I Want To Go Natural? So Clearly I'm Losing My Mind....

:lachen:. Im really texlaxed but I will admit I'm ignorant about natural hair.

When it's been so long since you've actually seen your natural hair, you are bound to be ignorant about it. I was the same way. I join LHCF and seeing all the beautiful natural hair on here convinced me to do it almost immediately. I wish I would have skipped the transitioning stage and went straight to all the way natural though, that is my only regret.
I've been going back and forth between natural, relaxed, and texlaxed for over a decade now. Lol. There are things I enjoy about all 3. There are some ways in which being natural is easier, and I love not being bound to any type of touch up schedule. But I could never say it is low maintenance. And any naturals that I've personally come across that have said different, have either had really loose textures, or wore looks and styles I dont want any parts of. Lol

Also, I'm finally developing empathy for naturals who have multiple textures. Before, I didn't understand the damn complaints and thought they were exaggerating :lol: I'm sorry yall. I guess having all 1 texture really helps... don't have to deal with blending, different products work on different textures, long here short there, etc. That must suck :lol:
Knowing whether your natural hair will be more or less maintenaince is hard to know bc so many factors go into it.

Knowing how much your natural hair tangles, how much moisture it needs and how regularly, what styles you're interested in wearing, etc -- will all play a part in determinining how much of your life will have to go towards tending to your hair.

In the most ideal situation you will have easy wash sessions and actually enjoy your hair in a wash n go state that allows you to wash frequently (from going to the gym) and quickly style.

Even if that's your plan it's hard to know what reality will be like until you have your natural hair in front of you.

My only suggestion would be to go for it, with a plan B in place (wigs, braid extensions, etc) just in case its far from what you expected. But hopefully it's exactly what you want!
Also, I'm finally developing empathy for naturals who have multiple textures. Before, I didn't understand the damn complaints and thought they were exaggerating :lol: I'm sorry yall. I guess having all 1 texture really helps... don't have to deal with blending, different products work on different textures, long here short there, etc. That must suck :lol:

Yes it does suck. I would love to have one texture no matter what it was. I even have some straight pieces and I have been natural since 2010.
I texlaxed (underprocessed) for quite sometime while I let my Relaxer grow out. Texlaxing may allow a smoother transition between being Relaxed and returning the hair to a completely natural state.

I never big-chopped because I got Sisterlocks instead.
As evidenced by the responses in this thread, each natural head is different. What may be considered easy maintenance for one may not be for another. It's a trial and error process and it may take years to master. Heck, I am still trying to master staple products for my hair, and I've been natural for 11 years. But I ain't never going back. I looovvveeeee caring for my naps and seeing my hair grow long.

I agree with @faithVA suggestion in transitioning, without the texlax. See if your natural hair growing out of your scalp is something you can see yourself maintaining. If not, stick with what best works for your lifestyle. :)
Everyone has a different experience.

My sister and I both have had natural hair for a decade+.

She has marathon wash/detangle/style days for herself and her daughter.

I can shampoo and a condition on a Monday morning before work and air dry in the car with the fan on.

We have similar curl patterns but her hair is thicker and more dense with lower porosity than mine.
Aww :lol: yea I don't have time for those styles that require setting either lol.

The gel from the wash and gos makes my curls clump together and stay separated, preventing tangling even when it dries.

What do you use as your styler?

For my styler, I rotate among gels such as:
  1. Kinky Curly Curling Custard
  2. Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker
  3. Uncle Funky's Daughter's Curly Magic
  4. Curl Prep Curl Crush Around the Way Gel
  5. DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel
  6. etc.
I've been natural for 10+ years. It's more work than my relaxed hair, mainly because I do it all myself vs going to a salon.

I wash once or twice a month and style in twists, braids, twist out, or braid out. Occasionally I will straighten or do a flexi rod set.

I do my twists to wear out, wear them for maybe a week, then the twist out, then put it up in a curly bun, then wash and start again. I don't like wearing braids down unless I make them really small, so I will usually just wear those in a bun.

I can detangle in about 30 min. Twists take about 3 hours once a month. That's low maintenance to me, and I'm always getting compliments on how my hair looks, from men and women. I've never been tempted to go back to relaxing. Plus my hair is longer and healthier as a natural.
I like being natural. Just be prepared to be surprised. What you think you know about your hair and its likes may not be. Products used when I was relaxed do not work. You have to learn your hair all over again. This is not a bad thing.

