I want to cry right now!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies, my baby girl just turned 4 months old and my hair has shed so bad it looks tore up. It is stringy and scraggly. We are not even going to talk about a ponytail. I am this close to calling my stylist and having her wack this mess off my head. But before I do that, any advice. I have worked so hard to bounce my hair back from a color mishap and it was growing nicely and now this. I am at my wits end.
Sometimes it takes a while for baby's hair to fill in. Just be patient with it, it should come around soon, prob around 6-8 months
maryj1584 said:
Sometimes it takes a while for baby's hair to fill in. Just be patient with it, it should come around soon, prob around 6-8 months
I think she is talking about HER hair not the baby's
I think she's talking about her hair (not the baby's).....I almost got confused too. By the way, Meka your lil girl is "too precious"!!!!
So back to your hair....what do you think caused the shedding? Have you tried a protein treatment? What is your daily regime?....Then maybe some of the other ladies can help you get to the bottom of this. Don't hack it off just yet:)
Totally off topic. That is a beautiful baby! Girl, her little face is just so sweet. Seeing her smile made me smile. Congratulations.
Hi Meka,
My daughter is 5 months old now and my shedding has finally stopped. (Thank the Lord!!) It started when she was 3 months and continued for about 2 months.

Are you still taking your prenatals?? If you stopped start again. It will help a little. What I did was keep my hair moisturized, did conditioner washes and rollersets, braid outs, anything where I didn't really have to comb my hair. My shedding thinned out the temple areas of my hair, but I have been using Nioxin Follicle Booster and Profective anti-thinning, and the hair is growning back in. I have not relaxed that area since my shedding started.

Just deep condition every time you wash, alternate with moisture and protein, and do as little manipulation as possible. Try to be patient with it too. It does get better I promise. I thought I was going to be bald, but I'm not. :lol: Hope this helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
meka said:
Ok ladies, my baby girl just turned 4 months old and my hair has shed so bad it looks tore up. It is stringy and scraggly. We are not even going to talk about a ponytail. I am this close to calling my stylist and having her wack this mess off my head. But before I do that, any advice. I have worked so hard to bounce my hair back from a color mishap and it was growing nicely and now this. I am at my wits end.

Yes that baby girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! reminds me of me when I was a baby with that beautiful chocolate complexion. SORRY I WAS OFF TOPIC
I have a question for you moms who had pp shedding. I know that a lot of women say that their hair grows a lot and gets thicker while they're pregnant. So, are you shedding and losing the growth/thickness that you gained during your pregnancy (i.e., your hair is just returning to it's pre-pregnancy state). Or is your hair shedding to the point that it is in significantly worse shape than before you got pregnant?

I'm finally reaching my hair goals in terms of length and thickness but I'm planning on getting pregnant within the next year. This pp shedding stuff is really scaring me. Adoption is sounding better and better...just kidding...maybe.
She is SO beautiful!!! Ok, i know im not helping either but she is. I know this may go against what everyone is saying but dont be afraid to cut your hair into something that is right for you. Your peace of mind (and money) is worth it and it will grow back in very healthy. I dont have kids but its just my 2 cents.
Meka-- your baby is beautiful! I love her SMILE!

Why don't you try a no comb, protective style like braids or twists. This will cause less stress to your hair than daily combing and take less time to maintain on a daily basis, which should be a plus for a new Mom!

Best wishes to you and your baby! :)
The same thing happened to me and i'm still recovering from that incident that occurred last year. This month will make 2 years it's really a scary situation and when I say my hair was tore up that is an understatement. Last year the whole summer my hair was breaking, fried and with the PP shedding that made things much worse.
Sorry to here about your hair but the baby is so, so pretty thanks for sharing her photo I just love seeing her picture when I came into this thread.
Hey meka,

Back when I had relaxed hair in 2003, I took Accutane for acne. After treatment, it made my hair shed horribly. I decided to take these hair energizer vitamins. I also avoid combing my hair and I did rollersets to make my hair look thicker. After two months, my hair stopped shedding. if I were you, I would leave my hair alone as much as possible. You may be suffering post partum shedding.

Not every single woman who has a baby will suffer from PP shedding will she:confused:. Im getting a little worried now.
Most women have post partum shedding. Your hair (and everything else) grows much faster when youo are pregnant. The shedding is your hair returning to its normal state. Hormones can and do affect hair growth cycles (even as women age into menopause the hair will typically thin a bit). I would not worry too much. This is normal and will stop. If you have other health issues, I would talk to your doctor about whether those issues affect your hair growth cycle.
aileenadq said:
Most women have post partum shedding. Your hair (and everything else) grows much faster when youo are pregnant. The shedding is your hair returning to its normal state. Hormones can and do affect hair growth cycles (even as women age into menopause the hair will typically thin a bit). I would not worry too much. This is normal and will stop. If you have other health issues, I would talk to your doctor about whether those issues affect your hair growth cycle.

Excellent advice!

I had pp shedding after each of my pregancies. It didn't start until after I stopped breastfeeding my babies. Not a lot, but enough for me to notice a change/difference. Also, the shedding stopped approximately two months after breastfeeding ended.

I know it's not easy to not worry, but it's the best thing to do as stress can also lead to shedding.

Wishing you the best!
My daughter is now 5 weeks old and I've already started shedding. I waited 2 days after my first shedding incident and re-washed using NTM poo, Ion Protein Treatment, then NTM conditioner & leave in and I had almost no hairs shed.
I think the key may be extra moisture alternating w/ a light protein. HTH
THanks ladies for all of the excellent advice. I went out today and purchased some Neosporin AF for this horrible temple area. I will be sure to keep you updated.

Oh and thanks for all of the complements on my baby girl.
i don't know anything about pp shedding but i would like to wish you the best of luck in resolving your issue and tell your what a beautiful baby you have there.