I want your body...not your heart.


New Member
I've been conflicted about this for a while now. There's a guy friend I've wanted for a while now, but I don't want a relationship with him. We just tango around each other. However, there are some issues that keep me from giving it a go. First off, he would be my first. I don't want to become attached to him simply because of that, but I hear that's the way things tend to go. I'm not waiting for religious reasons, just the "Right time, guy, place" kind of waiting. I've always kind of told myself it should be with a boyfriend and all fairy-tale love story...but they've come and gone. I get over them but I still ponder on this guy. What I want conflicts with what I believe I should want.

I'm aware that this is a very risky situation in which I could end up with some hurt feelings. But I feel like I'm forcing myself to do things the 'right' way when in actuality I want to go the 'wrong' way. Its nerve-wrecking...

How does the FWB thing usually work out?
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Eh, there was a long paragraph discussing the various complicating factors and whatnot, but since it's gone I suppose I no longer have a question. :ohwell:
OP, do u mean part of ur post was deleted?

If u have a dilemma and want us to help please let us know a little more.
If he is really a friend and you want to remain friends with him, then don't have sex with him - especially if you don't want anything beyond a sexual relationship.
I've been conflicted about this for a while now. There's a guy friend I've wanted for a while now, but I don't want a relationship with him. We just tango around each other.
How long have you two been friends for? If you want a FWB I wouldn't pick him, but whoever it is just make sure you get him tested before doing the do. Good luck!
Also, we're not the kind of friends that talk about new shoes and books. We're friends, but the line is a bit blurry as it is. We were on different pages in the dating area.
If I could go back, I would save "it" for my husband. You may have some good FWB but it's not worth all of the hassle so save "it" for the right person.