I went to an Ethiopian Salon...Here's my review!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sunday I was in my bathroom trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I was tired of the puff, fro, twists.....I didn't feel like putting in flexi rods and I tried rollersetting the night before but it turned out a big pouffy mess.
I found a thread on here about MWM Unisex Salon so I decided to give them a call and surprisingly they were opening and talking walk-ins.:woot:

When I arrived (with a big fro) :afro:they immediately sent me to the shampoo bowl. She used a shampoo called Quantum. She shampooed me twice. Then she conditioned my hair (I didn't get to see which one it was).
After she was done, she sat me at a station and then she put some type of Paul Mitchell sculpting liquid in my hair. She started to detangle it with a "wig" brush.:wallbash: I had to show her how to do it in sections because she just started raking thru my hair from the top.:whip: Then she stuck her hand in a drawer and squirt another clear liquid in her had without actually pulling out the bottle so I couldn't figure out what it was. To it, she added a Redken product and then distributed it over my head.
Then 3 of them started to put in my rollers using the orange rollers. They weren't too tight.
I sat under the dryer for about 30-45 minutes, which was quick considering I'm usually under there for an hour.
Afterwards, the main stylist took out my rollers and asked me if I wanted it flat ironed. I told her I did. While I was getting my hair done I couldn't stop staring at all of the beautiful heads of hair. And most of the clients were AA. I swear a couple of them were Nikos' cousins.:yep: My hair was the shortest (I'm SL).:rolleyes: She tagged me with the flat iron a couple of times. She even slapped me in my boob on accident (don't ask me how).:look: She was nice (not considering an off-handed comment she made...that's another thread:rolleyes:). After looking at everyone else's hair I was so excited to see mine.:yahoo: When she was done she turned me to the mirror and..............I HATED IT!!!!! :eek2:It was flat and limp. My hair has never felt so thin. It looked like I had JUST gotten a relaxer and not in a good way.I paid and left feeling like a true "bald-headed scally-wag"!:wallbash:

Would I go back? Yes!!! I realized after she started my hair that most of the girls were opting out of the flat-ironing and only requested for their hair to be brushed (with a big paddle brush). If I were relaxed, I would be amazed at how straight she got my roots, but I'm natural so I'm praying to the Lord that it will revert. Straight hair is not my thing and I really miss my curls and my fro! I will continue to go back to get it rollerset because I plan on bunning until I reach APL.

I''m at work but I will post the pics tonite when I get home. I ended up pin curling it last night which gave it more body and volume this morning.

I came home and trimmed my ends a little so it wouldn't look so thin and wispy.

Excuse the bad skin and drab expression (I was not feeling how thin it looked)


I can never get the back to fall as pretty as some of the heads I see on here


A close up of the part. She got it very straight.


It is so thin. This picture does it justice!


She even got my edges straight
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Sunday I was in my bathroom trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I was tired of the puff, fro, twists.....I didn't feel like putting in flexi rods and I tried rollersetting the night before but it turned out a big pouffy mess.
I found a thread on here about MWM Unisex Salon so I decided to give them a call and surprisingly they were opening and talking walk-ins.:woot:

When I arrived (with a big fro) :afro:they immediately sent me to the shampoo bowl. She used a shampoo called Quantum. She shampooed me twice. Then she conditioned my hair (I didn't get to see which one it was).
After she was done, she sat me at a station and then she put some type of Paul Mitchell sculpting liquid in my hair. She started to detangle it with a "wig" brush.:wallbash: I had to show her how to do it in sections because she just started raking thru my hair from the top.:whip: Then she stuck her hand in a drawer and squirt another clear liquid in her had without actually pulling out the bottle so I couldn't figure out what it was. To it, she added a Redken product and then distributed it over my head.
Then 3 of them started to put in my rollers using the orange rollers. They weren't too tight.
I sat under the dryer for about 30-45 minutes, which was quick considering I'm usually under there for an hour.
Afterwards, the main stylist took out my rollers and asked me if I wanted it flat ironed. I told her I did. While I was getting my hair done I couldn't stop staring at all of the beautiful heads of hair. And most of the clients were AA. I swear a couple of them were Nikos' cousins.:yep: My hair was the shortest (I'm SL).:rolleyes: She tagged me with the flat iron a couple of times. She even slapped me in my boob on accident (don't ask me how).:look: She was nice (not considering an off-handed comment she made...that's another thread:rolleyes:). After looking at everyone else's hair I was so excited to see mine.:yahoo: When she was done she turned me to the mirror and..............I HATED IT!!!!! :eek2:It was flat and limp. My hair has never felt so thin. It looked like I had JUST gotten a relaxer and not in a good way.I paid and left feeling like a true "bald-headed scally-wag"!:wallbash:

Would I go back? Yes!!! I realized after she started my hair that most of the girls were opting out of the flat-ironing and only requested for their hair to be brushed (with a big paddle brush). If I were relaxed, I would be amazed at how straight she got my roots, but I'm natural so I'm praying to the Lord that it will revert. Straight hair is not my thing and I really miss my curls and my fro! I will continue to go back to get it rollerset because I plan on bunning until I reach APL.

I''m at work but I will post the pics tonite when I get home. I ended up pin curling it last night which gave it more body and volume this morning.

:lachen:That emoticon had me laughing (the blue one)! I know we can be our own worse critic. I 'm sure your hair is pretty :)
Whew, I heard their heat is hotter than the dom. salon.:burning: Your hair is probably not used to high heat like that. I'm sure it looks good though because your hair is usually on point in your fotki.
Sunday I was in my bathroom trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I was tired of the puff, fro, twists.....I didn't feel like putting in flexi rods and I tried rollersetting the night before but it turned out a big pouffy mess.
I found a thread on here about MWM Unisex Salon so I decided to give them a call and surprisingly they were opening and talking walk-ins.:woot:

When I arrived (with a big fro) :afro:they immediately sent me to the shampoo bowl. She used a shampoo called Quantum. She shampooed me twice. Then she conditioned my hair (I didn't get to see which one it was).
After she was done, she sat me at a station and then she put some type of Paul Mitchell sculpting liquid in my hair. She started to detangle it with a "wig" brush.:wallbash: I had to show her how to do it in sections because she just started raking thru my hair from the top.:whip: Then she stuck her hand in a drawer and squirt another clear liquid in her had without actually pulling out the bottle so I couldn't figure out what it was. To it, she added a Redken product and then distributed it over my head.
Then 3 of them started to put in my rollers using the orange rollers. They weren't too tight.
I sat under the dryer for about 30-45 minutes, which was quick considering I'm usually under there for an hour.
Afterwards, the main stylist took out my rollers and asked me if I wanted it flat ironed. I told her I did. While I was getting my hair done I couldn't stop staring at all of the beautiful heads of hair. And most of the clients were AA. I swear a couple of them were Nikos' cousins.:yep: My hair was the shortest (I'm SL).:rolleyes: She tagged me with the flat iron a couple of times. She even slapped me in my boob on accident (don't ask me how).:look: She was nice (not considering an off-handed comment she made...that's another thread:rolleyes:). After looking at everyone else's hair I was so excited to see mine.:yahoo: When she was done she turned me to the mirror and..............I HATED IT!!!!! :eek2:It was flat and limp. My hair has never felt so thin. It looked like I had JUST gotten a relaxer and not in a good way.I paid and left feeling like a true "bald-headed scally-wag"!:wallbash:

Would I go back? Yes!!! I realized after she started my hair that most of the girls were opting out of the flat-ironing and only requested for their hair to be brushed (with a big paddle brush). If I were relaxed, I would be amazed at how straight she got my roots, but I'm natural so I'm praying to the Lord that it will revert. Straight hair is not my thing and I really miss my curls and my fro! I will continue to go back to get it rollerset because I plan on bunning until I reach APL.

I''m at work but I will post the pics tonite when I get home. I ended up pin curling it last night which gave it more body and volume this morning.

I came home and trimmed my ends a little so it wouldn't look so thin and wispy.

Excuse the bad skin and drab expression (I was not feeling how thin it looked)


I can never get the back to fall as pretty as some of the heads I see on here


A close up of the part. She got it very straight.


It is so thin. This picture does it justice!


