I was bored so I decided to take pics of my hair...

I think I'm going mad. I could've sworn yesterday I posted how beautiful I thought your hair was...but it looks like I never posted at all in this thread. :dork: Do I need to take my pills? :look:

Anyway, I thought it, and it's the thought that counts, right?
beautiful hair!!! you've made really nice progress. & with such a nice cut, your hair is really gonna come in nice as it grows!
I think I'm going mad. I could've sworn yesterday I posted how beautiful I thought your hair was...but it looks like I never posted at all in this thread. :dork: Do I need to take my pills? :look:

Anyway, I thought it, and it's the thought that counts, right?

This made me laugh. Thanks Noni, and yes the thought does count.:yep::yep: