I want to cut my hair off


Ms. Nobody
I just have this urge to cut all of my hair off and sport a twa. I also would like to start swimming and i thought it would be easier to mannage a twa than transitioning hair. I put in some twists but they are too bulky to wear with a swim cap. I am just a bit unhappy with my hair and constant bunning makes my hair break off in the middle which has been setting me back for a while now. What should i do?
I felt that way since the beginning of the year :yep: see where that got me....

Honestly, if you feel that would better suit your lifestyle then go for it.
I think you should just cut it off. I felt so refreshed when I did. You're probably tired of transitioning so the only other choice if you want to be natural is to do the big chop.
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Try another ps if bunning is breaking off your hair or place the bun on different parts of your head everyday (low bun, high bun, side, etc.). Putting it in the same place constantly and even making it too tight might be giving you breakage.

Once you cut off your hair, imagine when it regrows to the length now and you're stuck with the same problem.
Try another ps if bunning is breaking off your hair or place the bun on different parts of your head everyday (low bun, high bun, side, etc.). Putting it in the same place constantly and even making it too tight might be giving you breakage.

Once you cut off your hair, imagine when it regrows to the length now and you're stuck with the same problem.

hannan its not the tightness/placment of the bun thats an issue. My hair continually matts in the center of the bun no matter what i do unless my hair is straight. It was like this when i was natural too.

If you could recommend another style that doesnt involve pulling my hair into one or adding extensions(too bulky for swim cap) i would really appreciate it. I cant think of anything that wouldnt leave me looking crazy with my mg. I might just have to give up on swimming and do a non aquatic work out.
I swam with extension in my hair. I wore tree braids, and washed my hair everyday after the work out. They have a large old fashion cap that fits tree braids. Check the swimming thread. Swimming is the best work out.
I want to shave my head at least once a day. But I know I'd regret it the next day. Hopefully someone can help you come up with a creative soultion. Shaving your head out of frustration is something you would probably regret necause it doesn't sound like you really truly want shave your head.
I want to shave my head at least once a day. But I know I'd regret it the next day. Hopefully someone can help you come up with a creative soultion. Shaving your head out of frustration is something you would probably regret necause it doesn't sound like you really wantro shave your head.

i dont want to shave it all off. just cut it to the new growth. although i love the way my hair looks when its straight and i think i will miss that. i dont like fake hair so i cant see myself having my swoop bang and blunt hair look for a while after i cut it.
i dont want to shave it all off. just cut it to the new growth. although i love the way my hair looks when its straight and i think i will miss that. i dont like fake hair so i cant see myself having my swoop bang and blunt hair look for a while after i cut it.

Sorry when you said shave I pictured a Micheal Jordan! :lol::lol::lol: ok, so is your hair long enough to corn row with the two textures? is the virgin growth long enough to cornrow if you cut off just the relaxed portion? We feel similarly about additional hair so I hear you. I don't like corn rows but I'd do that before I shave it all off. How about two corn rows like my Mom used to do when I was a kid. The ones where you part your head down the middle front to back and then make one cornrow down each half side of your head? I wish I had an image to show you. The corn row are really like two french braids that start at the hairline and go back to your nape. :lol: Kind of little girl look but they would protect your hair and they lie really flat so the swim cap should fit.

ETA: to add image. Like this .....

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Sorry when you said shave I pictured a Micheal Jordan! :lol::lol::lol: ok, so is your hair long enough to corn row with the two textures? is the virgin growth long enough to cornrow if you cut off just the relaxed portion? We feel similarly about additional hair so I hear you. I don't like corn rows but I'd do that before I shave it all off. How about two corn rows like my Mom used to do when I was a kid. The ones where you part your head down the middle front to back and then make one cornrow down each half side of your head? I wish I had an image to show you. The corn row are really like two french braids that start at the hairline and go back to your nape. :lol: Kind of little girl look but they would protect your hair and they lie really flat so the swim cap should fit.

ETA: to add image. Like this .....


i guess i can try this. i think it might not look as neat because i have so much NG
@Napp I'm swimming more than ever now that I've discovered mini twists. I just finished the second session of my swimming classes and I go swimming least once a week for exercise and relaxation. You shouldn't be forced to give up swimming b/c of a hairstyle.

