I was UTTERLEY DISGUSTED by the Black Hair and Beauty Show!! {VENT}!!


New Member
...People saying they grew their hair to waist length, using magic potions, and the lady who claims this {who was also the b4 and after picture) had OBVIOUS BONDING!

...There was no section where they promoted hair health, maybe photospecific

...me and the Razac lady representative had a full blown ARGUMENT over her claims that her relaxer is the best in the WORLD and does not damage the hair NO MATTER HOW LONG ITS LEFT ON!

gosh, i will never go there AGAIN. i came back empty handed, there was no KERACARE lol, so as my friends rushed for free samples i gave mine out.
The razac lady was trying to sell my friends (in braids - natural) her razac relaxer. my friends looked and me and i shook my head - personally she dont wanna get relaxed, and I dont think its best for her hair at the moment as its damaged. The lady caught on and said "listen, this relaxer SHUTS OFF, it cannot damage your hair blah blah, its the best in the world - it makes your hair gro..." i started to laugh very loud at this point, and she said to me "so what makes hair grow then blah blah...is YOUR hair long" (keep in mind my hair was underneath a satin durag and a hat) i said "dont you worry about me, my hair is long and in good condition - what made it grow was less heat and more washing etc etc" and she said "no the thing that makes your hair grow is shampoo and conditoner" i said "huh everybody shampoos and conditions, it doesn't mean that will magically make hair grow?" and then she broke..."SUREEEE I'VE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS FOR 15 YEARS AND SHE KNOWS MOOREEE THEN ME" i had to laugh, she'd obviousely been tackled by a young member of the public who was challenging her. to be honest, her hair was short and receeding at the front, with braids. my dad said to me i should;ve asked her if she uses her relaxer and see what she would say then...

the hair show was a flop, people running like headless chickens to buy something that said "makes your hair grow" they were probabley wondering what i had under my hat, asit was bulging a bit ans everybody had a weave on, or braids or some sort of short heatstyle. the ORS man was there and he didn't even know what Keracare was..i was thinking: "your in the hair field + your american, and you have never heard of Keracare? how ignorant or oblivious to your field are you????"

the black hair business is terrible, and i swear if i grow my hair to my waist i'm gonan do something seriously to shake it up cos all these girls must think Tracia Alopecia and Baldness from all the hair glues and bonding is a JOKE!:mad: :mad:
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That's crazy. When you had "black hair show" in the title of this thread, I knew that I was going to read something terrible. :lol: While I have never been to one myself, they get such a bad rep here in the states for people who have a 1) sense of style 2) common sense. I hear that they are filled with all sorts of tacky weaves and dye styles.

The woman who was trying to sell Razac probably knew nothing about the product and was told to sell it anyway she could. That's bad business though.

I'm sort of glad keracare reps didnt show up at that place. According to their advertisements, none of their models wear fake hair, so they (and their healthy hair) probably wouldnt have fit in. lol. I love my keracare.
goldensensation said:
That's crazy. When you had "black hair show" in the title of this thread, I knew that I was going to read something terrible. :lol: While I have never been to one myself, they get such a bad rep here in the states for people who have a 1) sense of style 2) common sense. I hear that they are filled with all sorts of tacky weaves and dye styles.

The woman who was trying to sell Razac probably knew nothing about the product and was told to sell it anyway she could. That's bad business though.

I'm sort of glad keracare reps didnt show up at that place. According to their advertisements, none of their models wear fake hair, so they (and their healthy hair) probably wouldnt have fit in. lol. I love my keracare.

lol your right!

i was thinking thats why keracare didn't show up. i dont think they ever have! i dont blame them...
Candy_C said:
...People saying they grew their hair to waist length, using magic potions, and the lady who claims this {who was also the b4 and after picture) had OBVIOUS BONDING!

...There was no section where they promoted hair health, maybe photospecific

...me and the Razac lady representative had a full blown ARGUMENT over her claims that her relaxer is the best in the WORLD and does not damage the hair NO MATTER HOW LONG ITS LEFT ON!

gosh, i will never go there AGAIN. i came back empty handed, there was no KERACARE lol, so as my friends rushed for free samples i gave mine out.
The razac lady was trying to sell my friends (in braids - natural) her razac relaxer. my friends looked and me and i shook my head - personally she dont wanna get relaxed, and I dont think its best for her hair at the moment as its damaged. The lady caught on and said "listen, this relaxer SHUTS OFF, it cannot damage your hair blah blah, its the best in the world - it makes your hair gro..." i started to laugh very loud at this point, and she said to me "so what makes hair grow then blah blah...is YOUR hair long" (keep in mind my hair was underneath a satin durag and a hat) i said "dont you worry about me, my hair is long and in good condition - what made it grow was less heat and more washing etc etc" and she said "no the thing that makes your hair grow is shampoo and conditoner" i said "huh everybody shampoos and conditions, it doesn't mean that will magically make hair grow?" and then she broke..."SUREEEE I'VE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS FOR 15 YEARS AND SHE KNOWS MOOREEE THEN ME" i had to laugh, she'd obviousely been tackled by a young member of the public who was challenging her. to be honest, her hair was short and receeding at the front, with braids. my dad said to me i should;ve asked her if she uses her relaxer and see what she would say then...

