I want to go natural, like 90% sure


Well-Known Member
It finally hit me hard yesterday realizing I don't find relaxed hair attractive anymore (unless it relaxed and thick) which I barely see. I have noticed I'm subscribed to many naturals on You Tube and I admit I'm jealous of their hair. I grew up like most afro textured women and thought when you grow up you get a relaxer and that's that. But I noticed I always wear my hair in textured styles, curls and attempt braid out and twist outs and it doesn't last as long when relaxed and even when I relaxed I never wore it bone straight and always had a curl at the ends, I realize it makes no sense to relax hair straight and keep putting curls in my hair. I see that when you get the moisture and protein balance and seal natural hair is pretty, I love how defined curls look on a natural, its seriously the prettiest hair I have seen. I just had a brief dream od me whining/ crying about me want to be natural but I just don't want this to be a long process. I feel if my hair was natural it will be a lot stronger and wouldn't be breaking and tangling as much as my relaxed hair, the funny thing about that is I think I can manage my new growth better than my relaxed hair. My relaxed hair is what tangles. But I'm the type that will say I want to go natural and still relax at 10 weeks. Anyone else feel that way? any comments are welcome If I could have thick relaxed hair I would probably not want to be natural, I use to have thick hair back in the day and my hair has thinned out probably starting like two years ago and I think it was because the stylist had put relaxer on the ends twice and I didn't notice it and the second time I caught her and said something, my lil sister had been going to her before me and her hair didn't thin out but I know everyone hair isn't the same. My mom had brought to my attention and was saying I thinned it out and I said the stylist did that and she said well "your sister hair not thin so I think its something you doing" but I told her everyone hair doesn't respond the same. Now my ends are so thin compared to how it use to be, I think she is what made me not like my hair anymore, sad but true, because ever sense I have been self relaxing even after relaxing my hair is still thick, so it proves its not naturally thinning. but anywho, comments and concerns welcomed:ohwell:
It finally hit me hard yesterday realizing I don't find relaxed hair attractive anymore (unless it relaxed and thick) which I barely see. I have noticed I'm subscribed to many naturals on You Tube and I admit I'm jealous of their hair. I grew up like most afro textured women and thought when you grow up you get a relaxer and that's that. But I noticed I always wear my hair in textured styles, curls and attempt braid out and twist outs and it doesn't last as long when relaxed and even when I relaxed I never wore it bone straight and always had a curl at the ends, I realize it makes no sense to relax hair straight and keep putting curls in my hair. I see that when you get the moisture and protein balance and seal natural hair is pretty, I love how defined curls look on a natural, its seriously the prettiest hair I have seen. I just had a brief dream od me whining/ crying about me want to be natural but I just don't want this to be a long process. I feel if my hair was natural it will be a lot stronger and wouldn't be breaking and tangling as much as my relaxed hair, the funny thing about that is I think I can manage my new growth better than my relaxed hair. My relaxed hair is what tangles. But I'm the type that will say I want to go natural and still relax at 10 weeks. Anyone else feel that way? any comments are welcome If I could have thick relaxed hair I would probably not want to be natural, I use to have thick hair back in the day and my hair has thinned out probably starting like two years ago and I think it was because the stylist had put relaxer on the ends twice and I didn't notice it and the second time I caught her and said something, my lil sister had been going to her before me and her hair didn't thin out but I know everyone hair isn't the same. My mom had brought to my attention and was saying I thinned it out and I said the stylist did that and she said well "your sister hair not thin so I think its something you doing" but I told her everyone hair doesn't respond the same. Now my ends are so thin compared to how it use to be, I think she is what made me not like my hair anymore, sad but true, because ever sense I have been self relaxing even after relaxing my hair is still thick, so it proves its not naturally thinning. but anywho, comments and concerns welcomed:ohwell:

response to the bolded:

I have relaxed hair and I never wear it straight. I always either roller set or wear twist outs or braid outs. I don't think that is odd at all. It makes a lot of sense. I don't get relaxed just so my hair can be straight all the time.

I do think that if you are enjoying and doing better with your new growth (natural texture) than your relaxed hair you should really consider going natural.
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If you're not 100% sure, you can always continue to stretch your relaxer while you think about it and just turn your stretch into a transition. When was your last relaxer?

I think about transitioning every year...and that was before I even started my "hair journey" but I really like my relaxed hair. I could go either way, really. Even if I go natural sometime soon, I can't see myself committing to it for the rest of my life necessarily. You can always go natural now and go back to relaxers in the future if you choose to.
If you're not 100% sure, you can always continue to stretch your relaxer while you think about it and just turn your stretch into a transition. When was your last relaxer?

I think about transitioning every year...and that was before I even started my "hair journey" but I really like my relaxed hair. I could go either way, really. Even if I go natural sometime soon, I can't see myself committing to it for the rest of my life necessarily. You can always go natural now and go back to relaxers in the future if you choose to.
March 10 was my last relaxer
go for it! no harm in at least trying out your natural hair. if later on you want to relax, that option will still be available.
what do you have to lose? Do some roller sets, flat iron the roots...who knows you may find that you're in it for the long haul and start to transition. Just try it, you can always go back.

Of course I'm a natural fan but that's because I'm natural although I think you should do what's right for you.
I had the same struggle, and then finally decided to try to transition so I understand exactly where you're coming from.
I'm only interested in relaxed hair when it's thick and lush and the ends are pretty, and unfortunately, you don't see alot of that typically. I definitely wasn't happy with my hair either. It only looked good around APL. Any longer and the ends just got too thin, and then it was just very fragile as a whole. And I was bored to tears with my hair...it just sat there. So I'm pretty excited to grow out my natural hair and start doing stuff with it.

If you're not sure about what you want to do, just consider it to be a long term stretch.
You don't have to make the decision now, and a transition is pretty much an indefinitely long stretch anyway so.
All of you made some very important parts, especially about considering it to be a long stretch and that if I don't like it I can always relax again, I wished I would of felt that way when last year when I did that six month stage, it would of been much easier to go from there, when I did my 6 month straight I loved my waves when I wore it back in a ponytail and put eco styler on it :)
I have about 2" of new growth right now and I love playing in it... but I honestly don't think I could handle a whole head of it. :look: I can barely do my hair now, being severely style-challenged and all. I wear a lazy twist-out every. single. day. If I went natural, I would probably keep it in braids or weaves anyway, so what's the point?

But that's just me, ymmv.
I think you should definitely go natural to experience your natural hair - I was like you in that I thought natural hair would mean the end of my breaking and tangling, but it didnt. I also unfortunately realised that the styles that ispired me to go natural could only be worn on on special occasions and not every day because my natural hair just doesn't like the daily manipulation and thrives better when braided for long stretches at a time, which I didnt want.

So I am back to relaxed, but now when I see someone with natural hair, I still admire their hair but i feel like I understand that my hair is not the same so I am no longer romanticising about it because I know how it works for me. Doesn't mean I won't go back to it again later though.
If part of your reasons for going natural is less tangles and breakage....girl. (IMO) going natural with these 2 reasons in the "pro" list relax right back because it's a false ideal. Natural hair can tangle and break a lot easier than straight hair, relaxed or not.

Definitely do a longer stretch and feel it out...but do know that tangling can be part of the natural haircare package, especially if the hair is very tightly coiled.