So I'm going to play devil's advocate here but I don't think natural hair is easier for me. I'm very busy and pretty inept when it comes to hair styling, even knowing my porosity, curl pattern, and strand size. This made relaxed hair easier because I would get it relaxed every 6 - 8 weeks, wash and rollerset every 2 weeks, and have it in a bun/ponytail the entire time. No fuss, no mass detangling or 3 day long mini-twist session, just comb through, bun and go. Now my hair is very temperamental and requires so much upkeep that the only reason I haven't gone back to permanent straightening is because 1) I realize don't like anyone touching my hair as I'm tender-headed and as an adult no one can force me to let that happen; and 2) I don't look good with straight hair.
If you enjoy doing your hair and learning new techniques then it may be great for you but I'm not all that interested. I'd rather spend my time reading scientific articles or practicing the violin over doing my hair :/ Sorry y'all.