I was fooled today!!


Well-Known Member
Last week while waiting on my lunch break I saw this lady with what I tough was the most beautiful, luscious, thick natural head of hair (I assumed it was blowdried) that I've ever seen in my life :yep:. I was so hypnotized by her hair that I almost was into a glass door :lachen:. I wanted to run to her and tell her that I loved her hair and ask her for her regimen; but I couldn't because she was having lunch with some co-workers. Well... today I finally saw her again. I said to myself there is no way that I'm going to miss the opportunity of telling this woman how beautiful I think her hair is. So while she was walking my way, I stopped her and told her how much I liked her hair. She replied with the most sincere "Thank You" that I've ever hear. No sooner than those word coming out of my mouth, I noticed her edges :nono: I was horrified, I felt betrayed...:wallbash:. This woman's edges went back to her ears and the hair that I tought was so beautiful was clearly a weave (not that there is anything wrong with wearing a weave... I wear extensions all the time :spinning:). Her edges were a completely different color than the extensions and her attempt at blending it failed horribly (I know...I fell for it from afar). Needless to say...I had to run here and share this with you guys. Have you been fooled before? Have you ever seen a head of hair that you were drooling over only to come to the realization that it's fake.
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My brother calls that a blocker

A female who looks attractive when she is viewed a block away, but, when she is viewed again closely, does not. :grin:
It happened last week while I was at work. I was oh so close to complimenting a woman on her hair until I got close and noticed it was a actually a horrible weave. It looked great from the back, but when she turned around I noticed the hair color and texture didn't match at all!
I don't have a story to tell. Just wanted to say that you're a good storyteller:D I coulld visualize everything you said:lachen:

BTW..your Fotki password opens when you use a capital K:wink2: You may want to update your siggy.
been there. last month. cultural reception. it girl.

closer inspection. saw weave. better yet. saw tracks!!

yup. her own hair was sticking out so that i saw the very track on her head. i wanted to tell her to pat her hair down but i didn't want to make her feel bad...but i guess i should have.

don't know.
I can hear the disappointment through the keys, LOL! I had a similiar situation at work. One of the nurses had this beautiful, thick natural ponytail. I came up to her and told her how beautiful her natural hair was. She laughed and said thank you and told me the place she got it from! Even tried to tell me how to get there. LOL! I was still in shock because i couldn't tell the difference, but i didn't dare try to analyze it. But then i asked her was she natural and she replied no. So i told her that she definitely didn't relax that often and she agreeded. I just told her that she made a wonderful selection and it blended in with her texture great and walked away. I mean what else is there to say?
I don't have a story to tell. Just wanted to say that you're a good storyteller:D I coulld visualize everything you said:lachen:

BTW..your Fotki password opens when you use a capital K:wink2: You may want to update your siggy.

I was thinking the same thing and I was kind of laughing. Even my husband notices and tells me of the bad weaves. He saw the famous Toni Childs up close and he said she had a bad weave.
I don't have a story to tell. Just wanted to say that you're a good storyteller:D I coulld visualize everything you said:lachen:

BTW..your Fotki password opens when you use a capital K:wink2: You may want to update your siggy.

Awww...thanks :blush:.
I get fooled all the time. A lot of the chicks on campus here are either from ATL or somewhere up north like NYC or something. So, they are always looking on top of their game (especially hair). So when I find myself looking at their hair up close and personal, I always get reminded of how much effort it takes to sport a really good weave job. Then the disappointment comes. Now don't get me wrong, there are lots of beautiful, natural heads here too. But I just want to see more women around me with less weave and more of their own thang. But I am totally open for ideas and compromise. I know the old saying: if you can't achieve it, weave it!!:grin:
Now that is funny can't believe she did not say it is a weave..........

Most people don't. Unless she asked her specifically was it a weave, why should she have? She knew it was weave and the OP knew it was weave. lol All she said was thank you for the compliment. Which the OP probably wanted to retract after getting up close. :lol:
Yes...I recall a time I was fooled like that. It was actually a few years ago at one of my previous places of employment.

There was a lady that worked there and ALWAYS had her look on point: hair, make up, nails...everything! I noticed that her hair especially looked on point---all the time! I loved how it never seemed like she had a "bad hair day"---ever! Sometimes during the rain....it looked a little bit frizzy....but still came out beautiful!

So one day...I complimented her on her hair and I told her how pretty it was and I wish I could get my hair like that on a consistent basis! She smiled at me and said: Thank you! And I continued to throw on the compliemtns even afterwards and she would always grin a very shy grin and say Thank you so much.

I recall telling another coworker about her hair. And that coworker told me the lady's hair I had been complimenting was a WIG! She told me I was so crazy for NOT believing her hair was a wig..... She told me that she'd seen her hair WITHOUT the "WIG" on before.... :blush:

That's when I started wondering....well--if it was a wig....why didin't she just TELL ME it was a wig instead of allowing me to shower her with so many compliments on something I really thought was HERS! :ohwell: Needless to say---I was embarassed. When I would speak to her again....I tried to look closer at her hair....but still couldn't really tell. But at the same time--I knew that it was probably true....
It mighta been a wig all that time.....:ohwell:
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I HAVE BEEN FOOLED. lol. There is a lady at my job who's hair is always fly. I mean her wigs stay flawless. At first I was like the previous poster...how is her hair always like that? But of course, I saw the truth when I started to get to know her and started wearing that geled up weaved up...you know the one. They try to blend that wavy weave with their straight hair? Mmhmm...and her real hair will nearly scare you. But she is fly. Can't touch her with that wig on.
I had that happen to recently. There is a girl from work and when I see her her hair looks great so one day she had some loose waves in it so I told her that her hair looked great. She told me it was a weave. I was surprised because I couldn't tell the difference.
Isn't the purpose of all fake hair is to look REAL?