I have scab hair in the front

I can only deep condition with heat

I like my little wash n go's but shrinkage is ugh!

My hair is growing fast
I felt the same way and the best answer I could come up with: you will have to transition and become natural to really see how it will work for you.

I transitioned for roughly 2 years (22 months), and cut slowly. I can honestly say there is no time difference for my wash days now and when I was relaxed; my only issue is I do not make my wash days a one shot deal so it seems like it takes forever.

I thought my hair would be 4z but wasn't. I thought it would be difficult and time consuming. Nope. Also thought I would be doing crazy styles like girls on the innanets. Nah. Buns all day.

You will only really know when you get there.
My hairs is as low maintenance as I let it be. I work out so I wash weekly. I start with a wash n go and when it starts looking old I put it in a puff. I braid with extensions seasonally and every now and then I wear a kinky sew in.
Sometimes I try to do those YouTube styles and it's always a fail. that's when maintenance becomes a problem. When I'm washing and restyling.
My suggestion is not to do a long transition. It is hard dealing with two textures and you can't really tell the texture with the straight hair attached - but I think that's an unpopular position. If you don't like it you can weave it until it grows back and go back to relaxers.
:lachen:. Y'all I haven't been natural since I was 7? I want lower maintenance hair but will that be the case?

I'm 100% sure I have 4 xyz hair however...

I'm scared.

ok so what styles do you wear? heat? No heat?

Discourage me, or encourage me tell me all about being natural :drunk:.

That's why I'm heavily thinking about going back to relaxers lol !
How do you feel your relaxed hair is high maintenance?
I've been going back and forth between natural, relaxed, and texlaxed for over a decade now. Lol. There are things I enjoy about all 3. There are some ways in which being natural is easier, and I love not being bound to any type of touch up schedule. But I could never say it is low maintenance. And any naturals that I've personally come across that have said different, have either had really loose textures, or wore looks and styles I dont want any parts of. Lol
I agree...
Or they have much longer hair
Or they wear styles that I just know that ain't me.
Lots of variables to take into consideration.

Are you good with styling imo is like #1. Are you person that will wear your hair in twists for a week and then take down for a twist out? How do you feel about short twists initially? Are you open to adding clip ins or wearing a wig for a different look. How versed are you with styling on a whim? You'll most likely be dealing with short natural hair initially unless you have a long transition of say 2.5+ years. What is your hair aesthetic ???? That's imo one of the most honest questions. And also how much time are you willing to put in for a nice style? Ex, flexi rods, perm rods, all of that takes time to put on wet hair, have it dry under the dryer. But it will be a really cute style.
I would say my hair is easier as a natural especially with working out. With a relaxer and the amount that I sweat I could never really style my hair after workouts. I would have to slick it back in a bun. now i can just let it air dry if it is in twists or a twist out and it still looks good. If it is in a wash n go i can just spritz it or refresh it in the shower.

I can pretty much do one style at the beginning of the week and just let it evolve (twists, to twist out to puff, wash n go to full fro to puff). This winter I did get a bit overwhelmed with my hair and felt like it was just taking too long to style so I cut it from APL to Sl and that made things easier however it grew back quickly and I am back and APL. I will just work with it until I get tired of it and then cut it again.

I think natural hair can be easy it just depends on how elaborate you are with your hair. Iv'e learned to let my hair do what it wants and keep it moving.
I want straight hair and want to work out 4-5 times a week. lol. Dassit. Imma get a wig when I want straight hair and move on with my life :mad:.

