I was bored so I decided to take pics of my hair...


Well-Known Member
I didn't anticipate this being a progress thread but here it goes. I should have changed the title but oh well.

My hair is not by any means long, so don't get excited.

This was in Feb. 08 when I first subscribed to LHCF. My hair had been a variation of this cut for about 10 years. I did a google search because my hair stylist kept complaining about my hair being so dry and I was starting to get breakage because of it. I found this site and the rest is history. At this point I had no intentions of growing my hair.

In August 08 after a few months on this site I decided that I wanted to grow my hair out and that i would start getting serious about it. This was my hair at that point. It was at this point that I started texlaxing.

From August 08-March 09
I wore half wigs daily. I texlaxed about three times during this time period. I started noticing the vast difference between my texlaxed and bone straight hair so I trimmed about 3-4 inches during this time. Here's the half wig I wore most often.

I went to the salon and got a cut in April. No pics of that visit but this was my hair in May.

This was July. But it didn't last long. I went to the salon in August and she cut more of my raggedy ends off. I was several weeks post in this pic. Actually I was several weeks post in most of these pics.

Again, no pics of the salon trip. I don't know why I didn't take pics.

Which leads me to today. I decided to do a Caruso set and take pics. Here are a few of those pics. I'm 9 weeks post.

Then I thought about the pics I took last November and I wanted to do a comparison. So here they are.

Even though I cut so much of my hair this past year and a half I can still see growth.

So now I'm done with the excessive cutting and I'm focusing on retention. I'm excited for what 2010 will bring.
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Your hair looks nice! I never get good results when I use my steam rollers. You make me want to try mine again.

Great progress! I like the thickness!
OMGosh your hair is absolutely beautiful! I love the bob and all the creative ways you wear it! Great work!:lick::yep:
Your hair looks so much thicker and healthier now...that is progress to be excited about!

Good luck in 2010 on retention!
Thanks ladies!

Locabouthair I like to leave the Caruso's in for 5 mins. when I want it to look like I just bumped it with the flat iron.

For a curlier set I do 10 min. If its too curly I wrap it for about 10 min. and it usually looks better.
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Thanks ladies!

Locabouthair I like to leave the Caruso's in for 5 mins. when I want it to look like I just bumped it with the flat iron.

For a curlier set I do 10 min. If its too curly I wrap it for about 10 min. and it usually looks better.

Thanks for the tip.

I think I was leaving mine in for too long. I was leaving it in for at least 10 mins and it came out kinda poofy.
Thanks ladies!

Locabouthair I like to leave the Caruso's in for 5 mins. when I want it to look like I just bumped it with the flat iron.
For a curlier set I do 10 min. If its too curly I wrap it for about 10 min. and it usually looks better.
Thanks for the tip! I'll try that too
Very nice! Your hair looks so healthy, and that half wig is cute too! :D
F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C progress. Your hair looks so thick and healthy. Trust me no one understands more than me, when you have to just keep on cutting this raggedy ends, lol.

I am so jealous that your Caruso set came out that good at 9 weeks post. Iono what I'm doing wrong. My texlaxed hair ususally just reverts when I use them.
Did you use end papers? And did you put any product on your hair during the process. I can never get the caruso set right.
Yes I use end papers. It makes the ends smoother and prevents breakage from the sponge roller.

Earlier in the day I applied Hawaiian Silky moisutizer. I didn't add anything before I rolled my hair.

F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C progress. Your hair looks so thick and healthy. Trust me no one understands more than me, when you have to just keep on cutting this raggedy ends, lol.

I am so jealous that your Caruso set came out that good at 9 weeks post. Iono what I'm doing wrong. My texlaxed hair ususally just reverts when I use them.
Thanks SelfStyled. Thanks for understanding my cutting frenzy. I'm so anal about my ends. 2010 will definitely be challenge for me when it comes to cutting.

I wish I had more advice on how to make the caruso's work better for you all. Bronzeg from BHM did a YouTube tutorial and her set came out fabulous. Makes me want BSL hair.

Again thanks to everyone for your kind words.
Your hair looks great. It looks like it has really thickened up on the sides near your ear. You did a fabulous job. Caruso Rollers are now on my Christmas list. I've only allowed myself $100 for my own gifts.... :( I need a secret Santa.
Your hair looks great. It looks like it has really thickened up on the sides near your ear. You did a fabulous job. Caruso Rollers are now on my Christmas list. I've only allowed myself $100 for my own gifts.... :( I need a secret Santa.

Get em, get em. LOL. Check the product exchange forum first. Or create a thread asking for the Caruso's. It may come out cheaper this way.
LMAO @ don't get excited :lachen: that is some wonderful progress. I want to be where you are by the end of this year.