So how is this "fooling" you? Should the weave wearer have a sign around her neck that says "warning: this hair did not grow out of my scalp"! :grin:
My brother calls that a blocker

A female who looks attractive when she is viewed a block away, but, when she is viewed again closely, does not. :grin:

lol @ that.
I've been fooled before because I really havent had experience with weaves and unless it's obviously fake I assume it's the person's hair.
So while most people can tell it's not someone's hair I always assume it is.
Isn't the purpose of all fake hair is to look REAL?

So how is this "fooling" you? Should the weave wearer have a sign around her neck that says "warning: this hair did not grow out of my scalp"! :grin:

ok, I'm getting that image and it is frigging hilarious.:lachen:
Isn't the purpose of all fake hair is to look REAL?

So how is this "fooling" you? Should the weave wearer have a sign around her neck that says "warning: this hair did not grow out of my scalp"! :grin:

Good point! LOL!!! :lachen: :lachen:
I guess...I'm quick to tell people if something is mine or not. But still accept the flood of compliments on my weave/wig.
I, personally, hate people genuinely complimenting me on something they think is mine--when it REALLY is not.
Isn't the purpose of all fake hair is to look REAL?

So how is this "fooling" you? Should the weave wearer have a sign around her neck that says "warning: this hair did not grow out of my scalp"! :grin:

Right! I mean if you don't ask they aren't just gonna volunteer that info. I mean do people tell you when they're wearing a push up bra? :rolleyes:
I may be a fooler. When I was wearing my EPRT, I would get compliments on the health of my hair and how it had grown. Depending on who it was (esp. if it was a sister that I knew well), I would say it was a weave, but I would not have that conversation w/ every person who complimented me.

I usu. try to be conservative w/ my wigs, weaves, and phony ponies & do something that closely matches my hair in length and texture, so that there is not the big - oh, she just got her weave done moment - when I step in the office.
I'm telling you, they are gettin' better and better with these weaves/extensions! Sometimes I'll look at women to the point of staring and ask myself "Is that her real hair?" If it looks good, that's all that matters. It still gives me motivation to grow my hair long because I'll imagine how good I'll look with all that hair :grin:.
I get fooled all the time. A lot of the chicks on campus here are either from ATL or somewhere up north like NYC or something. So, they are always looking on top of their game (especially hair). So when I find myself looking at their hair up close and personal, I always get reminded of how much effort it takes to sport a really good weave job. Then the disappointment comes. Now don't get me wrong, there are lots of beautiful, natural heads here too. But I just want to see more women around me with less weave and more of their own thang. But I am totally open for ideas and compromise. I know the old saying: if you can't achieve it, weave it!!:grin:

I feel you. I'm from Atlanta and that's like an all day thing here. I get fooled like 10 times a day. It's nice that the ladies here tend to have good weaves(I hate seeing bad weaves....kinda grosses me out) but at the same time, I wish I saw more girls with naturally long hair.

Plus I get pissed cuz people nearby will compare our hair. Like, Oh y'all both have such pretty long hair. And I'm like, Um, except mine is REAL :sad:

I guess I feel like they're cheating or something.

This post is so...all over the place. I need a nap.
I feel you. I'm from Atlanta and that's like an all day thing here. I get fooled like 10 times a day. It's nice that the ladies here tend to have good weaves(I hate seeing bad weaves....kinda grosses me out) but at the same time, I wish I saw more girls with naturally long hair.

Plus I get pissed cuz people nearby will compare our hair. Like, Oh y'all both have such pretty long hair. And I'm like, Um, except mine is REAL :sad:

I guess I feel like they're cheating or something.

This post is so...all over the place. I need a nap.

Yea, I used to feel that way until LHCF and realized it may just be a protective style hiding beautiful strands. I also wish more women would understand they can actually grow it with diligence and 'stick-to-it-tiveness'.
Sometimes it hard for me to tell the real hair from the fake. I've seen some weave hair that looks just like the real thing. :)
:lachen: That being said I suggest you march right back ova there and tell her that you take the comment back!

Last week while waiting on my lunch break I saw this lady with what I tough was the most beautiful, luscious, thick natural head of hair (I assumed it was blowdried) that I've ever seen in my life :yep:. I was so hypnotized by her hair that I almost was into a glass door :lachen:. I wanted to run to her and tell her that I loved her hair and ask her for her regimen; but I couldn't because she was having lunch with some co-workers. Well... today I finally saw her again. I said to myself there is no way that I'm going to miss the opportunity of telling this woman how beautiful I think her hair is. So while she was walking my way, I stopped her and told her how much I liked her hair. She replied with the most sincere "Thank You" that I've ever hear. No sooner than those word coming out of my mouth, I noticed her edges :nono: I was horrified, I felt betrayed...:wallbash:. This woman's edges went back to her ears and the hair that I tought was so beautiful was clearly a weave (not that there is anything wrong with wearing a weave... I wear extensions all the time :spinning:). Her edges were a completely different color than the extensions and her attempt at blending it failed horribly (I know...I fell for it from afar). Needless to say...I had to run here and share this with you guys. Have you been fooled before? Have you ever seen a head of hair that you were drooling over only to come to the realization that it's fake.
:lachen: That being said I suggest you march right back ova there and tell her that you take the comment back!

I thought about doing that..... :lachen: I guess next time I need to be more careful with how I give out compliments. Really that lady didn't deserve it b/c up close the weave was jacked up :nono: (maybe next time I'll tell her about LHCF). I didn't really expect her to tell me it was a weave. I still felt fooled because my initial perception from far away was that it was real. oh well...