She even got my edges straight

:shocked: Waow your hair looks relaxed, I like it:yep:
Your hair looks really nice. But I understand what you mean about bone straight hair. The first time somebody did that to me, I felt like half of my hair fell out.
Girl what are you talkin' bout! Your hair looks good!
So...I can't find the thread about the "off comment"...I'm itching to know!!!!:rolleyes:

edit question..Did they use heat with the paddle brush too?
She really got it really straight; my oh my. And its so shiny!!!! I'm sure since you are used to bigger hair it is shocking
Girl what are you talkin' bout! Your hair looks good!
So...I can't find the thread about the "off comment"...I'm itching to know!!!!:rolleyes:
I didn't start one! LOL!!!!:lachen:

Basically... they thought I was Ethiopian or Eritrean or something. I told them that I wasn't. Well the chick that was doing my hair asked me what I was. I told her my mom was black american and that my dad was from morocco. This heifer was like "Are you sure you aren't ethiopian?" I told her I wasn't. Then she said "if you were really half moroccan, you would have beautiful hair"
So I was insulted!! I guess my hair was ugly to her.:rolleyes: The funny part is that my dad doesn't have silky hair....he has very curly 3b hair. I hate that people always expect for you to have 2a hair if you are mixed. And I hate that some ethiopians think that I'm an ethiopian that is ashamed of being ethiopian (although I did have a couple of ethiopian friends that were like that).
Girl what are you talkin' bout! Your hair looks good!
So...I can't find the thread about the "off comment"...I'm itching to know!!!!:rolleyes:

edit question..Did they use heat with the paddle brush too?
either they rollerset it, then flat ironed it


they rollerset it, then brushed out the curls

And some chicks got their culs brushed out and then they wrapped it.

like a doobie
I didn't start one! LOL!!!!:lachen:

Basically... they thought I was Ethiopian or Eritrean or something. I told them that I wasn't. Well the chick that was doing my hair asked me what I was. I told her my mom was black american and that my dad was from morocco. This heifer was like "Are you sure you aren't ethiopian?" I told her I wasn't. Then she said "if you were really half moroccan, you would have beautiful hair"
So I was insulted!! I guess my hair was ugly to her.:rolleyes: The funny part is that my dad doesn't have silky hair....he has very curly 3b hair. I hate that people always expect for you to have 2a hair if you are mixed. And I hate that some ethiopians think that I'm an ethiopian that is ashamed of being ethiopian (although I did have a couple of ethiopian friends that were like that).

Dang...She's got some nerve!
I didn't start one! LOL!!!!:lachen:

Basically... they thought I was Ethiopian or Eritrean or something. I told them that I wasn't. Well the chick that was doing my hair asked me what I was. I told her my mom was black american and that my dad was from morocco. This heifer was like "Are you sure you aren't ethiopian?" I told her I wasn't. Then she said "if you were really half moroccan, you would have beautiful hair"
So I was insulted!! I guess my hair was ugly to her.:rolleyes: The funny part is that my dad doesn't have silky hair....he has very curly 3b hair. I hate that people always expect for you to have 2a hair if you are mixed. And I hate that some ethiopians think that I'm an ethiopian that is ashamed of being ethiopian (although I did have a couple of ethiopian friends that were like that).

wow that was kind of rude :nono: I know someone who is 100% morrocan and has completly unmanageable hair, so I dont know what she is talking about :nono:
i was just gonna ask u if u were ethiopian because u look it to me until i read about the comment.

anyway, your hair looks nice to me. even though you think it looks thin, it looks healthy and shiny.
Dang, she got it straight!! And it's sooo shiny! I'm loving that shine!
Ameena, let me know if you want to try another Ethiopian salon. I go to Yodit when my hair is out and she is GREAT!
Your hair looks great!
Ameena, let me know if you want to try another Ethiopian salon. I go to Yodit when my hair is out and she is GREAT!
Your hair looks great!
Girl, I went to Yodit for a consultation. She seems like she'll do great but she is so expensive. I wanted a trim and I thought I would have to pay like $10-$15 extra but naw...Yodit was like it's $55 for a cut or a trim!
Thanks for all of the compliments everyone! I put a little bit of a water-based moisturizer on my roots to see if it would revert and it did!!! I'm so excited!!! :drunk:
WOW she got it straight. It looks beautiful although I can understand you feeling like half your hair was gone.... My hair was never that straight with a relaxer (I like fullness) and I am transitioning now... I would probably feel the same way if my hair was Bone Straight but all in all you can always wash and get that texture back!
Your post had me laughing. I loved it!
Your second post had me :nono:. She so wrong for saying that to you.

Now, I think your hair is beautiful. I wonder if they could do that with all this thick hair of mine! I understand though about you not wanting it bone straight.