Girl you are me..lol, but unfortunately I sweat from my scalp so I have to choose. Either straight hair w either no workout or very, very low intensity no sweat workouts (which I don't do) OR textured hair and workout as usual.
I want straight hair and want to work out 4-5 times a week. lol. Dassit. Imma get a wig when I want straight hair and move on with my life :mad:.
I was able to maintain my pressed hair for two weeks using rods and braid outs. How much do you care about how you look at the gym :look:
I want straight hair and want to work out 4-5 times a week. lol. Dassit. Imma get a wig when I want straight hair and move on with my life :mad:.
A wig might be your best bet then for sure.
I'm a head sweater and when I was working out a lot I would wear my hair in twist outs.
When I was relaxed and worked out a lot I'd wash my hair about 2x/ week and then pull it back and let it air dry and wear in a bun or ponytail. Even while relaxed I couldn't imagine working out and maintaining straight hair at the roots :nono:
So I'm going to play devil's advocate here but I don't think natural hair is easier for me. I'm very busy and pretty inept when it comes to hair styling, even knowing my porosity, curl pattern, and strand size. This made relaxed hair easier because I would get it relaxed every 6 - 8 weeks, wash and rollerset every 2 weeks, and have it in a bun/ponytail the entire time. No fuss, no mass detangling or 3 day long mini-twist session, just comb through, bun and go. Now my hair is very temperamental and requires so much upkeep that the only reason I haven't gone back to permanent straightening is because 1) I realize don't like anyone touching my hair as I'm tender-headed and as an adult no one can force me to let that happen; and 2) I don't look good with straight hair.

If you enjoy doing your hair and learning new techniques then it may be great for you but I'm not all that interested. I'd rather spend my time reading scientific articles or practicing the violin over doing my hair :/ Sorry y'all.
Pretty much me! It all boils down to your expectations, patience, and attitude going into this.

I have the typical 3c type of WNG hair easy to wash detangle, thick and fluffy...but let me tell you. Girl. No lol. WNGs were the easiest go style for me but it came with a price. Chewed up ends with single strand knots. My hairs grows pretty fast and getting my hair trimmed wasnt a big deal but i wanted longer hair. Once it got to a certain length it always had to be cut. Also the perfect moisturized defined WNG required me to walk around like rick james for a day. Which lead to "what type of box kit texturizer do you have" questions. Horrible.

Other styles? Forget it. I have very flyway hair that looks old and frizzy after a few days. Braids look old after a week. Twists look a mess. So those options were fair and few. Luckily i accepted this about my hair and i dont mind it. But if i was OCD and needed my hair to look neatly coifed all the time i prob would be bald AF with no edges trying to always make it look nice. For real.

I had the healthiest hair when i was relaxed. Ends stayed moisturized. Hair grew below BSL at one point because i rarely had to trim ever. Single strand knots who? Life was good but it came at a price...literally. Going to the salon every other week was pricey and i hate doing my own hair. DIY who? Not interested. Also straight hair as an every day look on myself is pretty basic. Doesnt fit in with the rest of my look IMO. Like who wears free people clothes with a silky wrap and Aaliyah bangs?:lachen:

After alladat i Ended up going back to short natural though i dont like short hair on myself. Everyone else does though. So i brainstormed a bit.

Now i have locs. I dont have to worry about products. I get my hair retwisted every 5-6 weeks so its not too hard on the wallet, and if i stick with it for another year or two ill finally have the length i want sans the chemicals.
I like being natural. Just be prepared to be surprised. What you think you know about your hair and its likes may not be. Products used when I was relaxed do not work. You have to learn your hair all over again. This is not a bad thing.

I have scab hair in the front

I can only deep condition with heat

I like my little wash n go's but shrinkage is ugh!

My hair is growing fast

This drives me CRAAAAZY!
But I could never say it is low maintenance. And any naturals that I've personally come across that have said different, have either had really loose textures, or wore looks and styles I dont want any parts of. Lol
THIS!! :lachen:Im transititoning but some of these natural styles sheeshhh! I could never go to work or generally walk in public like some of these naturals. I worked with a girl that no lie had the same exact hairstyle as ceily from the color purple and she would try to convince me daily to go natural. I was like heck no so I can look like that??? Im so glad I started seeing the lovely ladies here and on you tube cuz using her as a marker I would have never tried to transition.
I've been natural for 9 years. I had my challenges in the beginning but I would not go back to relaxers. Like mamy other posters, I am not that creative with hairstyles. About 5 years ago, twists/twistouts were my go to. Now for whatever reason I can't seem to get them. Thank God for WnGs and my baby bun lol.

I was a straight natural for almost 2 years. I do hardcore workouts. My hair did not stay sleek but I kept it that way for a week before starting over. However, it came with a price. Also weekly straightening was a 2+ hour process for me. I dreaded it and went back to my curls. But I had to cut a lot off.