I was ready to SWING!!!


Well-Known Member
So, I went to a wedding a week and a half ago and wore my hair up in a puff. This was out of town and a wedding of college friends, so it was like a mini reunion. I have never had sooo many people grabbing, pulling and feeling my hair, it really did become annoying! I had to bite my lip a few times and control myself from jerking away with attitude, because I know my friends mean no harm (who most I only see maybe once a year). The last straw that almost broke my patience was when my one friend proceded to grab my hair with full hands, grabbing handfulls, and pull/tug at it, I guess kinda fluffing it as she carried on talking like it was a natural thing to do. I'm not sure if she realized how rough she was being. My natural reaction at the first tug was to start swing, (you know, like when a guy you don't know grabs you at the club or something) but I caught myself. Of course another thing going through my head was that my hair looked crazy by the end of the wedding with all the hands in it! I guess I didn't say anything out of fear of rubbing folks the wrong way or coming off as having a "tude". I know, I know...

My friend's 5 year old niece was facinated with my hair. She's shorter than me of course, and would sneak up behind me, jump up to grab my hair...of course, she had to come down, LOL. And my head came down with her..."OUCH!!!" The whole day she'd take every oportunity to "feel" my hair. She asks me how I get my hair like that and do I curl it. I tell her that's how it comes out of my head. I finally ask her after being tourmented the whole day what the deal is. She goes "I like your hair! It's like a pet"

Maybe I was a punk for not speaking up and telling people to keep their hands out of my head. It was VERY irratating. I didn't know how much people touching my hair would bother me till that weekend.


Morale of story is...PROTECT YOUR TRESSES!!! Not from products, heat, hairdressers, or the elements....but from regular ole' PEOPLE!!! Swing if necessary! LOL!
so1913 said:
So, I went to a wedding a week and a half ago and wore my hair up in a puff. This was out of town and a wedding of college friends, so it was like a mini reunion. I have never had sooo many people grabbing, pulling and feeling my hair, it really did become annoying! I had to bite my lip a few times and control myself from jerking away with attitude, because I know my friends mean no harm (who most I only see maybe once a year). The last straw that almost broke my patience was when my one friend proceded to grab my hair with full hands, grabbing handfulls, and pull/tug at it, I guess kinda fluffing it as she carried on talking like it was a natural thing to do. I'm not sure if she realized how rough she was being. My natural reaction at the first tug was to start swing, (you know, like when a guy you don't know grabs you at the club or something) but I caught myself. Of course another thing going through my head was that my hair looked crazy by the end of the wedding with all the hands in it! I guess I didn't say anything out of fear of rubbing folks the wrong way or coming off as having a "tude". I know, I know...

My friend's 5 year old niece was facinated with my hair. She's shorter than me of course, and would sneak up behind me, jump up to grab my hair...of course, she had to come down, LOL. And my head came down with her..."OUCH!!!" The whole day she'd take every oportunity to "feel" my hair. She asks me how I get my hair like that and do I curl it. I tell her that's how it comes out of my head. I finally ask her after being tourmented the whole day what the deal is. She goes "I like your hair! It's like a pet"

Maybe I was a punk for not speaking up and telling people to keep their hands out of my head. It was VERY irratating. I didn't know how much people touching my hair would bother me till that weekend.


Morale of story is...PROTECT YOUR TRESSES!!! Not from products, heat, hairdressers, or the elements....but from regular ole' PEOPLE!!! Swing if necessary! LOL!

Well I guess they couldn't beweave their eyes. but seriously if you are wearing a weave and they pull it out, what do they think is coming next? They should know they'll get cursed out, or knocked out esp. with the wrong person on the wrong day.
Considering the circumstances, you handled yourself very well! I don't know if I could have been that well behaved. At the end of the day I would have showed a 'tude or two especially in a less formal type of setting it would have been some swinging!
This is the price you must pay for having beautiful hair! I guess that why you're the Feature of the Month! ;)

Sorry they bothered you and I know how that is. And you are not a punk! If it was ppl you deal with daily it would be different but with friend you see once a year you could get a bad name.

Maybe next time tell them nicely (b4 you get the erge to swing! :lachen: )

I think you did the right thing :grin:

Although hair is important...relationships mean more...the last thing you want is leaving a bad taste in someones mouth that you havent seen in a long time....

Its a positive problem...and as long as it doesnt happen everyday...I think youre fine...