the hair show was a flop, people running like headless chickens to buy something that said "makes your hair grow" they were probabley wondering what i had under my hat, asit was bulging a bit ans everybody had a weave on, or braids or some sort of short heatstyle. the ORS man was there and he didn't even know what Keracare was..i was thinking: "your in the hair field + your american, and you have never heard of Keracare? how ignorant or oblivious to your field are you????"

the black hair business is terrible, and i swear if i grow my hair to my waist i'm gonan do something seriously to shake it up cos all these girls must think Tracia Alopecia and Baldness from all the hair glues and bonding is a JOKE!:mad: :mad:

:nono: Did she have the nerve to say that her relaxer SHUTS OFF? WTF? that is laughable :lachen: :lachen: Candy C, you should have whipped out your hair like "BAM!" and then handed her an LHCF business card...
*ElleB said:
:nono: Did she have the nerve to say that her relaxer SHUTS OFF? WTF? that is laughable :lachen: :lachen: Candy C, you should have whipped out your hair like "BAM!" and then handed her an LHCF business card...

That's the same thing I was thinking. I wish she would have shut the lady up by doing the white girl toss.:lol::lachen:
What a joke. :cool: I don't believe such a relaxer has been created, and likely never will be. And who hasn't at least heard of Keracare, much less a supposed industry insider? :confused: Where do they get these people? :(

I've attended a number of hair shows and while there are a fair amount of weaves going on, long/short, thick growing hair in great condition is showcased to a large extent.

I'm glad you challenged her and her false claims. ;)

That's the same thing I was thinking. I wish she would have shut the lady up by doing the white girl toss.:lol::lachen:

:lachen:@ the white girl toss.

I would have seriously considered whipping mine out and saying "your turn!"
It's sad that this woman was giving out false information where she could cause someone to really damage their hair or maybe even lose it. I'm glad you challenged her on it.
goldensensation said:
That's crazy. When you had "black hair show" in the title of this thread, I knew that I was going to read something terrible. :lol: While I have never been to one myself, they get such a bad rep here in the states for people who have a 1) sense of style 2) common sense. I hear that they are filled with all sorts of tacky weaves and dye styles.


I'm sort of glad keracare reps didnt show up at that place. According to their advertisements, none of their models wear fake hair, so they (and their healthy hair) probably wouldnt have fit in. lol. I love my keracare.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I know exactly how you feel. I stopped going to the Black hair and Beauty show years ago because of this. Most of the idiots there do not have a clue about hair and would always tell you rubbish. All they want to do is Sell, Sell, Sell even if its not the right product for your hair.

You even have Asians desperately trying to sell you rubbish and think they know more about your hair than you do. Its a complete waste of money and time and I will never go there again.
Candy_C said:
lol your right!

i was thinking thats why keracare didn't show up. i dont think they ever have! i dont blame them...

I like your hair! I'm assuming you don't let them leave the perm on long in order to keep your body. How long to they or you keep in your relaxer? I hate bone straight hair.

Good looking out on the hair show thing. I'll make sure to never attend one.

A perm that turns off..... LOL!!!!
Candy_C said:
lol your right!

i was thinking thats why keracare didn't show up. i dont think they ever have! i dont blame them...

Keracare have shown up in the past, because I remember seeing them there about 6 years ago and that was the last time I saw them.

The show is a disgrace, with rubbish sub standard products on display and clueless fools trying to convince an alreadly skeptical bunch of frustrated black women with serious hair issues that theirs is the wonder product that will solve all their hair woes!
I used to be a child hair model local hair shows in my city back in the day. It used to just be a stylist and fashion designer showcase. What I remember most was that this male stylist whipped my mid-back hair up into a pouf ball of curls—HUGE hair:eek: —that took my mother days to detangle!!! That was the last one I did! :lol: :lol: Nowadays, it’s nothing but odd hair pieces and bad couture. They capitalize on the fact that women want longer hair, and it’s not fair. :mad:

Hair Shows today ARE a joke, and that crazy Razac lady is the biggest joke of all!! A relaxer that turns off? Puhleeze!!!! :lachen: It’s so unfortunate to see women getting caught up in the foolishness. :(
sareca said:
:lachen:@ the white girl toss.

