I want to pull my freaking hair out


Well-Known Member
Man i dont know what is going on this week all of a sudden my head has been itching the day lights out of me. i feel like im dying the constant itch what can i do about this. I cowash everyday so my hair is clean what can be the cause of this. see there we go again the itch im at freaking work and i hate to scratch my head infront of people i dont want them to think im dirty
Man i dont know what is going on this week all of a sudden my head has been itching the day lights out of me. i feel like im dying the constant itch what can i do about this. I cowash everyday so my hair is clean what can be the cause of this. see there we go again the itch im at freaking work and i hate to scratch my head infront of people i dont want them to think im dirty

Do you think the daily cowashing might be the culprit, even though your hair is clean? I know if I co-wash too much w/out actually washing my scalp that my scalp gets irritated.
Not dry its very moisturized.

The Cowashing is not the problem i dont think because ive been cowashing for just about 2 months everyday and never had a problem not to mention i make sure get up in my scalp everyday so i cant understand. i am thinking can it be growing i dont know this is just ridiculous
I've always had dry scalp, no matter what, so I started using ORS No More Flakes. It's a balm, and you put it on your scalp like grease, but it doesn't have petroleum or mineral oil in it which is great. It works good for itchy scalp.
Hey Ladies,

I msut be honest my scalp stopped itching when I started using MN. I noticed that when I was a slave to the salon after my hair was washed it would itch in the same spots. When I found LHCF and learned about fungus and MN I used it and no more it. I apply castor oil, MN a little peppermint EO (I love the tingle) and it is a non issue.

I'm not saying this is a miracle cure it just made sense....for me.
Are you on a no-poo routine? Perhaps your scalp needs to be exfoliated or clarified.

Is your hair staying moist all day or for extended periods. If so, watch out for fungus, especially in the heat of summer. If you are not against shampoo, try Nizoral 1%.

It could be the conditioner, but if this keeps up, I would consult a dermatologist as you may have seborrheic dermatitis. It may damage your follicles if left unchecked. :nono:
thats funny you say that i told myself i will wash with shampoo once a week now not the usual once a month im so going to was when i get home
I was going to say it could be build up from cowashing so much, so you may want to clarify.

I cowash about 3-4 x's per week, sometimes more. I tend to clarify every 3 weeks or so...
Sounds like product buildup on your scalp... I cowash 4 times a week but I try to soap/shampoo wash once every 3-4 weeks (or even earlier if my hair's misbehaving). Some people need to do it more often than 3 e.g. weekly, biweekly... I learned I dont *need* to do that.

Do you apply anything directly to your scalp? E.g. growth aids, oils,?
Sounds like product buildup on your scalp... I cowash 4 times a week but I try to soap/shampoo wash once every 3-4 weeks (or even earlier if my hair's misbehaving). Some people need to do it more often than 3 e.g. weekly, biweekly... I learned I dont *need* to do that.

Do you apply anything directly to your scalp? E.g. growth aids, oils,?

yes i do i apply mega tek
try stopping cowashing for a while. try oiling your scalp with something soothing...then wash with diluted or very mild shampoo.

could be something in the cowash you are using that built up
Awwww...Sweetie...I know how you feel..To soothe the itching till you figure out the source...I would suggest Bendryl...

Hope you feel better soon..
Is this week the first time you've used the v05 vita burst? If so, you may be allergic to one of the ingredients.

I really don't think it's cowashing in general that's causing this problem for you.

This not the first time i've used it so i dont understand but im going to get a clarifying shampoo later to wash with because this is ridiculous. it it was just me in this trailer working right now i would run across the street get some shampoo and conditioner and wash my hair
so claryfied last night and i didnt moisturize my scalp as usual and my hair does feel better somewhat but i still feel some creep crawly on my scalp