My friend said her hair looked unkempt. She told me her hair puffed up and it got humid. I like thick hair period so the poofiness didnt really phase me. I notice kinky hair tends to look dry to a lot of people.