I would have seriously considered whipping mine out and saying "your turn!"
That would've been priceless!
It's funny I can relate to the whole dealing with so-called hair professionals ( not at hair shows though), b/c right after I joined this board I went to this woman's hair shop and was looking around and she asked if she could help me and I started naming all these products, do you have this or that, and it was awkward b/c you could tell she felt kind of defensive b/c she hadn't even heard of some of the things I was mentioning and she was pretty useless to me actually. So I think "we" (meaning the women on this board) might intimidate these poor people b/c we are so knowledgable ( or for me at least I'm getting there)!!

You would think that people in this field would try and educated themselves a little!!
I been to show before it was CRAP:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You should have worn your hair out and straight you would have pep following you around for advce
Candy -- Sorry for your horrible experience! :eek:

The one BLACK folks I now take hair advice from is LHCF :D , I am so glad that don't believe the hype no more!
I've always wondered what this event would be like. In recent years I assumed it'd be crap and your post proves that.

Seriously, you should have taken your hair out and swung it around 90s-Salon-Selectives-advert-style.
I offered to take a friend's 17yr old daughter and she just said to me, "Aunty Michelle I went last year it's not worth the effect". I think it is such a shame that with the money hair care producers make from black women they can't provide a better service, to market their products. The industry has got to be worth millions, every day hair salons and Asian hair product vendors spring up in London.

This show is a good opportunity for manufacturers to market their products and what do they do they flunk it! Honestly, if a woman with a bad weave or unhealthy hair was promoting a product line that was supposed to maintain the health of your hair and growth, she could not convince me to purchase the products. I would be thinking "can't be that good if her head looks like that!" Some PR move!

Everyone is hungry for money, but they have a total disregard for their consumers, black women willing to pay for good products. I'm so glad I didn't waste my time or money with the show.

hahah, you guys are seriousely funny.

i should've whipped it out, but to be honest, she isn't worth my effort, or worth me having to find a toilet to twist it back up again lol. and 2. the people there LOVEEE to style hair, my hair is like a pair of curly curtains, basically BORING i would get probabley harassed and be told my hair is damaged or some foolery.

DEN1 IT WAS TERRIBLE. 2nd rate products galore.

i will never go againnnnnnnnnn.
Candy_C said:
hahah, you guys are seriousely funny.

i should've whipped it out, but to be honest, she isn't worth my effort, or worth me having to find a toilet to twist it back up again lol. and 2. the people there LOVEEE to style hair, my hair is like a pair of curly curtains, basically BORING i would get probabley harassed and be told my hair is damaged or some foolery.

DEN1 IT WAS TERRIBLE. 2nd rate products galore.

i will never go againnnnnnnnnn.

RAZAC prods SUCK!!! BTW...nothing but Mineral oil, Petrolatum and fragrance!!!
*ElleB said:
RAZAC prods SUCK!!! BTW...nothing but Mineral oil, Petrolatum and fragrance!!!
Yeaaah!:lol: Even their bootleg body lotion. I remember in gym class girls would slather that on and have my nose burning!

I think a few of the ladies from the boards who have healthy or long hair should go to one of these shows and have their own booth with a sign that says "Don't Believe the Hype!"
jasmin said:
They just build towers made out of hair on top of your head. I hate those shows. It's ridiculous.

You mean like this?


:lol: :lol:

BTW, I think this was probably the worst movie Halle Berry has ever done. But that's another thread.
Your right hairstyles like this but in green, purple, orange, at in worse case scenarios possibly all three :eek:
I didn't think it was worth going to, i came to the conclusion that it would be a miracle if they could offer me advice I wasn't able to find on this board. :D and anytime i ask a so called professional for advice they come out with dire crap.

Recently I wanted to get all my split ends cut off and the the woman i went to couldn't understand y i wanted to cut my hair, (by the way my hair is split all over the place, some strands have split into 3:mad:, my fault for spending too much time in the steam room) she was like don't worry just treat it and it will be ok, i was like its split, it cant be treated, i can only stop it in its tracks by cutting off the damaged bits, she looked very confused like i was speaking to her in a foreign language.
She tried to offer me a conditioning treatment instead!!!

Denim And Leather said:
You mean like this?


:lol: :lol:
Denim And Leather said:
You mean like this?


:lol: :lol:

BTW, I think this was probably the worst movie Halle Berry has ever done. But that's another thread.

Yes. I saw a girl running across the street with that hair. It was crazy. Actually I saw her 2 different times with different towers. Just doesn't make sense.

That movie cracks me up for some reason. I'm not sure if it's funny or I'm just shocked.