I was offended by my moms comment


Well-Known Member
my hair is short, not by choice, scissor happy stylist combined with trauma = a mess. Well, my hair is growing in at it's own pace. I just want health...I'll worry about length later but she said....people who cut their hair often will stop it from growing long. Well...okay if you have breakage than yes it won't grow long. How can you really stunt your hair from growing? That just doesn't make sense. Well, I was offended because she thinks my hair won't grow out anymore and that it's lost it's thickness...blah blah blah.....I want so much to prove her wrong.

Then she went to tell me that I really didn't know much because I was trying to explain to her that the reason why her hair may not hold any curls right now is that she probably needs to clairify. Then, she's balding on the top of her head: 1. from wearing wigs & 2. because I think she gets too many hard presses and uses too much oil on her scalp. Well, I suggested that maybe she start massaging her scalp w/ vitamin e or even using some castor oil. Oh...I said Jamaican Castor oil and she said where do you get it from...I said for the most part you gotta order it cause they don't really sell it in our area. She didn't buy it....she thinks it's another scam to take my money.

I'm motivated. I pray by February I can swing my nice thick longer hair in her face so she can eat her words.
Best of luck to you...I know how it is...when I finally did my BC, I had my ex-stylist and fam convinced that it wasn't really my hair texture but that a little bit of the relaxer remained in it to give it the texture...four months later, I'm laughin up a storm...you'll do the same. JUST STAY MOTIVATED!
My mom used to tell me to stop being so hair obsessed and to go back to a stylist and I refused. The last time I got a relaxer and wore it down, all she had to say was, "Oh. It is growing. Hmph!" Yeah, it feels good! Just keep doing what you're doing girl! It's great to prove people wrong about our hair!:grin:
Mother daughter relationships can be tricky. It is weird how often you hear about mothers hating on their daughters. It is weird because they work so hard to give you a better life but when you get that better life, there seems to be resentment on their part. I get it from my Mom, I know she can't help it but I hope I don't do this with my daughter. Good Luck on your journey!
Remember, you can show your mother better than you can tell her. Stick to your regimen and give your hair all the TLC it needs and in February (if not sooner), she will compliment you on how long your hair has grown/improved.:grin:
luvlonghair said:
Remember, you can show your mother better than you can tell her. Stick to your regimen and give your hair all the TLC it needs and in February (if not sooner), she will compliment you on how long your hair has grown/improved.:grin:


My mother asked me "Why are you trying to grow your hair long? You ain't never had long hair. I never had long hair. So, what makes you think you can grow yours?" If I had listened to her, I'd probably still be at nape length. Now, any time she see my hair down, she's all about trying to find out what I'm doing and what I'm using. She took me with her to the BSS to help her pick out products, I convinced her to stop relaxing her daggone hair every 4 weeks, and I get to hear about how much longer her hair is now.

I think sometimes they just say off-the-wall stuff to us because they don't want us to get our hopes up and end up disappointed. That's what I would like to think as opposed to them just trying to be offensive or squash our little hopes and dreams.