Here are some helpful videos:

007newnew, a twisting expert in her own right, has a blog that gives tips and tricks on transitioning w/mini twists and tips for fully natural hair: http://angelsringlets.blogspot.com/p/transitioning-hair-tricks-galore-two.html
She also has vidoes for natural hair swimming tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxg11bmT1CU
Twisted styles:

Luvbeinnatural, she's the mini twist queen as far as I'm concerned. She works out, washes her twists often and still maintains awesome hair. Here's one video, but check them all out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCS64jMer5M&feature=plcp

Afrostory, my favorite youtuber, has several video's on her mini twists. Thought I would add another. She actually calls them micro "twa" twists:

Here is a recent post I did to help people conquer their fear of getting their mini twists wet & washing them while maintaining them for long term:

Three videos that give good tips on how to do mini twists, wash them and avoid unraveling. It allows so much freedom to have the option of washing and DC your twists. The first two are by Naptural85:

The third video is another technique for washing mini twists by Naturalhairgrowth101 (Ms Lala) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVmVuG6SI0

Both have shown great growth by using mini twists as a long term protective style :yep:

ETA: Had to add a fourth video by my favorite youtuber, AFR0ST0RY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nd2U_v7_Eo&feature=plcp She also uses micro twists as a long term protective style and has a good wash technique video
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You could cut it if that would make life easier for you. There are some cute short natural hair styles and you could wear one with no problem. Have you considered cornrowing your hair before swimming?
@Napp I'm swimming more than ever now that I've discovered mini twists. I just finished the second session of my swimming classes and I go swimming least once a week for exercise and relaxation. You shouldn't be forced to give up swimming b/c of a hairstyle.

Here are some helpful videos:

007newnew, a twisting expert in her own right, has a blog that gives tips and tricks on transitioning w/mini twists and tips for fully natural hair: http://angelsringlets.blogspot.com/p/transitioning-hair-tricks-galore-two.html
She also has vidoes for natural hair swimming tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxg11bmT1CU
Twisted styles:

Luvbeinnatural, she's the mini twist queen as far as I'm concerned. She works out, washes her twists often and still maintains awesome hair. Here's one video, but check them all out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCS64jMer5M&feature=plcp

Afrostory, my favorite youtuber, has several video's on her mini twists. Thought I would add another. She actually calls them micro "twa" twists:

Here is a recent post I did to help people conquer their fear of getting their mini twists wet & washing them while maintaining them for long term:

My ends are just loose waves after a few corrective texlax plus bkt i cant get away with mini twists.they will unravel as soon as i put them in
Cut it girl!!
and share pics (of course).

Your hair will grow back super fast.
You could cut it if that would make life easier for you. There are some cute short natural hair styles and you could wear one with no problem. Have you considered cornrowing your hair before swimming?

I think i could do 2 big cornrows but small ones wouldnt be good for me
When I was transitioning and taking swim classes, I cornrowed my hair in a beehive and wore wigs. I would go to the gym, take off my wig, rinse my hair, slather on conditioner and throw on my swim cap. After the class, I would cowash and then put my wig back on. 1x a week I would clarify and dc. That regimen worked well for me.

Maybe you can try wigs and see how you like it? If not go ahead and big chop!
i would suggest -

not cutting your hair until you want to cut it. you can't uncut it once it's gone.

get those ends trimmed.

deep condition and then blow out your hair on a very cool setting. this will tame the roots some. then you can try the cornrow or braid style suggested above by venusfly. that's pretty.

as for swimming, do what an old poster said she used to do to protect her weave from getting wet.....wig cap, shower cap, newer style swim cap, covered by old fashioned swim cap. she swore her hair never got wet with this method. chlorine and weaved up braids would be a disaster and her hair was gorgeous and she swam daily. it was years ago, i can't remember who it was...but anyway...i would try a multitude of things before i cut my hair off.

when and if you cut, you want to be sure that's what you want. if you really want to cut it, then go for it. :)